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中共主要领导人李大钊、陈独秀、毛泽东和周恩来等,早年在对日本民族和人民观察与思考的基础上,赞赏日本民族是一个伟大的民族,并将日本人民和日本军国主义政府区分开来,积极主张中日两国人民之间的真正友好,从而形成了中国共产党的早期中日友好思想。  相似文献   
National heroes are important in the development of nationalist thinking. One important figure in this context is General Yue Fei (1103–42), who unsuccessfully fought the invading Jurchen in the twelfth century. Shortly after his execution, a temple was built in his honour in Hangzhou. Local chronicles show that this temple was constantly renovated in later dynasties. Due to his continuous worship as a loyal warrior—even during the Qing dynasty—his temple became a powerful site of identity. His veneration as a national hero in the course of the twentieth century has, however, posed a problem to a post-1911 China that felt compelled to sustain a multi-ethnic nation-state, whilst at the same time facing the difficulty of not being able to do without General Yue Fei. This article shall make it apparent that his resurrection as a national hero in the twentieth century was possible because of certain narrative strategies that had already been propagated by the Manchurian rulers of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   
This article analyzes China’s attempts to participate in and use the negotiations about reforming the international opium control system in the interwar period. China had a contentious relationship with the international opium control system from its creation in the International Opium Convention of 1912 through the League of Nations opium control system of the 1920s and 1930s. The Chinese government wanted to gain acceptance for China as a modern state no longer in need of tutelage from the international community. They also wanted to portray the Chinese people as a modern race as a way of undermining colonial opium monopolies, which made a disproportionate amount of their profits from sales to Overseas Chinese. While they were not fully successful in either of these efforts, China did manage to win some support, drawing the United States into closer agreement with China’s positions. Engagement with the international system also had a considerable impact on China’s domestic opium politics and its broader diplomatic relationship with the major powers.  相似文献   
本文通过实地调查及案例分析对加拿大多伦多华人超市的发展、空间变化及其原因进行了分析。随着时间的推移,多伦多华人超市从原先市中心的中国城向周边地区有明显扩散。多伦多华人超市的发展与加拿大华裔移民的增加有很大的联系。大量华人对中国食品的眷恋成为华人超市发展的主要驱动力,其空间分布反映出华人生活范围在不断扩大。而商业店铺租金、政府的税收制度等也促进了华人超市的发展及空间格局变化。但在中国传统文化的影响下,过分强调通过个人努力而实现自我成功,缺少团结合作。因此,尽管华人超市在数量上已经与本地部分连锁超市旗鼓相当,但由于华人超市处于各自为营的状态,在某种程度上也限制了华人超市更进一步的发展。  相似文献   
赵永刚 《古籍整理研究学刊》2009,(2):94-96,F0003,42
卞孝萱、胡阿祥主编的《国学四十讲》,收录国学门类四十种,由国内老中青学者分别撰述。该书推源溯流,正名国学;拓其堂庑,宏收博取;重在实用,指示门径。是迄今为止最全面、最系统的国学著作,也是嘉惠学林、功在千秋的巨著。  相似文献   
吐鲁番柏孜克里克石窟出土汉文文书中,有古小学类文本残片三件:80TB1:304,80TB1:002a和80TB1:151,在已公布的成果中,或定名有误,或未能识别.经过比勘和研究,可以确定这些写本分别是玄应<一切经音义>抄录本、可洪<新集藏经音义随函录>摘抄增订本和<切韵>的抄本.  相似文献   
玄应和慧琳<一切经音义>前后相承,诠释了一千多部佛经中的词语,在某种程度上可以说是当时入藏佛经的缩影,据其所释某部佛经的词语可比勘唐宋传本与今传本的异同,而由其所释各部佛经则可略窥其时入藏全部佛经的概貌,且玄应和慧琳征引了经史子集数百种古籍来阐释佛典词语,其中有的可与现有传本互补对勘,有的则今已失传而为其所独有,更显珍贵.因而,玄应和慧琳所释音义在某种程度上可以说是先秦传承至唐宋古籍的渊薮,在古籍整理硏究方面具有重要的学术价值.  相似文献   
经典注释活动是古代经典传承的重要方式之一.此类传承活动,须经过注释主体的理解、解释两个不同阶段,是一传意的过程.无论是在理解还是解释的过程中,受传意目标的影响,往往形成不同的注释结果及对此的评论.这既是学术的论争,也是以经典为依傍的学术发展路径.不同历史时期的经典注释目标,按主观性大小分为重主观性、重客观性、将主观性与客观性结合起来三类.任何一类目标的确立都是对前代的批判与否定.研究经典注释史不可轻信某一目标下的评论及断语,因为典籍注释均是主观性与客观性相统一的行为,只是存在客观性程度上的区别.  相似文献   
由于历史的原因,流失海外的中国文物数量大、种类多、分布广。其回归的常见渠道有三种:回赠、回购和讨还。虽然我国已参加了四个保护文物的国际公约,但回归过程中所涉及的法律问题仍然阻碍了我国流失文物的回归。纵观研究状况可知,对中国文物的流失与回归问题的研究有待进一步深入。  相似文献   
冀东朝 《神州》2012,(6):104-104
根据《语文课程标准》中写作教学的总目标:“能具体明确,文从字顺地表述自己的意思。能根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作。”由此可以看出,去除学生对于作文的畏惧心理,注重激发学生的写作兴趣和自信心,养成良好的写作习惯将是初中作文教学的首要任务。现将笔者在初中作文教学探讨中的一些经验拿来与大家同享,希望对作文教学有所裨益。  相似文献   
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