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中国古代士人的群体自觉意识,萌芽于春秋战国时期,全面兴起于东汉中后期。其兴起之原因,一是土地私有化的完成,地主庄园经济的出现,尤其是东汉士人对劳动态度的改变,使士人生存方式发生重大变化,使其在经济上有了独立性,为其人格独立打下了物质基础;二是东汉统治者对士人尤其是对归隐士人的相对宽容,为士人自觉意识的培养提供了宽松的环境;三是士人队伍的扩大,尤其是中央官学规模的扩大和校舍的扩充,为士人个体自觉意识转化为群体意识提供了中心场所;四是东汉中后期宦官外戚专权,又为士人群体自觉意识的激发和张扬提供了外部条件。  相似文献   
明代,丽江纳西族木氏土司在承传东巴文化和民间文化的同时,积极学习和运用汉文化,取得了优异的创作成果,先后有十余部诗文集问世,得到省内外文化界知名人士的好评.不仅使纳西族文化在纵向延伸与横向的发展中得到丰富拓展,开创了纳西族文人文化的先河;也使纳西文化渐为中原所知.<明史·云南土司传>称"云南诸土官,知书好礼守义,以丽江木氏为首."本文对这些诗文集逐一提要介绍.  相似文献   
Rather than addressing the Kurdish conflict in Turkey directly, this study focuses on how the rising nationalist populism bears on Kurdish voters supporting the pro-Kurdish party HDP. There are very few studies on how Kurds are affected by the nationalist populism often expressed in Turkey by the governing People's Alliance (Cumhur İttifakı) with its slogan “domestic and national,” even though the literature offers a broad variety of studies on the Kurdish conflict. To fill this gap, this study is supported by focus group discussions with the Kurds in Turkey who support the HDP, based on a sample of the Kurds living in Istanbul, which is sometimes referred to as the “largest Kurdish city.” This study claims that the populist slogan of the “domestic and national” not only marginalises the Kurdish interviewees but also weakens their sense of belonging to Turkey, thus encouraging them to establish their own national identities. An important result of the focus group meetings is that AKP's polarising policy not only causes polarisation among Turks but also among the Kurds.  相似文献   
介绍了20世纪90年代德国石质古迹化学增强保护的新材料和新的施工工艺,提出呈皮壳状风化石雕保护的建议。  相似文献   
明代洪武时期,景德镇开始设立御窑烧造宫廷用瓷,因此,对这批洪武瓷的研究一直是人们关注的问题。采用能量色散X荧光分析方法对景德镇和南京出土的数件洪武瓷样品作胎釉成分无损测试。结果表明,明洪武不同品种瓷器采用的釉料不同;官窑洪武青花瓷和蓝釉瓷的色料采用了低锰高铁特征的钴料;洪武瓷胎料使用了二元配方。  相似文献   
1956年初至1957年春,国内国际形势发生重大变化。中国在基本实现社会主义改造之后,出现了一些不稳定的情况,发生了诸如工人罢工、农民退社、学生闹事、复员军人集体请愿等社会群体性事件。这是中国共产党执政以来发生的第一次大规模社会群体性事件。面对复杂严峻的情况,中国共产党积极应对,妥善解决,维护了社会稳定。回顾和总结中国共产党应对这次事件的历史和经验,对于我们坚持中国特色社会主义道路、珍惜改革发展成果、维护社会稳定、加强党的建设和社会管理、促进社会和谐具有现实意义。  相似文献   
The central hypothesis of all policy typologies is that distinctively different patterns of politics can be identified for different types of public policy issues. Lowi identified three different policy types, which he termed distributive, regulative, and redistributive, each of which triggers a distinctively different pattern of political behavior. Unfortunately, Lowi's categories were inductively derived and ambiguously defined, leading to disagreements over how to categorize particular policies. Hayes built on Lowi's seminal effort, deriving Lowi's three policy categories from two underlying dimensions and identifying additional categories Lowi's original formulation had missed. Using the minimum wage issue as an example, this article will identify a critical deficiency in both these typologies. While Hayes' typology defines the boundaries between policy categories more precisely than Lowi's, neither typology is equipped to deal with variations in political patterns occurring within a particular cell. As this article will show, the minimum wage issue, although consistently redistributive in Hayes' terms, has manifested three very different patterns of politics at different points in time. Accordingly, a typology of redistributive policies will be advanced to account for these variations in the redistributive politics of the minimum wage.  相似文献   
The development of industrial archaeology over the last 50 years can be traced through articles published in PMA. The early stages of recording the standing remains of industrial activity were augmented by detailed studies of groups of structures which revealed the organization of the manufacturing process. From the late 1980s, developer-funded excavations became important following extensive remediation work on brownfield sites. Greater attention was paid to the social context of past industrial activity including workers’ housing and institutional buildings, and this has continued with studies of oral history. New challenges considered include studies of modern technologies, de-industrialization and the digital revolution.  相似文献   
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