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帛书《黄帝书》出土以来,有关其与《老子》的思想渊源,尽管并不是大陆学界研究的重点,但学者依然从道、辩证法、虚静无为、法治、语言、论证方式等几方面陆续进行了探讨,并已取得了相当成就,整个研究也呈现出越来越客观、独立、完整的趋势。与此同时,有关《黄》、《老》思想渊源的研究,还存在着诸如概念混淆、不够重视相关出土文献、独立研究较少、条块分割等种种不足,从而给我们留下努力的空间。  相似文献   
抗美援朝战争是新中国成立初期美国侵略当局强加给中国人民的一场战争,也是新中国历史上第一场战争。这场战争为新中国的巩固、建设和发展奠定了基础,是新中国的立国之战。自20世纪90年代以来,随着中国、俄罗斯陆续公布和解密了一批有关抗美援朝战争(朝鲜战争)的历史档案,翻译出版美国、韩国、日本等学者研究著作的增多,研究中出现了许多不同认识。中国人民为进行这场战争付出了重大代价和牺牲,应对这场战争的必要性、正义性和积极意义应给予正确评价。  相似文献   
约翰逊政府时期,美国一方面把中美大使级会谈作为应对批评美国对华政策缺乏灵活性的挡箭牌,把中美僵硬对峙的责任推给中国;另一方面,随着国际局势的变化,开始把中美大使级会谈作为与中国联系的潜在的、有用的渠道,避免两国发生直接武装冲突。约翰逊政府与尼克松政府对会谈的不同立场,说明20世纪60年代中美关系是由美国对华政策决定的,美国在中美关系中占据主导地位。  相似文献   
2005年9月,为配合南水北调中线丹江口水利枢纽加高工程,河南省文物考古研究所对阎杆岭墓群Ⅱ区的 38号墓进行发掘。该墓为“甲”字形积石积炭墓,墓室四壁和墓底积石积炭,出土鼎、罐、瓮、壶、仓、灶、井、磨、坛等陶器以及铜弩机、铜五铢钱、铁剑共计50余件,年代为西汉晚期。如该墓墓室四壁和墓底积石积炭墓应是丹江流域汉墓的地方特点,为汉墓以及相关问题的研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
岳涌  许志强  马涛  孙辰  邰健胜  于为磊  杨三军  董补顺  王泉  李永忠  雷雨 《东南文化》2011,(2):41-49,彩插一,彩插二
2010年4~6月,南京市博物馆在南京市雨花台区小行路警犬研究所发掘了3座六朝墓葬。M1和M2毗邻,为南朝中晚期墓,属同一家族墓;M3为东晋晚期墓,出土遗物较为丰富。M1封土护墙、墓前祭台为南京乃至我国南方地区首次发现的保存完好的六朝墓地建筑遗迹,对于研究当时特殊的丧葬礼俗具有十分重要的学术价值。  相似文献   
2006年8月至9月,洛阳市第二文物工作队等在偃师市阎楼村清理一座封土墓冢。墓冢上部原筑封土为圆形,最大径28米。墓葬为单室土洞墓,由长斜坡墓道、甬道、长方形土洞墓室三部分组成。出土器物残存陶器、瓷器、铜器、石器等28件。据墓葬形制与出土器物,该墓时代应为东汉晚期到曹魏时期。  相似文献   
时间与空间是解读考古材料的基本概念,在魏晋南北朝考古研究中更有其特殊的内涵,如在墓葬的断代与分期、区域文化因素的分析、遗存属性探讨等方面,时空背景是对材料进行深入研究的基础,也是历史考古学研究方法论的基本内容。新近出版的《鄂城六朝墓》报告不仅充实了魏晋南北朝考古材料,而且对于魏晋南北朝考古研究中的时间与空间两个基本概念,也带来了新认识。  相似文献   

The beginning of the Bronze Age in the southern Caucasus has been thought to coincide with the appearance of the Kura Araxes (KA) culture around 3500 cal b.c. KA artifacts are known not only from the southern Caucasus but also from sites in Anatolia, Iran, and the Levant. Recent discoveries from Areni-1 Cave in the Vayots Dzor region of Armenia demonstrate that the origin of the distinctive KA artifact assemblage lies in the Late Chalcolithic of the late 5th to early 4th millennia b.c. The cave contains rich assemblages of desiccated botanical remains that allow the site to be precisely dated and that demonstrate that its inhabitants exploited a wide variety of domesticated and wild plants. It would appear that from 4000 cal b.c. onwards, people used Areni-1 Cave for habitation and for keeping goats, storing plant foods, and ritual purposes; unusual for this time period are ceramic vessels containing the skulls of children.  相似文献   
Teeth of Homotherium latidens recovered from late Pleistocene sediments, Kents Cavern, England have long been the source of controversy. H. latidens is conspicuously absent from other late Pleistocene cave deposits in Britain, and is widely thought to have been extirpated from the region during the isotope stage 10 glacial period. Here we present high spatial resolution analyses of fluorine and uranium uptake profiles in teeth of three species from the same cave. The H. latidens tooth is clearly distinguished from the unambiguously provenanced Late Pleistocene hyaena and Middle Pleistocene cave bear teeth. These results are consistent with the theory that the H. latidens teeth originated at an exogenous location, were probably transported to Kents Cavern as Palaeolithic trade goods, and were buried in Kents Cavern in Palaeolithic times.  相似文献   

This article describes the 2011 English Heritage ‘Industrial Heritage at Risk’ project. Having examined the findings of a public attitudes survey on the industrial heritage, it looks at the key risks and conservation solutions facing industrial sites, and the role the lead organisations play in their rescue. The entries on the Heritage at Risk Register are examined and the top ten industrial heritage at risk sites in England identified. A range of outputs are described together with the media coverage that accompanied the launch of the project.

Progress since 2011 is considered including the separation in April 2015 of English Heritage into two organisations — Historic England and the English Heritage Trust. The important role that volunteers and local groups play in the conservation and management of England's industrial heritage is acknowledged throughout, and a possible new role for the Association for Industrial Archaeology suggested as part of Heritage 2020.  相似文献   
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