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莫高窟第172窟北壁的建筑图像是敦煌壁画中最具盛唐建筑风格的典型代表作。本研究以探索敦煌壁画中二维建筑图像三维数字化呈现的方法为目标,以第172窟北壁中央的前殿图像为例,综合利用史料文献和实证材料,进行基于有限数据资料与结构逻辑推导的推测性研究,并集成运用图像处理软件(Adobe PhotoShop、Adobe Illustrator)和三维建模软件(SketchUp、Rhino),建立了第172窟北壁中央前殿的三维彩色模型,实现了壁画中的建筑图像从二维到三维的虚拟转变,相对科学、客观地再现了壁画中的建筑形象。通过3D打印等快速成型技术和虚拟投屏等展示利用手段,深度挖掘技术成果价值,扩展了壁画遗产的价值阐释与展示深度,带给观者超现实的空间体验。  相似文献   
Different black pigments of natural origin (mineral or organic) have been examined by means of several analytical methods (colour measurements, elemental analysis and structural analysis). The results, after being compared with each other, then served as reference points in the study of the ‘Black Frieze’ of the cave of Pech Merle (Lot). After that, colour measurement was investigated in situ on the paintings as a means of displaying small differences (in hue or chroma) between the black colours. The aim of this study was to verify several hypotheses concerning the techniques used by the painters of Pech Merle, and specifically by the one(s) of the Black Frieze. A first objective was that of identifying the nature and, if possible, the origin of the black pigments used in these figures. A second objective was that of determining in which parts of the frieze one or the other (or one and the other) had been used; and the final objective was to provide new technical information that might help us better to understand how the Pech Merle frieze was produced, whether by a single painter and in one episode, for the most part, or, on the contrary, in several episodes and by a succession of different painters.  相似文献   
《刘桢年谱》是新发现的历史献。刘桢,明末清初河南新郑人,亲历了明清之际的历史变革。刘桢80岁时自订的这份《年谱》,真实地记录了明清之际的社会状况,对研究明清时期的科举制度、明末农民战争和明清社会史,具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   
清代中期婚姻行为分析——立足于1781—1791年的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要依据中国第一历史档案馆所藏乾隆朝刑科题本婚姻家庭类档案中收集的个案资料 ,对 18世纪中后期中国的婚姻行为包括初婚年龄、离婚表现和再婚状况做了初步分析。研究结论表明 ,在当时社会 ,女性早婚是比较普遍的现象 ,男性中早婚和晚婚两种现象并存 ;离婚是人们尽可能避免的 ,离婚中 ,丈夫休妻和嫁卖妻子为主流 ;丧偶妇女再婚和守节并存 ,中青年丧偶妇女再婚比例较高 ,但守节也有一定比例  相似文献   
武王伐纣与牧野大战的历史地理问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对武王代纣与牧野大战历史地理问题的研究,既要尊重《荀子》、《韩诗外传》等文献记载,又要充分考虑战争的复杂性,并要结合考古发现与地名传说等进行综合研究,方能对这一重大历史事件的具体细节进行切合实际的解释。  相似文献   
赵丛苍  祁翔 《文博》2021,(1):45-52
通过对墓地分区和墓葬特征的分析可知,凤翔孙家南头墓群周墓地的墓主至少应由周系族群和广义的殷遗民组成,其中以后者居多。墓地结构反映出这一地区社会亲属关系结构至少分为三个层级。不同亲属集团的墓葬群同处一地,两大族群的文化相互影响。二者人群主体的等级普遍较低,但殷遗民中不乏地位相对稍高者。此外,西周晚期该墓地规模的缩小,很可能与周人对关中西部地区控制力减弱有关。  相似文献   
通过对炳灵寺石窟第128窟连续一年的微环境监测数据分析,结合游客参观统计,探究了游客量对炳灵寺第128窟微环境的影响;其中CO2浓度与游客量呈正相关,窟内外温差越大,其衰减越快。洞窟温度升高与游客量呈一定程度正相关,温度增量主要为正值,负值与气象条件相关,温度的衰减与温度增量及窟内外温差正相关。窟内相对湿度变化较为复杂,监测期间游客参观对相对湿度影响在-5%~10%范围内,以降低窟内相对湿度为主。研究结果表明,目前的开放模式有助于CO2浓度衰减,可适当扩大每批次参观人数至10人左右,以应对大客流状况;注重旅游旺季特别是5月、9月下旬至10月中旬时间段洞窟内相对湿度变化的监测,做好游客管理和洞窟相对湿度控制应对措施。本研究对于炳灵寺石窟第128窟及其他相似洞窟的旅游开放管理具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
咸阳龚西战国秦墓出土的青铜器为研究战国时期秦青铜容器的铸造技术提供了重要实物资料。本文对龚西战国晚期秦墓M8出土的两件铜壶,通过表面观察结合X光摄像考察其制作工艺痕迹,利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜能谱分析等手段开展成分及显微结构分析,揭示两件铜壶壶身及表面装饰的制作工艺、材质特征。结果显示,两件铜壶均为铸造,器底和铜环预先铸好后置于范中,与器身铸为一体。器身和器底均为铅锡青铜(铜锡铅三元合金),但成分有一定差异,镶嵌的装饰金属片为高铅青铜。铜壶的器底分铸工艺和高铅青铜镶嵌工艺为古代青铜器制作工艺研究提供了重要的新材料。  相似文献   
Despite a growing awareness of the wide range of information that can be provided by detailed analyses of burned bone from archaeological contexts, such analyses are still relatively uncommon. This paper focuses on the behavioral and taphonomic implications of burned bone from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) site of Sibudu Cave (South Africa), reporting on the analysis of a large sample (>377,000 fragments) of bone recovered from the Howieson’s Poort (HP) and post-HP MSA deposits at the site. Faunal remains were initially sorted into burning categories based on changes in color; microscopic analyses focused on the optical properties of the bone matrix (degree of preservation of the bone structure, reflectance and fluorescence) indicated that the color is a valid indicator of thermally altered bone in the Sibudu assemblage. The association of burned bone with hearths, the intensity of burning damage, and the sheer quantity of thermally altered bone suggests that the bone was not burned primarily as a result of natural fires. We propose that the high incidence of burned bone primarily reflects two types of site maintenance activities: first, the discarding of bone into fire as a means of disposing of food waste (as also argued by Cain [2005, Using burned animal bone to look at Middle Stone Age occupation and behavior. J. Archaeol. Sci. 32, 873–884], for a smaller sample of material from the post-HP and late MSA deposits at the site), and second, the incidental burning of bone on/near the surface during the periodic burning of plant-based bedding. In considering the taphonomic implications of the burned bone, we demonstrate that calcined bone is in fact more heavily fragmented than unburnt or moderately burned bone. Furthermore, cortical preservation was negatively correlated with the intensity of burning damage, which has implications for the study of surface modifications. These results indicate the importance of conducting thorough taphonomic analyses prior to making comparisons between units that show differing degrees or intensities of burning damage.  相似文献   
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