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In two-dimensional and single axis three-dimensional finite element analyses, the ground motion incidence angle can play a significant role in structural response. The effect of incidence angle for three-dimensional excitation and response is investigated in this paper for response of highway bridges. Single-degree-of-freedom elastic and inelastic mean spectra were computed from various orientation techniques and found indistinguishable for combinations of orthogonal horizontal components. Probabilistic seismic demand models were generated for the nonlinear response of five different bridge models. The negligible effect of incidence angle on mean ensemble response was confirmed with a stochastic representation of the ground motions.  相似文献   
2010年至2012年,中国文化遗产研究院承担了大型贴金彩绘摩崖石刻造像潼南大佛的保护修复工程。本次工程不仅利用了多种分析检测及三维扫描技术,对文物的历史及病害信息进行了详细调研,还对造像妆銮和传统修复工艺进行了深入研究,总结了古代髹漆贴金工艺的装饰与保护功效,以及历代传统修复所用材料及工艺的优势。并在本次工程中将调研结果与现代科学修复理念、技术有效结合,取得了较满意的修复效果。  相似文献   
胡苑 《神州》2012,(28):195+197-195,197
CET-3 (College English Test Band 3) in Zhejiang Province adds English writing part to the new syllabus and therefore to develop strong English writing skills in vocational colleges students becomes one of the important tasks of vocational colleges in English teaching.This paper analyzes the difficulties in the teaching of CET-3 English writing at vocational colleges and proposes teaching strategies to improve students’ level of English writing.  相似文献   
Astrid Wood 《对极》2015,47(4):1062-1079
This paper utilizes the introduction of bus rapid transit (BRT) in South Africa to unravel the role of South–South connections in local policymaking. While the South African systems are unmistakably modeled after Bogotá's Transmilenio, whose accomplishments have been touted as the low‐cost, high‐quality transport solution, the process through which other Southern cities influenced the circulation of BRT remains underexplored. In so doing, this paper asks how and why certain cities are brought into conversation with one another and what happens as a result? This analysis suggests that policy circulation is never a rational survey of best practices but a political process through which policymakers select their sites of learning in accordance with wider aspirations, ideologies and positioning. Illustrating the way in which policymakers deploy different meanings of the global South and their position within this construct to justify local policy decisions adds a critical dimension to understandings of policy mobilities.  相似文献   
殷墟花东H3卜辞中"迟弓、恒弓、疾弓"考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<花东>37版有"迟彝弓、恒弓、疾弓"三种不同的弓,它们分别相当于文献中的王、弧、唐、大、夹、庾之弓.它们使用于H3卜辞主人"子"在学射礼即将结束时.本文对"迟彝弓、恒弓、疾弓"三种不同弓的考证,不仅有助于深化H3卜辞研究,而且对商代、西周、春秋时期的射箭工具的继承和发展也有一定的认识.  相似文献   
再论温江鱼凫村遗址第三期文化遗存的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合近年来考古新发现,对以鱼凫村遗址第三期文化遗存为代表的、分布于成都平原的一支考古学遗存,进行辨析与研究,认为由于其独特的文化内涵和所处文明发展阶段,应该从宝墩文化中单列出来,并根据考古学文化命名的基本原则,建议将这类主要分布在成都平原地区、距今4000~3700年的考古学文化遗存命名为"童凫村文化".相信这一判断,...  相似文献   
3号墓为砖砌单室墓,由墓道、天井、墓门、甬道、墓室等组成,出有陶器、瓷器、铁器等遗物。4号墓为砖砌仿木结构双室墓,墓室内仅余一合墓志及少量遗物。4号墓主为辽初汉姓贵族、曾任节度使的通事耿崇美及夫人耶律氏。两座墓的发掘对研究辽代兴中府汉姓贵族家族史及其联姻关系有重要意义。  相似文献   
During excavations in the huge ditched enclosure of Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain), the main centre from the first hierarchical framework-settlement in the Guadalquivir Valley, a pit with remains of a context for producing ivory artefacts, dating from the first half of the 3rd millennium BC, was discovered in the large metallurgical nucleate workshops. Scientific (Optical Microscopy, FIRT and Raman Spectroscopy, C/N Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) analyses revealed that the ivory belonged to Asian elephants and the archaeological study, which was made in a specialized workshop context. In this paper we present the archaeological context, the study of the ivory artefacts and the state of research on ivory in the Lower Guadalquivir Basin during the 3rd millennium BC. In a parallel way, this paper discusses the significance of this workshop context in the configuration and function of the long distance circulation of raw material and the specialized craft areas in the first political centres.  相似文献   
戢晓峰  连晨希  陈方 《人文地理》2016,31(5):141-147
为科学分析物流经济空间格局,基于经济地理学3D理论的密度(density)、距离(distance)和分割(division)框架,建立了物流经济空间格局的L-3D分析体系,利用地理集中度、物流经济联系强度及区位商等测度指标,分析了云南省物流经济空间格局的密度、距离及分割特征。结果表明:云南省物流经济密度的空间分异特征显著,呈现以昆明为中心的横纵扩散模式,外圈物流经济明显薄弱;物流经济空间距离呈现中心-通道发展模式,滇中城市群发展优势明显,西部边界物流经济距离较大;物流经济分割特征体现于昆明的区位商值较低,滇中城市群物流经济发展差异显著,以昆明为基准,大理及其周边地区分割严重。  相似文献   
关于山东滕州前掌大M3、M4的年代问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前掌大M3、M4一直被认为是商代晚期墓葬,但是两墓出土的青铜銮铃、车辖和陶三足盘却是西周时期才出现的器物,M3有墓上建筑,且被M4打破,说明两墓存在一定的时间差,不可能为同时墓葬,综合其他遗物的年代分析,M3为西周初年墓葬,而M4则为西周中期早段墓葬。  相似文献   
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