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In south-central Siberia archaeological evidence suggests an acceleration of cultural development and an increase in the density of nomadic populations around 850 BC. We hypothesize a relationship with an abrupt climatic shift towards increased humidity caused by a decline of solar activity. Areas that initially may have been hostile semi-deserts changed into attractive steppe landscapes with a high biomass production and high carrying capacity. Newly available steppe areas could be invaded by herbivores, making them attractive for nomadic tribes. The central Asian horse-riding Scythian culture expanded, and an increased population density was a stimulus for westward migration towards southeastern Europe.  相似文献   
本文通过对西周年代学中若干重要问题的检讨,认为:以往依靠现代构拟历表、青铜器类型特征以及主观选取史料进行年代研究,在方法与逻辑上具有一定缺陷,并提出改进后的研究方案以解决相关的断代问题。  相似文献   
《刘桢年谱》是新发现的历史献。刘桢,明末清初河南新郑人,亲历了明清之际的历史变革。刘桢80岁时自订的这份《年谱》,真实地记录了明清之际的社会状况,对研究明清时期的科举制度、明末农民战争和明清社会史,具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   
周言 《东南文化》2000,(1):65-68
本文在上一篇论文的基础上继续使用系连排谱的方法,对剩余的完整历日铜器所属的时代进行判定,进而排定十二位周王的在位年代;并确认西周王朝始于公元前1071年武王克商,终于公元前771年骊山之役。  相似文献   

Après avoir rappelé la théorie des rituels collectifs de E. Durkheim, nous tâcherons, par une lecture attentive de 1 Ch 15-16, de relever les nombreux indices qui corroborent et spécifient une telle théorie. Cette approche sociale du rituel permet de mettre en exergue l'importance de la collectivité inscrite dans le rituel au point de vue de la définition de l'identité et de la mémoire collectives. Une collectivité qui tend à s'élargir et à inclure toute la création. Le rituel permet également la restauration et le maintien de l'harmonie entre les hommes, mais aussi dans leur relation avec Dieu. Il garantit la cohésion sociale d'un grand “nous” uni en une communion d'émotions et de gestes ressentis ou effectués ensemble.  相似文献   
This article addresses issues of dating and the duration of the transition from the Early to the Late Iron Age using findings from Kozlov Mys-2 burial ground in the subtaiga Tobol region and sites attributable to the final stage of the Sargat culture. Absolute dates suggest that intermediate sites existed in the forest steppe and subtaiga areas east of the Urals in the first half of the 4th century AD.  相似文献   
中国古代少数民族的发式有披发、辫发和髡发等。其中东胡族系多髡发,例如乌桓和契丹。契丹建国前的髡发样式,尚无从所知,因而目前相关讨论基本为辽代契丹的发式。迄今为止,研究成果颇多,涉及髡发习俗、渊源和发式等。目  相似文献   
Ordinary iron objects from an ancient habitation site at Junnar in India, dating to the 2nd BC to AD 2nd century, were examined for their microstructure, chemical composition and age. The objects were mostly made of high carbon steel with a homogeneous microstructure consisting of fine spherical particles of carbide in the ferrite background, free of non-metallic inclusions. Their carbon concentration ranged from 0.7% to over 1.6% with one exception at 0.2%. Some of them contained trace amounts of silicon, manganese and sulfur while one object retained cavities due to volume contraction during solidification reactions. These features indicate that the objects examined constitute an early example of Indian steel making in crucibles. Evidence was found that basic techniques needed for the success of crucible steel technology were mostly available at Junnar at the time. The radiocarbon measurement on carbon samples extracted from one of the iron objects placed its date between 176 BC and AD 20, in agreement with the radiocarbon dates of three charcoal samples from the same site. The forgoing results support that crucible steel was produced in India at a much earlier date than previously supposed, to serve as a material for specific needs arising in daily life.  相似文献   
The prehistoric Polynesian inhabitants of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) utilized obsidian for nearly 700 years in many activities connected with daily life. The near ubiquitous occurrence of the natural glass in both domestic residences and religious structures makes the application of obsidian hydration dating highly suitable for the investigation of cultural change. We have applied previously developed calibrations that estimate hydration rates for obsidian based upon the structural water content of the glass as determined by infrared spectroscopy. The archaeological ages estimated by this method were compared with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dates using short-lived woody species endemic to the island. The convergence between the two dating methods is strong and we suggest that obsidian hydration dating may be used on Rapa Nui to reliably date contexts where suitable material for AMS dating may not be available.  相似文献   
New excavations have been undertaken at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (DRS; South Africa) since 1999. It is one of the very few sites where Howiesons Poort and Stillbay assemblages can be collected from the same archaeological sequence. These Middle Stone Age techno-complexes are particularly interesting for their affinities with the much younger Later Stone Age facies, and their association with evidence for symbolic behaviour. Establishing their chronology is therefore particularly important for the understanding of the apparition and the evolution of the so-called “modern” behaviours. Data already available suggest ages ranging from 55 to 80 ka for the Howiesons Poort and from 70 to 80 ka for the Stillbay techno-complexes in several South African sites. The thermoluminescence dating undertaken at DRS on 22 stone samples originating from the entire stratigraphic record indicates intervals starting 10–50 ka earlier for these techno-complexes in this site. Possible caveats in the dating process are examined but to the best of our current knowledge must be rejected.  相似文献   
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