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In May 2003 the author observed a clench-fastened boat near Chertala, Kerala, India. The boat appears to indicate a vessel-type previously undocumented in the area. This article reports the observations made of the vessel and its pertinence to the boat-construction traditions of Kerala and the subcontinent.
© 2009 The Author  相似文献   
When discussing the trans-formative shifts having occurred in the field of Chinese modern history following the economic reforms, one cannot avoid mention of the “revolutionary history paradigm,” the “paradigm of modernization” as well as the “postmodern paradigm.” According to popular belief, the course of development taken by the academic world during the past forty years was marked by a series of transformations: First was the progressive replacement of the “revolutionary history paradigm” by that of the “paradigm of modernization”; following that was the rise of the “postmodern paradigm” and the challenging of its predecessor. This set of divisions, though logically clear and succinct, cannot possibly conform to the realities of history in all of its complexness. While academic circles in the 1980’s were largely concerned with the issues of “what exactly is the historical driving force of Marxism” and “who are the revolutionary class,” the notion of the “paradigm of modernization” was rather a product of the conservative historical viewpoint and its rise during the late 1990’s. In this sense, then, the latter cannot possibly embody the former. On the surface of things, though the “postmodern paradigm” appears to refuse the narrative of revolutionary history, it in fact shares deeper connections with Chinese revolutionary thought at its roots. In short, then, these trans-formative shifts in modern Chinese history are not a simple “exchange” whereby one paradigm transfers into the next, but are rather a process of incessant and interconnected change.  相似文献   
基于乡镇单元人口普查数据以及相应年份的城乡建设用地数据,运用空间分析和统计分析方法,尝试分析城镇-农村尺度江苏省流动人口分布格局的时空演变特征,并揭示驱动人口流动的动力机制。结果表明:①规模分布特征是具有较长大值右尾部的正偏分布,总体的集聚趋势增强,城镇和乡村集聚流动人口差距变大;②空间呈现高值集聚特征,热点区主要集中在长江以南的城镇,沿江地区流动人口高密度区域逐渐连绵化;③增长变化呈现长江以北地区城镇的流入人口增加、农村的输出人口减少,以及长江以南地区城镇的流入人口快速增加、农村的流入人口普遍增加的特征;④经济发展水平差异、乡镇企业繁荣、交通可达和政策导向是影响江苏省流动人口集聚的四大动力。  相似文献   
张瑾  吴忠军 《人文地理》2011,26(3):83-88
桂黔湘边区侗族文化遗产旅游圈的提出是对区域旅游发展战略思考的结果。桂黔湘边区侗族文化遗产旅游圈是以三省坡为核心,以东西向的交通干线为横轴,以南北向的交通要道为纵轴,以横轴与纵轴的旅游流向关系为基本依托的区域旅游合作系统,并形成一个核心、三个圈层、四条轴线的区域网状格局的基本构架。这一旅游圈的构建和打造,是桂黔湘边区各县实现新农村建设目标,解决"三农"问题的重要举措,也是开发侗族文化旅游产品,传承中国优秀侗族文化遗产,提升区域旅游产业竞争力,实现可持续发展的根本措施。  相似文献   
本文在对英华殿大木结构进行详细测量、获取大量较高精度数据的基础上,推算出古代匠人在进行大木尺寸设计中采取以下基本方法:1、本案营造尺长316.5毫米;2、以2尺5寸为基本模数确定柱头平面丈尺;3、采用平面柱头通进深之1/2并结合结构细部设计分别确定檐柱通高、金柱净高;4、以2寸5分为基本模数确定步架;5、采用宋《营造法式》制度确定屋架总举架高,并结合适当的举架比例确定各举高度。  相似文献   
程桂霞 《攀登》2009,28(3):81-84
新时期,军事信息化的空袭战争表现出一些新的特征,人民防空肩负的历史使命也不同于以往那样单一。我国人民防空法明确规定:人民防空贯彻与经济建设协调发展、与城市建设相结合的原则。因此,积极做好战备工作、维护国家的安全与统一、保护人民的生命财产安全是人民防空的立业之本,推动城市经济建设是人民防空建设事业发展的基础。正确处理人民防空建设与城市建设的关系,对于促进人民防空建设与城市建设的协调发展意义重大。  相似文献   
莫仲宁  高清 《攀登》2009,28(6):85-89
企业在建设社会主义和谐社会中处于特殊的地位,其健康发展直接决定着社会的和谐程度。企业的社会责任强调再生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对消费者、对环境、对社会的贡献。但在我国,企业在创造社会财富的同时,却忽视了对其所造成的“负外部效应”承担本应承担的社会责任。因此,建立和完善企业社会责任机制,具有理论与实践层面的深刻意义。  相似文献   
殖民地时期,在墨西哥中央地区的农村,庄园与村社之间形成了一种虽不平等、但相互依存的关系。殖民地后期,由于人口数量回升、商品关系的发展,大庄园利润上升,村社农民地位下降。独立后,由于大庄园主因经济困难而被削弱,墨西哥的农业从主要满足大城市市场的大庄园商品性生产为主,转向主要以满足自身消费和部分满足地方市场的村社、租佃农、小农场生产为主,出现了一种向"小农制"转变的农业发展模式。这一变化不仅仅给农民带来了直接的经济利益,而且为快速的经济增长和更加平等的分配创造了条件。但19世纪末,在迪亚斯的独裁统治下,墨西哥的农业重新回到了大庄园商品生产的模式,下层农民的处境不断恶化,阶级矛盾日趋尖锐,终于导致了1910年的墨西哥革命。  相似文献   
After the Korean War (1950–53), the two militarized Koreas governed each and every member of society in similar ways through their disciplinary politics of antagonistic nationalism. The existing studies of state formation in the two Koreas have neglected an aspect of state power that was neither necessarily top‐down nor violent from above but also reproduced from below. In both South and North Korea, especially from the 1960s to the 1970s, state power had internal dynamics that penetrated the day‐to‐day activities of most citizens and led them to actively accept and participate in nationalist rule. This article explores an understudied aspect of the two Koreas' state power that was disciplinarily diffused in people's everyday practices through reproduction of aggressive nationalism from below and the organic construction of the individual body and nation.  相似文献   
中原经济区的“三化”协调发展之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王发曾 《人文地理》2012,27(3):55-59
中原经济区走新型工业化、新型城镇化与农业现代化"三化"协调发展之路,是中原崛起的时代呼唤,是中原经济区建设的最高境界,是中原儿女的庄严承诺。选择"三化"协调作为中原经济区的发展之路,有着深厚的宏观背景。在整体、协调、融合、可持续原则的制约下,"三化"协调发展的主要途径为:产业集群发展、产城互动发展、城乡统筹发展。其中,城乡统筹发展是"三化"协调发展的最终落脚点,包括构建现代城镇体系,搭建城镇化本土承载平台,推进新农村和新型农村社区建设,构建城乡资源共享平台和社会保障体系。  相似文献   
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