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袁媛  伍彬  古叶恒 《人文地理》2015,30(1):70-77
中国城市社会经济转型与重构背景下,城市贫困空间特征是城市地理学研究的重要议题之一。本文以西部城市重庆为例,探讨贫困空间的分布、演变和影响因素,并兼论与东部城市的异同。研究显示,在重庆市层面,贫困空间分布差异扩大,都市区得到较大程度改善,渝东北偏远县城则逐渐恶化。在都市区层面,贫困空间分布非均衡性较强,与老城区、工业及其配套居住区耦合。这种特征受到"体制"和"市场"因素的系统作用,体制因素是历史空间继承、早期住房政策与分配制度、城市规划对保障住房的布局引导;市场因素体现在区域经济发展差异、基础设施投资建设、房地产开发和内城选择性更新等。根据西部城市的贫困特征,反贫困政策应该重点促进都市区局部地区和偏远辖县区的发展。  相似文献   
潘美含  杨晓霞  潘卓 《人文地理》2017,32(6):154-160
对养老旅游决策行为影响因素的研究有助于发现旅游主体的内在动因,深入开拓养老旅游市场。本研究基于生命历程理论,选取影响养老旅游决策行为的16个变量设计问卷,在重庆市展开实地调查;运用二元logistic回归模型对调查数据进行分析。结果显示:对养老旅游决策行为的影响中,“个人能动性”影响最为显著,“相互联系的生活”影响较为显著,“一定时空中的生活”有一定影响,“生活的时间性”影响不显著;总体而言,对养老旅游决策行为影响较为显著的因素有居住地、退休前从事职业、退休后年收入水平、是否有需要照顾的家人、文化程度、养老储蓄、个人年际旅游最高频次、动态爱好活动频率。养老旅游决策行为受不同生命历程影响。  相似文献   
赵宾福 《史学集刊》2004,(3):95-101
20世纪90年代以前,重庆市奉节县的考古工作基本上属于空白。近十年来,配合三峡工程建设,考古工作者对该县三峡水库淹没区地下文物进行了大规模的调查和发掘,取得了一系列的研究成果。其中先秦时期的重要考古收获主要有二:一是通过对三个遗址的调查和发掘,辨识出了五种不同时期的文化遗存,第一次建立了奉节县先秦时期考古学文化的编年坐标,也为整个重庆三峡库区的先秦考古研究提供了一把可供比照的标尺。二是找到并确认了川东地区的第一个新石器时代考古学文化——老关庙下层文化,这一发现不仅填补了该地区新石器时代考古研究的空白,而且为进一步研究整个重庆三峡库区的新石器文化搭建了一个认识和讨论问题的平台。  相似文献   
西、南沙群岛是中国领土的一部分,越南对中国西、南沙群岛提出主权要求,并“寻找”了各种理由,其中之一是“中法《重庆协议》把在西沙和南沙的受降权交给了法国人”。但考察中法《重庆协议》后可知,该协议根本没有涉及到西、南沙群岛。  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to trace the evolution of the Movimento 5 Stelle (Five Star Movement [M.5.S.]) over the last four national elections (the 2013 and 2018 general elections and the 2014 and 2019 European elections). In particular, our goal is to understand how the electoral support for the party changed, in the context of the broad transformations of the Italian electoral geography. In order to accomplish this goal, we investigate the explanatory role of the spatial dimension on electoral support, specifically in terms of geographical zone and municipality size. The M.5.S. is also compared with the two parties that reported the best results in the last European elections: the Lega (League) and the Partito Democratico (Democratic Party [P.D.]). Our results show that the recent European elections do not represent a turning point in the (electoral and geographical) history of the M.5.S.: its territorial rooting in the south of the country and in medium-sized municipalities are present from the 2014 European elections onwards. Interpretations and implications of these findings are discussed in the conclusions.  相似文献   
Chongqing is a province-level city region in China’s interior with a land area larger than many small countries. Limited scholarship tends to treat Chongqing as a new jurisdiction formed in relation to development of the Three Gorges Dam and reform of historic state-planned industry from the Mao era. This analysis turns to the complex process of land redistricting in a process of “territorial urbanization” that has also simultaneously reshaped the economy of Chongqing. By conceptualizing Chongqing as a dynamic administrative territory, this analysis defines changes in the relational configuration of its administrative divisions (xingzheng quhua) as a multi-faceted state strategy of governing land use change and the fiscal regime to realize infrastructure development. Especially by establishing districts in Chongqing, territorial urbanization works to enhance the funding capacity of the Chongqing government to develop larger, expansive infrastructure projects. This urban transformation of Chongqing demonstrates how processes of land use change and government funding, materializing in the built environment, are directly related to changes in state territorial configuration.  相似文献   
重庆谈判前后,国共双方为争取有利的国内、国际地位,相互展开舆论宣传攻势。围绕“受降”、“邀请”、签订“协定”,国民党先是大张旗鼓地展开宣传攻势,继而低调淡化处理,不顾事实;自我标榜;共产党据理针锋相对揭露真相,坚决回击,多渠道全方位掀起宣传高潮,客观真实地报道整个谈判过程,深得民心。双方的舆论宣传以其鲜明的目的性、很强的针对性、快捷的时效性三大特点,引起国内外的密切关注,成为中国现代舆论宣传史上极其重要的一页。  相似文献   
古代巴国的青铜文化,由于长期以来缺乏比较系统的实物资料而一直未能获得更多的研究。近年以来川渝地区以及三峡地区考古工作的全面开展,为巴国青铜文化的研究提供了资料和条件。但由于巴国历史与疆域变迁的复杂性,使巴国青铜文化的许多问题还有待于深入探讨。本文根据渝东长江干流的考古发现,结合相关历史  相似文献   
清宣统二年庚戌,乐嘉藻北游京城,又南下津沪,日记中留下了交游和对所经之地社会风貌的记录.  相似文献   
The capital city is the place where political entities are represented in national space. This space acts as a mediating force between society, the nation, and the outside world, and it is very important for the development of a system of visual national symbols. The political leaders, national and local, are those who shape the capital city. Therefore, examining the relationship between municipal and national political systems in Jerusalem sheds light not only on local history but on national developments and the perception of Jerusalem as the capital in the national psyche. The years 1948-1955 were a very chaotic time in the annals of Jerusalem, Jerusalem became a city divided between Israel and Jordan in a semi-state of war that turned permanent despite the armistice agreements. Israel’s national leaders remained ambivalent about Jerusalem as capital city despite the rhetoric of figures from across the political spectrum. Their ambivalent attitude influenced the relationship with the Jerusalem Municipality. The article addresses the subject of the relations between the national government and the municipal political coalition in Jerusalem from 1948 to 1955.  相似文献   
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