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世界体系思想对华侨华人历史研究的意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
作为一种社会科学分析视角 ,沃勒斯坦的世界体系思想对华侨华人历史研究具有十分重大的理论指导意义。本文认为 ,这种影响主要体现于三个方面 :分析模式与价值取向的意义、分析单位和历史逻辑起点重构的意义以及分析背景和历史分期重构的意义。  相似文献   
我国少数民族华侨华人研究 ,是整个华侨华人研究中的一个新的领域与薄弱环节 ,需要填补的空白众多 ,有待探讨的问题不少。本文就少数民族华人的辨识标准、人数估计、出国原因、经济活动和重大贡献等问题提出了自己的看法  相似文献   
中国瓷器与土耳其陶器的相互影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国瓷器对土耳其陶器的影响是中国古外销瓷研究中的重要课题之一。欧、美及土耳其学者对此课题进行了多年的研究,成果颇丰。本文仅对之略作介绍,并从中国学者的视角观察作进一步的研究。同时对双方陶瓷相互影响的历史背景及海陆交通作一概略地叙述。  相似文献   
王剑  赵媛 《人文地理》2009,24(2):120-124
风景区旅游发展中农村社区权益的损害问题是当前旅游和法学研究中的薄弱领域,对其进行深入的研究对于促进社区参与和旅游可持续发展具有较为重要的实践意义。本文以贵州樟江风景名胜区为例,通过实地调查和访谈,从政治人身权利、经济权利和社会文化权利等方面梳理了风景名胜区农村社区居民的权益构成。并结合实地调研资料,阐述了土地征用、景区移民、旅游污染、旅游收入分配等对当地农村社区居民权益的损害问题。  相似文献   
从中共第一代领导集体首先倡导和平共处、求同存异的外交思想到第二代领导集体对和平共处、求同存异外交思想的继承和发展,再到第三代领导集体强调尊重并维护世界多样性,反映的是中国外交正确认识国际社会、充分尊重客观现实、合理应对时代变化的历史进程。实践证明,和平共处、求同存异与维护世界多样性的主张,不仅反映了国际社会的本质,而且代表了国际社会发展的趋势,它们既是中国推行独立自主和平外交政策的指导思想,也是中国外交对当代国际关系理论的重大贡献。  相似文献   
选择17至19世纪中叶暹罗对外贸易中的华人作为研究对象,分不同阶段,对其在暹罗的对外贸易活动进行了描述,对暹罗华人在暹罗对外贸易中的角色和作用进行了探讨。由此得出结论,华人在暹罗对外贸易中,利用其自身优势,逐渐成为主要参与者和经营者。他们通过对外贸易活动,发展了自己的商业,积累了财富,同时满足了暹罗王室对海外贸易的需求,享受到国王赐与的特权,为其在暹罗事业的发展打下基础。  相似文献   
The period 1971 to 1991 saw a significant increase in the proportion of Canadians employed in the 'arts'. While still concentrated to a large extent in urban Canada, artists do seek out rural locations to pursue their craft. This paper identifies, interprets and classifies communities in rural Canada that specialize in the production of visual, performing and literary art. Location quotients are calculated from a custom-tabulated run of 1991 census data on employment in the arts in all Canadian census subdivisions. We propose several factors that may account for high concentrations of artists in some rural places. Cluster analysis is used to develop a classification of Canadian rural arts communities. We identify 371 small arts centres in Canada, ranging from Cape Dorset in the Northwest Territories to Elora in southwestern Ontario. Market access, landscape appeal and economic exigency are among the location determinants isolated. Further analysis reveals that five types of arts communities exist in rural Canada. Future research on a localized scale is now necessary to uncover specific factors responsible for the prevalence of artists in the rural ecumene.  相似文献   
Heritage shopping villages are becoming increasingly commonplace in rural North America. Their creation reflects the demands of post-modern consumers to purchase symbolic capital in the form of unique products and experiences reflecting a bygone era. Entrepreneurs have responded to this by commodifying heritage and tradition; a process that leads to the creation of new landscapes and a perceived destruction of the old. This transformation has been described in the model of creative destruction (Mitchell 1998). In this paper the model is applied to Old Niagara-on-the-Lake, a heritage shopping village located in southern Ontario, Canada. Data on functional change, visitor numbers and residents' attitudes are analysed for the period 1950–1998. It is concluded that historic Niagara-on-the-Lake is in the early stages of 'advanced destruction'; one characterized by major investment, large numbers of visitors and partial destruction of the rural idyll. Results of this analysis confirm that while the basic premise of the model is sound, modifications are required to accommodate some of the study's findings.  相似文献   
杨奎松 《史学月刊》2001,6(6):25-35
军事科学院历史研究部出版的150万字的新著《抗美援朝战争史》较之1982年该院军史部撰写的同类著作,在撰写方法和内容上一改以往以志愿军五大战役和谈判期间历次战役的作战经过为主的模式,而把主要内容放在战争背景、外交斗争似及后方支持等方面,这一尝试和努力理应肯定。另一方面,其学术上的欠缺与不足也十分明显,有些问题也值得再作商榷。  相似文献   
中国画家特别是山水画家多以黄山作为活生生的粉本,从中得到山水画的艺术真谛,黄山造就了一代又一代艺术家,是一个取之不尽、用之不竭的天然艺术宝库。  相似文献   
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