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感知距离对旅游目的地形象、旅游满意度以及旅游者的目的地选择行为具有重要影响。本文运用由感知距离定位图获取的第一手数据和单因素方差分析法,研究了中国人对距离远近的感知标准及不同常住地、性别、学历和年龄群体差异。主要结论为:中国人对距离远近感知标准为:直线距离≤200 km、时间距离≤4 h感知"很近",直线距离200-400 km、时间距离4-8 h感知"近",直线距离400-700 km、时间距离8-13 h感知"远",直线距离700-1000 km,时间距离13-20 h感知"很远",直线距离≥1000 km、时间距离≥20 h感知"遥远";常住地交通便利程度、性别、学历、年龄都在影响着人们对距离远近的判断。本文首次实证研究了中国人对距离远近的感知标准,丰富了感知距离研究内容,研究结论对于旅游目的地市场营销具有实践指导价值。  相似文献   
本文以北京市为例,采用GIS 网络分析方法,分析具有中低收入群体特征、居住在保障性住房居民通过公共交通和私家车方式,到达各类医疗设施的就医可达性。分析结果显示:从出行方式来看,采取私家车出行的就医可达性高于公共交通。从就医可达性的医院等级来看,三级医院的可达性明显低于社区医院。从就医可达性的空间分布来看,位于城市中心、北部和东部地区的保障性住房居民,其可达性相对较好;位于城市高速路沿线的保障性住房汽车出行可达性较高、但公共交通可达性相对较差。从就医可达性的时间上看,建设年代偏后的保障性住房就医可达性差。通过这些分析发现,居住在保障性住房、选择公共交通的保障性住房居民的就医出行更加不方便。  相似文献   
The Growth of Science within Important Scientific Disciplines from 17th to 21st century. – In this paper the growth of knowledge is investigated for the disciplines of Astrophysics / Astronomy, of Physics and of Chemistry in the last centuries. In this context the main emphasis is devoted to the discussion of the growth of literature. Besides, this is also illustrated by the growth of indicators like for example important books, new discoveries in science, the chemical elements, the known chemical compounds and the number of known inorganic chemical structures. Compared to numerous earlier studies a systematic evaluation of all presently available data sources is carried out. The data are fitted by different mathematical growth models (linear, quadratic, exponential, hyperbolic). These are discussed and compared. As far as the exponential growth model is applied the doubling periods obtained have values between 11 and 32 years for the cumulative total of publications, between 24 and 98 years for that of important books, between 79 and 163 years for that of new discoveries and between 10 and 14 years for that of chemical substances. From an order of magnitude point of view this is in agreement with the results of other authors. It is however also demonstrated that the exponential growth model which is normally used is not necessarily the best to describe the growth of the data. Other models are often better suitable to explain the growth. It is shown that linear growth of the yearly publications describes the data better than exponential growth in certain epochs. In this latter case it is demonstrated that the parameter (linear slope) for the rate of increase has a constant values in certain epochs, but rises in steps from epoch to epoch by a factor of 3 to 40. After the second world war the linear growth model for the yearly publications or the quadratic growth model for the cumulative total of publications respectively delivers the best results. This is therefore used for forecasting the future.  相似文献   
Soda-rich plant ashes have been used in the Near East and Egypt in the production of glass and faience from the 4th millennium BC onwards, and mixed alkali plant ashes have been similarly used in western Europe during the 2nd and first half of the 1st millennia BC. In the production of these ashes, the plants of interest are salt resistant, halophytic plants of the Chenopodiaceae family, growing in coastal, salt marsh and desert regions. A primary criterion in selecting ashes for glass and faience production is that the alkalis are predominantly in the form of carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides rather than either chlorides or sulphates. In the current paper, previously published data for such ashes are brought together and re-assessed, and new analytical data are presented for ashes produced from plants collected in Egypt, Greece and the UK. For the ashes produced from Salsola kali plants collected from Greece and the UK, the soda to potash ratios (0.3–1.8) do not show any systematic differences between the regions in which the plant was growing, but instead reflect the fact that this species favours the accumulation of K+ over Na+ ions. Further, the results suggest that S. kali could have been the source of the mixed alkali ashes used in western Europe, if the ashes had first been treated in some way in order to reduce their lime-plus-magnesia contents.  相似文献   
