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近年发掘的北赵晋国墓地为研究西周考古、历史等提供了极其宝贵的资料。该墓地中出土的大量铜器,引起了专家学者的广泛关注,研究成果涵盖很多方面,但仍有若干问题悬而未决,北赵墓地中墓主身份问题  相似文献   
一2004年春夏之交,北京中华世纪坛艺术馆与内蒙古自治区博物馆联合举办成吉思汗——中国古代北方草原游牧文化大展,其中的一件展品铜酿酒锅(图一)引起了笔者的兴趣。后来有机会在内蒙古博物馆同仁的帮助下,仔细观察了这件酿酒锅。  相似文献   
This paper is a presentation of a comparison between prehistoric food culture signals obtained through analyses of lipid food residues in pottery, i.e. pottery-use, from settlement remains on one hand and bone chemical analyses of human skeletal remains from an adjacent and contemporary cemetery on the other. The materials derive from the Early Medieval site Tuna in Alsike par., Uppland, Sweden. The results show a discrepancy between the two food signals and it is argued that pottery-use do not by necessity reflect everyday diet. But it is also argued that the integration of several food signals together with contextual archaeological data is a fruitful way to begin to understand the complexity of prehistoric cultures of food.  相似文献   
侯云灏 《史学月刊》2002,4(6):5-13,41
面对改革开放的新形势,受“左”倾思潮影响的教条主义史学面临来自多方面的挑战,史学危机的呼声不绝于耳,西方各种史学思潮纷至沓来。史学工作者本着解放思想、实事求是的原则,结合实际,重新学习,调整步伐,注重历史学的学科特性,与时俱进,使马克思主义史学获得了新的生机。  相似文献   
本通过大量已发表的资料,运用考古类型学方法,对学界中存在争议的江陵地区东周墓葬出土的日用陶器进行了年代排序。由于该地区东周墓葬中铜礼器和仿铜陶礼器的年代序列较为清楚且多取得共识,章选取铜礼器、仿铜陶礼器和日用陶器共存的墓葬为典型墓例和讨论的基础。作为一项基础性工作,本的研究成果将有助于楚化的深入探索。  相似文献   
试论重庆万州中坝子遗址夏商周时期文化遗存   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
万州中坝子遗址是三峡地区一处以商周时期化为主的重要遗存。经过近年来的发掘,清理出商周时期的灰坑、墓葬、水田等多处遗迹现象,同时获得一大批陶、石、骨、铜器等遗物。根据陶器组合及型式变化和地层关系,本将中坝子遗址商周时期化遗存分为二期四段。通过对比,其年代与鄂西地区的中堡岛三期类型、川西地区的三星堆二期化大致相当。另外,因中坝子遗址位于古代巴人活动的中心区域,对该遗址的研究也为探索早期巴化提供了十分重要的资料。  相似文献   
The article seeks to explain the connection between the migration of the Magyars and Pechenegs in central and south-east Europe, in the late ninth and early tenth century, and the conflict between Byzantium and Bulgaria during the same period. Through reference to anthropologists discussing the relations between nomadic and sedentary societies (Khazanov, Barfield), and historians studying medieval rituals (Buc, Althoff, Koziol), the article interprets the aggressive policy of the Bulgarian tsar Symeon as a consistent effort to displace Byzantium as major partner of the nomadic polities in the area. By subverting the principles of Byzantine diplomacy and political culture, Symeon turned his own kingdom into a society-structuring factor in the nomadic world. The article evaluates the very meaning of imperial claims not so much in legal terms, as an effort to guarantee Bulgaria’s sovereignty in a Byzantium-centred world, but in the real-time capacity of a ruler to make use of imperial symbols and act upon the dynamically changing conjuncture.  相似文献   
本文以美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究院档案馆藏蒋介石日记、台湾"国史馆"藏蒋介石档案和外交部档案、广东省档案馆藏财政厅档案、中国第二历史档案馆和重庆档案馆编四联总处史料集、民国报刊杂志等原始史料为依据,考察了国民政府管控侨汇的机构、政策、流向变迁历程及其成效。认为战时侨汇是外汇的重要组成部分,是国家金融抗战和军事国防联动布局的关键物资,国民政府对侨汇管控有其金融抗战和国防战略部署的双重需要。抗战时期国民政府的侨汇管控存在着复杂的政策调整和隶属机构的变迁,这些措施增加了海外侨汇流入祖国。四联总处、财政部、中国银行和中央银行对战时侨汇管控做出重要贡献。文中1940—1945年度中国银行经收美元和英镑外币侨汇数额的统计图,填补了战时侨汇本币和外币统计数据欠缺的空白。  相似文献   
胡阿祥 《安徽史学》2016,(3):130-137
唐代以前的宣城,走过了由县邑到郡治、由江南西部的行政中心到江南地区的政治腹地与经济沃壤的历程。其间几个关键节点是:楚国置爰陵邑,西汉置丹杨郡,孙吴丹杨郡迁治建业,西晋分置宣城郡,六朝时代之宣城既为近畿要地、又逐渐成长为文化名邦。以南齐谢朓为标志人物的山水诗的创作与影响,既反映了南朝时代宣城的文化特色,也使得宣城成为中国文学史上名副其实的"山水诗都"。  相似文献   
This paper reviews recent archaeological research concerning Classic Maya lowland political systems (ca. A.D. 250–1000). It focuses specifically on (1) subsistence practices revealed through the analysis of prehistoric climate, available resources, agricultural technologies, and diet; (2) population distribution, density, and size revealed through the analysis of settlement practices and architectural function; (3) social differentiation and interaction revealed through the analysis of burial practices, diet and health, architecture, and production, consumption, and exchange patterns; and (4) ancient Maya political economy (how it was funded) revealed through the analysis of community organization, ritual activities, the Classic Maya collapse, and warfare. It finally ends with a brief discussion of the future of Maya archaeology. A key factor that recurs throughout this review is the noticeable amount of variability that existed—varied resources, subsistence strategies, settlement practices, and social and political systems. An understanding of this variability is the key to appreciate fully the Classic Maya.  相似文献   
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