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唐宋时期是我国古代经济重心南移的重要时期,亦是江南社会经济迅速发展的关键时期。这不仅表现在农业上的精耕细作,也表现于手工业和商业的异常繁荣。本文从唐宋时期江南地区较长期的和平环境、政府的支持政策、大规模的南迁移民等方面对此时期的江南手工业发展原因进行探析,以希有助于江南经济史研究。  相似文献   
X射线显微CT(X-ray micro-CT)是一种无损分析方法,在医学、材料学和地质学等领域得到了广泛的应用,并取得了良好的效果。为了了解隋唐冠饰的内部情况,探查冠饰内部的显微结构,获取饰件原始结构信息,本研究应用micro-CT技术,主要对西安东郊昆仑公司隋末唐初M2出土礼冠和马家沟唐代阎识微夫妇墓出土礼冠上的饰件结构进行CT检测,获得了高分辨率三维结构CT图像。图像清晰显示出饰件的结构:鎏金层、图案构件、饰件基体及图案构件与基体的连接部位。对于饰件结构的解读反映出饰件鎏金是饰件加工过程中的最后一道工序。该技术方法对古代制品,尤其是小件制品和劣化严重制品的结构、工艺研究及其保存状况评估,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
本文纠正了《华夏考古》2004年第3期陈英杰先生《记新发现的〈故大唐董府君墓志铭〉》一文的错误,补充考释了董弘义墓志铭的史学价值。  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of domestic penicillin production in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War, focusing on the work of the National Epidemic Prevention Bureau (NEPB) to identify, isolate, cultivate, and extract the drug. This work took place just as the American Bureau for Medical Aid to China discussed plans to establish an American pilot plant for Chinese penicillin manufacture, which would directly transfer technologies and personnel from the US to China. While American advisers saw the basic conditions of wartime China as actively obstructing the highly technical project of penicillin production, researchers at the NEPB relied crucially upon that same local environment to identify useful molds and find substitutions for key materials in successfully manufacturing penicillin in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province in southwest China.  相似文献   
在我国考古出土的丝织品数量多,种类丰富,但由于墓葬环境的特殊性,如棺液的浸泡等原因,丝织文物的表面形成很多结块,影响了文物的品质。因此,对此类丝织文物的清洗成为文物保护工作的重要一环。为此,本研究以唐代出土丝织文物残片表面的结块为研究对象,利用拉曼光谱和X射线衍射仪检测技术对其表面结块的成分进行分析。结果表明,结晶盐的主要成分为CaSO4.2H2O。本研究针对其结晶盐的成分,再利用显微观察、抗拉强度检测等手段分析了红茶菌发酵液对老化的现代蚕丝影响。在得出没有损伤的基础上,利用红茶菌发酵液中的生物有机酸和生物酶作为生物清洗剂清洗唐代丝织文物残片表面的结晶盐,取得了良好的清洗效果,对丝织文物本身无损伤。  相似文献   
In April 2021, several exquisitely decorated figurines of Heavenly Kings were unearthed from the Tang Dynasty tombs of Su Tong's family in Xianyang, Shanxi Province. However, for each figurine, the outer side was unevenly red and black, and the center and interior of the body black, and the mechanical properties extremely poor (disintegrated by water). To scientifically restore and conserve the polychrome pottery figurines of Heavenly Kings, we carried out scientific analyses of their materials and their firing process. The composition, structure, firing temperature and mechanical properties of the figurine remnants were determined and analyzed using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, an X-ray diffractometer, a simultaneous thermal analyzer, a thermal dilatometer, an X - ray photoelectron spectrometer, a universal testing machine and a hardness tester. The experimental results show that 1) the figurines were made of fusible clay containing quartz, albite, calcite, muscovite, clinochlore and other minerals; 2) the figurines were sintered between 300 ~400 °C in an oxidizing atmosphere, the internal sintering degree being lower than that of the external surface and the uneven atmosphere leading to the differences in color among various parts of a figurine ; 3 ) the mechanical strength of the figurines was low, with a flexural strength of about 2 MPa and a hardness of 54 〜71 HD. The study provides a scientific basis for the effective conservation and reasonable preservation of the polychrome pottery figurines of Heavenly Kings and of other similar kinds of cultural relics. © 2023, Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   
孟繁敏 《西夏研究》2020,(2):104-109
蒙古国境内保存有众多四方形遗址,多见于鄂尔浑河谷,蒙古国与中国考古人员对靠近回鹘汗国首都哈拉巴拉哈逊的后杭爱省浩腾特苏木的四方形遗址进行了考古发掘,发掘了其中的六座四方形遗址,即乌布尔哈布其勒3、5号遗址,胡拉哈1号遗址,浑地壕赖3、5、6号遗址。通过墓葬的一些建筑元素如砖、瓦、装饰用黏土块、陶罐、骨箭头和铜箭镞、陶锭、木头等,尤其是墓内所出突厥卢尼文铭文,可以确定这些四方形遗址的时间范围当在7-9世纪,即漠北回鹘之物,不是一般百姓的墓葬,而应为回鹘皇室的陵墓。墓区同时还存在早期的匈奴墓和晚期的蒙古墓葬。  相似文献   
婚姻关系是社会发生及组织之渊源,每个民族的文化特征,最容易在其婚姻现象中表现出来。不同民族间 的通婚,既是民族融合的基本前提,也是民族融合的标志。唐代出现的大量入华粟特人同汉民族之间的通婚现象,鲜明 地反映出入华粟特人汉化的渐进趋势。本文以墓志材料为据,论证了唐代出现的这种现象及其特性。  相似文献   
清代是金石学研究的黄金时期,有关金石的著述层出不穷,研究成果亦蔚为可观。因唐代石刻在历代碑石中所占比重较大,故清代学者的金石研究成果中有关唐代历史的内容最为繁富,而墓志碑石的特殊性又决定了其中蕴含着大量地理方面的内容,因此清代金石研究中有关唐代地理的部分颇有价值。本文即从折冲府府名考逸、郡县之沿革隶属及地名讹误、佛教寺院、《长安志》考补等四个方面论述清代学者的研究成就,探讨这些成果的价值及其对今后唐史研究的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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