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The 1960 Rome Olympic Games were held at a pivotal moment in the history of modern Italy and its capital. At the height of the ‘economic miracle’, tourists, international movie stars and entertainers, in addition to a record number of international athletes, flocked to the city to participate in the Games and the dolce vita. As a great ‘national’ project within a global and European context, Rome 1960 offered the organizers and ruling Christian Democratic Party (DC) the opportunity to rebrand Italy and show how far the country had come since the fall of Fascism and the end of the Second World War. While Rome 1960 was a marketing success – Italy’s international reputation was significantly enhanced – close examination of the preparations for the tournament, as well as the Games itself, reveals significant continuities, deep and unresolved political and social tensions, evidence of corruption, and a failure to come to terms with Italy’s recent past and the memory of Fascism. Questioning the extent to which the 1960 Olympics was a turning point in Italian sport and society, it exposes the Italy that existed beneath the sheen: one of stagnation, minimal change, political division and corruption.  相似文献   

Whenever young people protest, references to the French ‘Mai 68’ are quickly made. For nearly 50 years, former activists and journalists have turned events in the Latin Quarter in Paris into the main symbol for the potential of youth to pressure governments. Western European politicians and scholars easily index ‘Mai 68’ as the positive core of ‘European Memory’. French accounts during the historical moment initially emphasized, however, the global experience of student unrest. Such interpretations understood mobilization in Mexico, Poland and Nigeria as sharing one horizon of expectation and turned worldwide anti-authoritarian student unrest into an interpretive frame. With the unfolding of events in France, the French narrative shifted from a globally experienced present to a nationally framed ‘évènement’ of the past. This shift from lived experience to memory turned the student mobilization into a succession of French historical events coined ‘les évènements de mai-juin 68’. The commemoration of French events as a paradigmatic case sidelined mobilization in other European, Asian, African and Latin American countries. Meanwhile, this nationalization gave way to a pacified Franco-centred narrative which could be juxtaposed to the European memory scale whilst neglecting its internal contradictions stemming from the diverse European and global peripheries.  相似文献   

Controversy overshadowed preparations for the twentieth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, as conflict arose over the adoption of a number of commemorative resolutions: while motions in the Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the United Nations Security Council were blocked, the US House of Representatives and the European Parliament did adopt declarations. The article outlines how the memory of Srebrenica was de-contextualized from particular interpretations of the past and re-contextualized in favour of universal frames of interpretation. Starting from the interpretations pertaining to Srebrenica from the early 1990s, processes of dealing with the massacre in reports have made it possible to process the lessons learnt from the experience as a narration of progress. In parallel with efforts to establish legal accountability and a local memorial for the massacre’s victims, there has been a series of resolutions commemorating Srebrenica contributing to the formation of a Srebrenica memory regime. That regime mirrors the Holocaust-based global cultural memory imperative, a set of norms and rules of behaviour that was re-actualized and expanded on by Srebrenica as a symbol for the unfulfilled hope of a final ‘never again’. The commemoration of Srebrenica has become a universal ethical imperative that has spread far beyond the actors involved in the 1995 events. The 2015 controversy has to be understood as a (local) act of resistance against the recognition of Srebrenica as genocide and against the selective character of the Srebrenica memory regime.  相似文献   

