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气体污染物SO2是造成云冈石窟文物本体劣化的重要因素之一。为厘清SO2与水分耦合作用下的云冈砂岩劣化规律,开展不同SO2浓度、相对湿度以及降水条件下的室内模拟风化试验,测定试样质量、表面特征和化学成分变化。结果表明:SO2易与砂岩中的碳酸盐矿物(如方解石)和长石发生化学反应,产物包括CaSO4·2H2O、MgSO4·7H2O和高岭石等,且随着相对湿度增加,反应程度增大,造成试样的质量、色差值、可溶盐含量上升及硅铝比下降;液态水的参与能显著加快SO2与砂岩的相互作用过程,不但增加了各项指标的变化幅度,还加大了SO2入侵深度。研究成果可为砂岩质文物的科学认知和预防性保护提供参考。  相似文献   
荆州胡家草场12号汉墓出土竹简《五行日书》按端、令、罚、刑、德五时占测为事、初病、生子诸事项的吉凶。这篇文献与尹湾汉墓出土的《刑德行时》大体属于同一文献的不同版本,两相比照,有助于加深对其文本源流、内涵的理解和认识。  相似文献   
Zoos and aquariums are responding to the worldwide biodiversity crisis through major conservation initiatives like captive breeding for assurance populations and reintroduction programs. These institutions also fundraise, offer education programs, and provide critical research on biodiversity. Through a case study inside three accredited Canadian zoos, this paper illustrates that zoos and their staff members are being incorporated into many official species‐at‐risk recovery efforts on provincial, federal, and international levels. Specifically, the zoos studied are involved in every stage of the recovery process, from providing valuable research and habitat analyses, to captive breeding animals for reintroduction, to writing recovery strategies and creating recovery policy for multiple jurisdictional levels. Zoo staff indicate that zoos are uniquely suited to conservation because zoos have space, expertise, apolitical status, and the ability to connect with the public. Overall, the paper suggests that zoos can significantly contribute to species‐at‐risk protection and recovery in Canada and beyond.  相似文献   

When Simon McBurney set out to create a play about the fabled relationship between Cambridge mathematician G. H. Hardy and the self-taught Indian genius Srinivasa Ramanujan, he was immediately confronted by the question of how to engage the mathematics authentically. Undaunted by his own uneasiness with the subject, McBurney incorporated a host of experts into the rehearsal process, calling on mathematical educators, expositors, and Fields medalists to come work with the company. While on the surface maths and drama make an incongruous pair, the result was a vibrant collaboration. The final product — the award-winning play A Disappearing Number — shines an interesting light on the surprising similarity between the creative process in mathematics and the creative process in theatre, especially as manifested by the company at Complicite.  相似文献   
采用光学显微观察、激光拉曼、紫外-可见吸收光谱以及高效液相色谱对河北隆化鸽子洞蓝棉袄蓝色、浅蓝色纤维以及百衲枕顶蓝色纤维进行分析研究.通过多种分析手段相互佐证表明,该组样品采用蓝草中的靛蓝染色,色素成分有靛蓝素和靛玉红.各样品中色素成分比例均不相同,推测至少在元代,人类已经能够有意识地调整制靛工艺,染出自己需要的色光.同时靛蓝染料耐光性耐热性差,对酸、碱和氧化均敏感,耐盐性及耐细菌性较弱.在以靛蓝染色的织物清洗中,要选择性地使用洗涤剂,进行点滴试验后才可使用,同时在存放过程中要做到避光、避免高温.  相似文献   
吴简中所见孙权时期户等制度的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高敏 《史学月刊》2006,(5):31-35
所谓户等制度,是指官府按居民家庭财产多少而划分户口等级的制度。关于秦汉时期如何征收家庭财产税、确定户等、评估家财等一系列作法,由于史料不足,还处于若隐若现之间。但是从西晋到南北朝,户分九品之制已经定型化。如果我们能找到从西汉的户分三等到南北朝的户分九品之间的过渡环节,则中国古代户等制度的发展变化过程就将更加明朗化。吴简的出土恰恰证明在孙权时期的长沙郡与临湘侯国境内,已经确立了三等九级的户等划分制度。但由于吴简的残缺,孙权时期户等制度还存在着许多难于通释的问题。  相似文献   
说花园庄东地甲骨卜辞的“丁”——附:释“速”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近公布的殷墟花园庄东地甲骨卜辞中,多次出现一位当时还活着的、称为“丁”的人物,从卜辞内容可以看出其地位甚高。本文主要通过指出这批卜辞中与历组一类占卜同事的一组卜辞,肯定了“丁”就是当时的商王武丁。以“丁”称呼时王武丁,究竟应该如何解释尚待进一步研究。同时,也可以进一步推定这批卜辞的时代,当为武丁晚期而非整理者认为的“武丁前期”。此外,这批卜辞中多次出现的一个整理者隶定作“”的字,应释为“速”,意为“召”、“召请”。旧有殷墟卜辞中一个或释读为“眚”、“软”、“喘”等的字,应释为“” ,读为咳嗽之“嗽”。  相似文献   
南京堂子街太平天国壁画中有四幅重要的山水画已经相关专家考释并命名。但根据壁画内容及对画中地点的考证,现有命名方式的合理性遭到质疑。对金陵图咏进行脉络梳理之后可发现这四幅山水画的原形应为清乾隆至同治间《金陵四十八景》中的四幅。太平天国壁画历来有为政治、军事服务的传统,故军事因素应是对金陵四十八景中四景的选取原则。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the results of blind tests of two morphological methods of age‐at‐death estimation. These tests were performed on a known age‐at‐death and sex sample taken from a collection of a Thai population. The first technique is based on the age related changes of the pubic symphysis according to the Suchey‐Brooks system, and the other concerns the metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium elaborated by Lovejoy and colleagues. This is the first time that these methods have been tested on skeletal material from Asia. The results indicate that, for both methods, bias and inaccuracy increase with age and true age tends to be underestimated. As a consequence, age‐at‐death assessment based on these two techniques should be avoided on Asian archaeological series or forensic cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
殷墟花园庄东地卜辞的行款表面上看较为复杂,但实际上仍遵循着一定的规律。这种规律表现为:卜辞基本守兆,在卜兆上方由内向外契刻,至兆干后再沿兆干外侧下行。由于卜辞字数不同,有的未至兆干即止,有的刻至兆干下方后再内行或外行。此外,相关卜兆的数量与排列方式、卜甲上卜辞条数的多寡、卜甲上可供刻字的空间等因素也会影响到卜辞的行款。了解、掌握花园庄东地卜辞行款与卜兆之间的密切关系,将有助于进一步认识王卜辞与其它非王卜辞的行款规律,对深入探讨商代后期的占卜制度也有裨益。  相似文献   
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