刘安及宾客著述考略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘安是汉武帝时期最具有文才和学识的诸侯王,也是当时最具有影响力的区域文化集团的领袖。古代典籍从《别录》、《汉书》到《四库全书总目》,官私书目著录的刘安及宾客的著述,以及后人伪托的作品,其书目共计49种。通过对相关文献的考辨甄别,除去同书异名15种和后人伪托的11种,比较可信的著述约22种。本文分为学术著作和文学作品两部分,就其名称、卷数在历代的流变存佚状况进行辨析,较为清晰地反映刘安及其淮南宾客的有关著述在传世中的变化情况。  相似文献   
旅游权利论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《马尼拉宣言》强调旅游是“人人享有的权利”,而不是政府“发给公民的福利”。但在旅游发展过程中,人们却越来越忽略了旅游的权利理念,而功利性地把发展经济作为发展旅游的单一目的,形成了旅游的不公平现象。在进入21世纪人类强调“以人为本”发展理念的今天,我们对旅游的认识,也应该由单一的功利化目的——发展经济逐步回归到旅游的本质——把旅游作为人的基本权利。在这一认识的基础上,国家和地方政府及一切社会机构,都有责任和义务为人类旅游权利的实现提供政策保障、创造物质条件,特别是对低收入群体、残疾人等弱势群体,更应该通过政策、法规等手段,保障其旅游权利和旅游愿望的实现。  相似文献   
Measurements made at the Australian National University using laser ablation ICPMS show that none of the 88 analyzed obsidian artifacts from East Timor match either the known Papua New Guinea or the five Island SE Asian source samples in our ANU collections. There is a coastal journey of more than 3000 km between the occurrence of obsidians from the Bismarck Archipelago volcanic province of Papua New Guinea and the Sunda-Banda Arc volcanic chain, yet obsidian artifacts from the two important PNG sources of Talasea and Lou Island are found at coastal Bukit Tengkorak in eastern Sabah at a similar distance along with material that has no known source. Timor lies south of the eastern section of the active volcanic Banda Arc island chain but it is within range of possible rhyolite sources from there. Although there is a continuous chain of around 60 active volcanoes stretching from west Sumatra to the Moluccas most are basaltic to andesitic with few areas likely to produce high silica dacite–rhyolite deposits. This does not exclude the possibility that the volcanic landscapes may contain obsidian, but without detailed survey and chemical analysis of sources from the Sunda-Banda Arc the attribution of the Timor obsidian artifacts remains to be demonstrated. Timor may seem to be an unlikely source for the presence of obsidians as it lacks reports of the silica-rich rhyolite volcanic centers necessary to produce this material. Despite the absence of detailed survey and analysis of Indonesian obsidian sources, especially from the volcanically active Banda Arc, this paper presents evidence that one of two obsidian sources is clearly from Timor while the other, with less certainty, is also from an unknown local source.  相似文献   
喇家遗址四座齐家文化的房址分别于2000年和2001年发掘完成,在此后的数年当中,由于受到多方面因素的影响,房址及房内人类骨骸等都遭到了不同程度的损坏,改变了发掘清理后的原始状态.为了保护房址和人骨遗骸,对房址进行了物理复原加固和化学保护.采用金属锚杆牵入嵌入方式、沟槽内嵌入固定体方式、利用孔洞嵌放固定体进行土体夯筑方式等加固方法,并使用非水分散体丙烯酸树脂溶液进行喷洒或滴渗保护.结果显示,该方法的实施,可以使这一举世闻名的齐家文化之灾难遗迹重新展示于公众面前.  相似文献   
Using the 1996 National Black Election Study, I estimate black opinions of affirmative action by developing models that capture the effects of self‐interest, group consciousness, reference groups, and social justice. The method I used is ordered logit. An examination of the data show that, unlike many studies that examine the effects of self‐interest on public opinion, I find that self‐interest matters. I also find that black individuals also support affirmative action from a sense of group consciousness. The results also suggest that some support affirmative action consistent with the reference group theory and the pursuit of social justice.  相似文献   
Metallurgical examination of cast iron objects from the Khitan period (AD 10th–12th) in Mongolia shows that they might be classified into two groups. The first is based on Fe–C alloys of near eutectic composition and the second is based on Fe–C–Si alloys with reduced carbon content and numerous sulfide inclusions. By contrast, all the objects from the succeeding Mongolian empire period (AD 12th–15th) belong to the second group, indicating that a technological transition had occurred during the Khitan period. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) on carbon samples extracted from artifacts in both groups and measurement of alloy compositions suggest that the use of mineral coal in smelting was a major factor for this transition.  相似文献   
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