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本文以伍盘照的反排华演说活动为线索,揭示旅美华侨的游说活动在遏制美国排华言行、促使美国政府对禁外华人实行宽松政策方面的重要作用。认为"非官方大使"伍盘照的游说外交不但缓解了美国人对中国的傲慢和敌视心理,更使旅美华人获得了前所未有的舆论同情,这对于保护实际上在斗争中失势的华侨而言意义重大。伍盘照通过"美国式"的幽默、理性和雄辩,在一定程度上改变了美国人对中国人"无爱国心"、"不归化"或"素质低下"等刻板成见,并因此获得他本人极为看重的"口笔权"。正是这难得的"口笔权"使他在反排华运动之后仍有机会参与各种公民团体组织的巡回演讲,作为"形象大使"在美国公众生活中重建华人与中国的形象。  相似文献   
1911年,加拿大致公堂向银行抵押堂产取现,以应国内起义急需,贡献很大。当年是谁提出"变产救国之议",司徒美堂和冯自由两位辛亥老人发表不同主张。文章对这两种不同主张的论据从多个方面进行考证分析,认为"变产救国之议"由冯自由提出的可信度大,并指出因为口述都是个体性的,不可避免地会带有口述者本人认识上的局限。任何当事人的回忆都难免会有无意识的失忆或者误记。为了追求历史真实,后人对当事人的口述历史,需要博采周资,查证求实。  相似文献   
论文通过中英文原始资料,追述了芝加哥唐人街历史,论证了19世纪70年代至20世纪30年代的芝加哥华人社区在跨国移民与商业网络中的重要作用。认为芝加哥所拥有的水陆空交通枢纽的优越地理位置让城中的华人杂货业得以扩大生意范围;芝加哥的国际化氛围还培养了中餐精致饮食文化的先驱;城内的华人洗衣业也成为美国中西部城镇洗衣业的典范。这些特征都表明了芝加哥城内的华埠社区是美国中西部地区跨国移民与商贸中心的一个重要枢纽。华人企业家们不仅仅为他们个人商业的成功做出了贡献,同时也为美国中西部地区华人社区及家乡父老的集体生存、发展与成功做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
论文分析阐述了海外中国公民领事保护的内涵与法律依据以及目前海外中国公民领事保护的法律依据之缺陷,并对海外中国公民领事保护的法律依据之完善,有针对性地提出了几点建议:修正《维也纳领事关系公约》的名称和序言并专辟"领事保护"一章;拟定中外双边领事条约(协定)文本模式并点面结合地拓宽其覆盖面;将海外中国公民权益保护提升至宪法层面并制定统一规范的单行法;从"界定海外中国公民领事保护、增强条文明确性和可操作性及建立问责制度"等方面弥补《意见稿》之不足。  相似文献   
论文探讨了20世纪30年代初的难侨问题及特点、侨乐村的筹办与运作模式、侨乐村推广之困境等问题;对侨乐村与华侨农场这两种难侨安置模式进行了比较分析。面对30年代初出现的大批难侨问题,以往常规的救助政策已经不能应对新情况。南京国民政府试图通过建立、推广侨乐村,从根本上实现对归国难侨的救济。侨乐村的创办具有救助难侨、开垦荒地繁荣经济的双重目的,然而在实际管理、运行中,却过度注重国家利益而忽视垦民诉求;加之其他外部环境的影响,侨乐村最终未能得到广泛推广。但通过垦荒安置难民的思路和举措被社会各界认同。侨乐村模式对抗战时期难侨、难民救助及后世华侨农场的建设都有着重要意义。  相似文献   
钟维维  裘瑜  陈佳颖 《神州》2013,(8):161-161
Colors are embodied with different meanings and symbols in different countries. Not only should we understand their basic and literal meanings, but also we should focus on their deep contents in symbolic meanings, because their symbolic meanings vary from culture to culture. The differences in the symbol of colors are due to different cultures and history backgrounds as well as aesthetic psychology. This paper, mainly based on the Chinese and western culture, approaches the symbols of colors represented in the two different cultures through analyzing the different understanding of colors, which can help us understand culture difference in colors better during intercultural communication.  相似文献   

The rediscovery of the Selden Map of China (MS Selden Supra 105) in the Bodleian Library in 2008 provides an opportunity to reassess the history of Chinese cartography and debates about maritime dimensions of the Ming Empire. The map depicts a network of Chinese shipping routes, reaching from Japan to Aceh, Sumatra, and suggests previously unknown map-making techniques. In this article I draw attention to the map's unique components, notably its portrayal of shipping routes and vegetation, consider its sources, and suggest a possible patron and location of composition.  相似文献   
The M w7.9 Wenchuan earthquake produced a rich set of over 1,400 accelerograms, which helped us to better understand strong ground motions from such a large event. Using the abundant data, we investigated the characteristics of response spectral accelerations from this event. This study includes: the spatial distribution of spectral amplitudes at three periods selected to represent ground motions at short, short-middle, and middle-long period ranges; attenuations of response spectral accelerations at periods between 0.05 and 10 s; comparison between the observed ground motions and predicted motions from empirically based equations [Abrahamson and Silva,1997 Abrahamson, N. N. and Silva, W. J. 1997. Empirical response spectral attenuation relations for shallow crustal earthquakes. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 923. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Boore et al., 1997 Boore, D. M., Joyner, W. B. and Fumal, T. E. 1997. Equations for estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration from Western North America earthquakes: a summary of recent work. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 128153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Campbell, 1997 Campbell, K. W. 1997. Empirical near-source attenuation relationships for horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 154179. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Huo, 1989 Huo, J. R. Ph.D. 1989. Study on the attenuation laws of strong earthquake ground motion near the source, Dissertation, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration. (In Chinese) [Google Scholar]] commonly used in America and China; comparison between the average response spectra at three distance bins and the Chinese seismic design spectra under major earthquake (with the recurrent interval of over 2,000 years);, the vertical-to-horizontal ratio of response spectra and its dependence on the rupture distance, period, and local site condition; and comparison between the fault-normal and fault-parallel component spectral accelerations within the rupture distance of 60 km. Based on these analyses, we finally drew some conclusions regarding the engineering characteristics of spectral accelerations from large earthquakes, such as Wenchuan of M w 7.9.  相似文献   
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