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清末滇缅划界谈判是近代中缅边界变迁和发展的一个重要阶段。本文借助外交档案和条约舆图等资料,对中英谈判涉及的滇缅边界划定和变迁过程作细致复原。光绪年间《中英续议滇缅界务商务条约》和《中缅条约附款及专条》的签订基本划定了滇缅中段的边界线。中英对“分水岭”地理认知上的矛盾,对尖高山以北段未定界的交涉产生重要影响,结果使中国事实上丧失了对尖高山以北、扒拉大山—高良共山以西小江流域的领土主权。在南段未定界,双方对边界会勘依据有诸多分歧,难以取得共识。清末中英关于滇缅边界问题的谈判结果,基本塑造了当今中缅边界的走向,对其后民国时期与20世纪60年代中缅两国的边界谈判和最终划定产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
Busy Gap is one of the earliest attested place names located along the line of the central sector of Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland, yet in Newcastle during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it was a term of abuse, applied collectively to those who came from upland Tynedale and was synonymous with the Border Reivers. Archaeological and historical sources indicate that throughout the Middle Ages the place was located in a zone of seasonal settlement, characterized by groups of shielings probably associated with townships located in the valley of the South Tyne. The question is how to understand the role of Busy Gap, a place identified with a triangular earthwork on the north side of the Roman Wall. This paper will consider the results of recent archaeological investigations carried out by the author on the site and will investigate the place and its setting within the archaeological and historical context of early-modern Northumberland.  相似文献   
试析15世纪中叶图们江成为中朝界河   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
15世纪之前,图们江两岸由中国的少数民族女真族所领,明王朝招抚女真族,在图们江两岸设置了地方行政机构,图们江南岸亦一度为明王朝领地。朝鲜李朝通过剿杀、驱赶女真部落,不断向北拓展领土,于15世纪中叶沿图们江南岸设置了六个镇,标志着图们江开始成为中、朝两国的界河。  相似文献   
This paper signals how border externalization can inform geographical debates about scale and in turn, foster research on how scale intersects with recent forms of border and migration control. It interrogates what scales are being produced and struggled over, pointing to the contingency of scalar work in border externalization, specifically through the EU Migration Routes Strategy. Debates on scale and changing borders are worked through to arrive at the notion of “itinerant scale”, in order to highlight a very distinct spatial imaginary and implementation of border work. Instead of sitting at the edges of nation-states, staying in designated places for long, or pushing through some sort of region imagined as a buffer or frontline, borders are envisioned and designed to be mobile devices and reiterated along shifting migratory routes. This complex scalar production unfolds through a mix of policies, cartographies, surveillance infrastructures and atypical institutional agreements, reaching and acting simultaneously at local, national and regional levels, aiming at the management and contention of suspicious bodies on the move.  相似文献   
In early 2016, Canada quietly announced the delay of its new electronic travel authorization (eTA) system, which will transform how millions traveling to Canada are screened. As with other parts of the developing Canada–US security perimeter, the announcement received little attention in the public sphere, which is problematic on at least two counts. First, it inhibits a better understanding of the distinctive regional governance structures that define North American integration. Second, it limits awareness of how the perimeter—by pushing decision-making from ports-of-entry in to points-of-departure beyond North America—enables interdiction, preventing asylum seekers from seeking protection from persecution in Canada and rendering them “out of sight, out of mind.” This article explores these gaps and effects through an analysis of policy developments and public debates (reflected in government and media documents) surrounding the perimeter’s emergence, consolidation, and—with the eTA—expansion since 1995.  相似文献   
全华 《人文地理》1993,8(2):41-46
本文讨论了图们江地区开发前景及其对吉林省经济发展可能产生的影响,阐述了吉林省东西向条形地区经济发展现状及制约因素,提出吉林省应利用图们江地区开发开放和新亚欧大陆桥建设的契机组建东西向开发开放走廊带,使该走廊带成为吉林省经济发展的核心轴线,从而促进吉林省经济的振兴。  相似文献   
关中中心聚落地域结构的形成与演变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵荣 《人文地理》1995,10(1):56-64
本文论述了关中地区县级以上中心聚落体系的形成与地域结构的演变过程。指出:关中地区中心聚落体系的真正形成是以秦推行郡县制为标志,到秦统一已基本形成完整的首位城市与县级聚落二级制体系。从东汉开始,关中中心聚落的等级结构则由二级逐渐变为三级制;中心聚落在空间分布上,表现为由沿渭河两岸的密集型向政治色彩较浓的区域均衡化转变,唐以后则向以经济为主的工商城市体系转变。此外,作为首位城市的西安(长安)城,在城市地域结构上也有变化,最显著的是政权中心区与市场区的区位空间发生了几乎完全相反的变化。  相似文献   
龙韬  柴彦威  忻俊  马玫 《人文地理》2008,23(4):17-22
在城市化的过程中,随着大城市空间的扩张,出现了一种与传统的外延型城市化完全不同的新型城市化地区。这些新型城市化地区的出现显著改变了大城市的地域空间结构,并已成为我国城市化和城市空间扩张的重要方式。以天津经济技术开发区居民社区发展问卷调查为第一手资料,通过分析居民对这一新型城市化地区不同阶段有代表性的城市公共空间的认知状况、利用状况及其影响因素,为此类型地区的城市公共空间建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   
东北地区国民党组织的建立与蒋张关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭正秋 《史学月刊》2000,17(3):63-66
19291931年,蒋张在东北地区建立国民党组织问题上的争斗,是南京国民政府初期中央与地方关系中独具特色的一个方面。双方的争斗是在统一与合作的条件下进行的,本质上是统治阶级内部中央集团和地方集团在政治权力上的分配与争夺。其影响是相互的和多方面的。  相似文献   
胡鞍钢 《攀登》2010,29(1):2-5
保障生态安全既是中国国家核心利益之一,也是维护国家安全的重大战略之一。作者以青海三江源地区为例,提出设立国家生态安全保障基金,列支中央财政支出项目,对国家重大生态安全进行长远投资的建议。作者认为,这是一个"激励相容"的多赢机制,具有可行性。  相似文献   
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