This essay conceptualizes ‘universalizing memory practices’ that are at the centre of the present special issue on ‘European Memory: Universalizing the Past?’. By comparing the case studies, the article brings out two models of universalizing memory practices that either establish equivalence among different interpretations of the past or coordinate between them. First, actors establish equivalence by defining rules under which heterogeneous memories can be subsumed. Equivalence decontextualizes memories and divests them of temporal references. Here, the integration of mnemonic difference expands a mnemonic realm from its centre. Second, through coordination, memory actors connect different layers of interpretation that all refer to their own time and context. By rendering explicit the implicit rules of how those interpretations compete, actors open up a general standpoint of multiple temporalities. From this standpoint, reinterpretations can stretch the boundaries of mnemonic realms.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the feeling of being at home in time and in place through fieldwork carried out in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2015–2016. Such feelings are needed after a war resulting in geographical displacement as occurred during the breakup of Yugoslavia. This paper argues for the need to see beyond only spatial factors for the ‘making of home’, and therefore considers temporal factors through the role of the heritage in forming narratives, which combine temporal and spatial relations. Alternative narratives to those of ethnic separation are taken into consideration, and it is argued that a sole focus on division may further enforce it rather than lead to its reduction. A sense of disassociation to the current city of Mostar and its narratives has led to the construction of narratives of home within a different time-period (pre-war Mostar). In turn, this may cause nostalgia, passivity, and an ‘othering’ of the newcomers to Mostar. However, there are also cases of employing such a narrative actively in order to envision an alternative future beyond ethnic separation. So far, the institutions working with the heritage of Mostar have not addressed these issues, thus possible ways forward are suggested.  相似文献   
In this article, I present a story about South African Marxist and activist-scholar Neville Edward Alexander. As historians, social scientists and intellectuals embedded in the humanities, a part of the job we have awarded ourselves or that we assume to be part of our disciplinary reasoning, our intellectual orbit, is to bring to life the periods that, and the people about whom, we reflect. This we do through writing and telling stories, often constructed with a “moral message” of sorts. In these acts of writing and story-telling, objectivity plays a disputed and a precarious role, and misrepresentations could be conscious or unwitting. The lack of objectivity in bringing to life the period and the people we talk about in our stories, in our exaggeration and our understatement about what we have read, about what we have heard, and then about what we write, is part of an academic’s narrative. These human traits of exaggeration and understatement can lead to historical error. In this early exploration of seeking answers to the questions, “Who is Neville Alexander?” and “What can we learn from his writings?” I offer two anecdotes about the man. My proposition is that overcoming historical error does not rest exclusively with factual verification. It has to factor in an appraisal of the ideological intention or even political wish of the people telling the stories, in written texts and orally, and of the interlocutors’ context that we recover in our historical studies. In writing this preliminary sketch of Alexander, I take a detour into higher education issues, particularly the field of doctoral studies, and I paraphrase some of the concerns that have been raised by Alexander. I conclude this introductory study with some thoughts on Alexander’s contributions to social change, to “race,” and to language policy and multilingualism.  相似文献   
Three lipid analysis methods were applied to extracts of archaeological potsherds from the ancient city of Sagalassos, south‐west Turkey. In the fatty acid methyl ester fraction, obtained by selective transesterification of acylglycerols, the ratio of methyl palmitate to methyl stearate was determined. Secondly, by means of gas chromatography– combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC–C–IRMS), stable carbon isotope ratios were measured for the same methyl esters. Finally, triglyceride composition was determined via high‐performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS). All three methods can be used to trace the origin of animal fat. Agreement between them is reasonable, especially in recognizing ruminant adipose fat. One sample was found to be of dairy origin using both GC–C–IRMS and HPLC–MS. The advantages of the various methods are discussed. Variations in lipid composition were observed between samples from different periods and excavated in diverse areas within the city of Sagalassos.  相似文献   
Practices of inventory and collection, intended to organise artefacts in systems of conservation and display, may be unable to cope with deposits of ambiguous or degraded matter. The article chronicles the inventory of residual material culture at a homestead in Montana, and the development of a curatorial practice sensitive to the peculiar qualities and resonances of waste things. Critical and creative resources, drawn from contemporary artists who incorporate such matter in their work, catalyse methodological experimentation with the ordering of objects and their histories. Explorations of artful inventory lead to reflections on the relation between place, memory, and the geographical specificity of curatorial practice.  相似文献   
晚明松江士人陈继儒绝意科举,以坐馆谋生。晚年获得官宦资助,得以隐居山野,尽管与山人具有一定的相似性,但始终不游走谋利,在明人眼中基本是名士,甚少以之为山人。然至清代,却被视为山人。从表面看,这是因乾隆时期蒋士铨夸大了陈继儒世俗功利的一面,《四库全书总目提要》又夸大了陈继儒隐逸山泽、忘却忧患的一面,但深层原因却是明清易代的政权更迭所催动的在野士人经世空间与学风、文风的巨大转变。这一事实不仅在一定程度上反映了清朝国家控制力加强与士人社会地位下降的历史趋势,而且反映出历史记忆与其他因素密切相关,具有因时而变的特点。  相似文献   
林宏 《历史地理研究》2021,41(1):117-140
近代欧洲刊行的第一部中国分省地图集《中国新图志》(Novus Atlas Sinensis)1655年在阿姆斯特丹出版,对当时欧洲人对中国的认知产生重大影响。《中国新图志》的地图与图说主要是由耶稣会士卫匡国(Martino Martini)基于返欧时随身携带的《广舆记》编制的。通过解读现存于梵蒂冈图书馆的《广舆记》“工作本”上的卫匡国亲笔批注,结合适当推理,可以尝试重构卫匡国在工作本分省图上推定城址经纬度的方法与过程。卫匡国仅以极少量控制点的实测或预设经纬度值为基础,为其余一千七百多个城址做了经纬度赋值,这是其制图的核心步骤。虽不具备充分“准确性”,却成功地将中文分省舆图有效地转化成符合当时欧洲制图业标准的西式地图集。  相似文献   
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