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In this paper, I examine the relationship between the construction of history by the textual history of early imperial China and by Chinese archaeology in the second half of the twentieth century, considering how these two fields of scholarship were directed by ideologies of the Chinese government. The locus for this investigation is the complex of imperial ancestral temples constructed by the emperor Wang Mang (r. 9–23 CE) for his brief interregnum dynasty. Although this group of buildings is described in the official dynastic history, compiled only fifty years after its construction, as having nine temple buildings with specific ancestors ascribed to each, its archaeological excavation in the late 1950s instead revealed twelve temples in a carefully organized plan. The discrepancy between the original construction of the temple complex and its subsequent revision in textual history is revealing in terms of the relationship between received tradition and individual action in the context of establishing imperial legitimacy, whereas the modern attempts to reconcile the discrepancy between textual history and excavated history are indicative of the relationship between Chinese archaeology of that period and the nationalist revision of history.  相似文献   
This short article concentrates on various representations of Xiaoying, a seriously injured survivor of the Zhili Toy Factory fire of 1993 in Shenzhen, China. Visual materials including a music video by the Hong Kong band, Noise Cooperative, TV documentaries by Radio Television Hong Kong and Phoenix TV, and written literary reports, such as ‘Bloody Tracing: a Recent Report on the Victims of the Zhili Toy Factory Fire in Shenzhen on November 19, 1993’ by academic researchers are analyzed. This is my close reading of a single exploited rural woman's story of pain and my understanding of her constraints: global capitalism, destructive modernization, and gender hierarchy. Xiaoying's painful experiences also prompt questions about the future of rural society.  相似文献   
This article examines the role of women in post-tsunami livelihoods recovery in two tsunami-affected villages in the Hambantota District, South Sri Lanka. It considers four key livelihoods recovery strategies involving women, revealing their immense capacity to overcome socially constructed disaster impacts. Their ability to respond positively is grounded in specific geographic and cultural contexts, making location and ethnicity of profound consequence. Although pre-existing ethnic backgrounds, influenced by religious and patriarchal structures, are critical indicators of the uneven ways in which women engaged in livelihoods recovery, the tsunami generated new patterns of cultural practice. The article adds to research that goes beyond the simplistic representation of women as undifferentiated ‘victims’ in post-tsunami Sri Lanka. It stimulates discussion on the lived experiences of intersectionality in feminist geography, and emphasizes the broader relevance of the study for understanding multiple and transforming positionalities that constitute the post-disaster lives of women in divergent socio-political contexts.  相似文献   
This article explores the way in which episodes that took place during the “long” land war of 1879–1909 have been remembered or forgotten in Craughwell, Co. Galway, between 1881 and 2013. By exploring those episodes and individuals that are remembered locally in monuments, published oral histories and in oral histories conducted by the author, this article explores the complex patterns of remembering in rural Irish communities. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of this study for how we interpret oral histories, and on how a culture of remembering and not remembering might have affected twentieth-century Irish society.  相似文献   
抗日战争爆发后,政治意志开始强势介入到民间小戏,进而渗透到乡村社会。边区政府对民间小戏的改造成为国家的政治诉求,本该再现乡村社会的多元图境和反映乡村民众真实想法的民间小戏在革命话语的主导下其结构及内容方面发生翻天覆地的变化,民间小戏的娱乐功能开始向政治教化功能转变。本文以抗战时期陇东革命根据地的民间小戏为考察对象,着重分析了革命话语下民间小戏改造及其功能的转变,以期揭示政治、民间小戏及乡村社会三者互动图境。  相似文献   
抗战时期中国经济遭到严重破坏,在国民政府的吸引和爱国热情的激发之下,东南亚广大华侨积极回国投资支援大后方建设,为抗战的胜利作出了重要的贡献。本文对东南亚华侨在"大后方"投资的情况作了基本概述,对其投资的原因以及侨资企业的最后走向作了简单地探析,最后总结了其对"大后方"投资的意义。  相似文献   
论文分析阐述了改革开放以来侨商与外商在华投资格局的大变动情况、侨资强势成长的原因以及中国经济转型下的侨资企业在国际竞争中走向新格局的现状和特点。认为海外华商对中国大陆的投资,近八年来强势增长,亚洲华商在中国外商直接投资中的比重逐年稳定上升;欧美日韩企业对华投资的比重则在下降。海外华商平均投资额也大幅度增加,超过欧美日韩企业的水平。究其原因是多方面的,既受世界经济大环境特别是全球FDI趋势的影响,也与中国经济发展态势密切相关,还与海外华商的投资与经营特点相关。在中国经济转型过程中,日益本土化的趋势使侨资企业全面融入中国经济脉动之中,一批华商品牌在中国本土成长起来。国内外资本市场的发展,推动了侨资传统产业的资本形成与技术升级,侨资科技产业与战略性新兴产业异军突起。侨资企业优胜劣汰,呈现新的格局与国际竞争力。  相似文献   
论文分别从中美文化和宗教信仰的角度分析了林书豪成功的文化因素和中华传统文化对其产生的影响。认为:在美国极致个人主义文化熏陶下,林书豪实现了"美国梦",但美国的极致个人主义同时也对林书豪造成了一定的压力与负面影响;在林书豪取得成功的道路上,中国文化同样扮演着重要的角色。对移民而言,他们所具有的双重文化认同,对他们的生存发展,不是障碍,而是助力。  相似文献   
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