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Piece mould casting technology, as a hall mark of the central plains of China during the Bronze Age, has attracted scholars' interest globally. Bronze ritual vessels found in this area were produced in large quantities and generally cast with the moulds composed of three or more sections. This enormous industry certainly required workers to have had professional knowledge to ensure the success of every single cast. Mould making technology was one of its most important parts. This research looks into the microstructure of bronze casting moulds of the Eastern Zhou period, which was a rarely studied topic in previous research. Through comparison with local pottery, it is shown that casting moulds in this period were produced with quite specialized sand-rich material, and clay was only a minor component. It is then discussed how this unique material can be beneficial to the bronze casting process and how this technology was integrated as a crucial part of the Chinese bronze casting system. These analyses might be able to portray mould makers in the ancient bronze foundries as a group of specialized people with their own traditions and professional knowledge.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to assess the relationship between the cereals cultivated in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages (ca. 1250–400 BC) within the area of the present-day Czech Republic, and their environmental settings. The various charred caryopses of cereal species represented in the archaeobotanical assemblages from 35 archaeological sites differ, especially in the proportion of wheat and barley. The cereal assemblages were compared regarding site altitude, weather conditions, soils and soil productivity. The most important environmental variable influencing the choice of a particular crop seemed to be altitude which is correlated with other variables such as the length of growing season, mean annual temperature, soil quality etc. Although the ecological requirements of cereals cultivated in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages are not known, they presumably thrived under similar conditions to present-day species/varieties, and the strategy of past crop husbandry was based on similar principles as today, e.g. flexible adaptation to local environmental conditions, in an effort to achieve optimal yields and reduce the danger of crop failure.  相似文献   
This study provides a unique method of inquiry for archaeological investigation with an aim to assess the intensity and effects of Neolithic and Bronze Age farming practices at Lough Dargan, northwest Ireland, through a multi-proxy analysis of a lake sediment core. Chironomid (non-biting midge fly) subfossils and lake sediment geochemistry (δ13C, δ15N and C:N ratios) were used to assess changes in limnological conditions through time. The limnological data were compared with macroscopic charcoal concentration and pollen data to examine the potential influence that early farmers had on a freshwater lake system within a prehistorically active catchment. Results from the chironomid analysis show that the first substantial period of agricultural activity in the early Neolithic (c. 3730–3190 BC) resulted in a temporary shift to more eutrophic lake conditions. There is evidence of animal husbandry with substantial levels of animal waste reaching the lake, leaving an imprint in the geochemical record of increased δ15N values and decreased δ13C values and C:N ratios during this time. The chironomid community reverted back to its pre-impacted state c. 3190 BC in response to a period of reduced farming (c. 3390–3000 BC) which eventually led to a distinct lull in activity, with possible cessation of farming from 3000 to 2700 BC. A return to eutrophic conditions coincided with the gradual return of agriculture, with more permanently altered lake conditions dominating from 2400 BC, even during a 250-year period of reduced human activity commencing at c. 1440 BC. Increased sedimentation rate, along with increases in δ13C, δ15N and C:N, the presence of chironomid taxa indicative of erosion, more eutrophic lake conditions and high concentrations of macroscopic charcoal all point to more intensive land use practices during the Bronze Age. Palaeolimnological data exhibited an immediate response to intensified farming during this time, and were especially responsive to pastoral farming due either to scale of activity or proximity to the lakeside. The success of this study demonstrates the effectiveness of palaeolimnological analysis in the investigation of prehistoric farming. This approach will help inform Neolithic and Bronze Age land-use practice and human–environment relations in the region, and highlights the potential for chironomid-based archaeological research.  相似文献   
This paper presents new 500 year interval palaeogeographic models for Britain, Ireland and the North West French coast from 11000 cal. BP to present. These models are used to calculate the varying rates of inundation for different geographical zones over the study period. This allows for consideration of the differential impact that Holocene sea-level rise had across space and time, and on past societies. In turn, consideration of the limitations of the models helps to foreground profitable areas for future research.  相似文献   
商代甲骨文、金文中“车”字的几种字形及有关的记载,对我们发掘、研究殷墟出土的车子遗迹很有帮助,如曲衡马车的发现、车试及不同形式车厢的清理、车辙的研究等,都是受到甲骨文、金文中“车”字资料的启发,而使发掘与研究工作取得了更好的效果。  相似文献   
文物修复保护及研究是一项涵盖多学科、多因素的系统性工作,不同文物中所包含的历史信息、文化价值和病害情况等都有其独特性。对文物的观察和研究,既能够发现、研究其中有价值的问题,又能够决定如何具体开展文物修复保护工作。本文以故宫博物院藏的一件宋代铜凤凰修复保护及研究工作为例,以时间发展和问题递进两个方面为顺序,对铜凤凰进行了信息调查、元素成分、形态结构、制作工艺等方面的综合研究,科学地、具体地、整体地分析在此项工作过程中所遇到的问题,根据实际情况提出与之相适应的解决方案并加以实施,对问题的发现过程与形成因素给出尽可能详细的解释,直观呈现对这件文物完整的修复保护及研究。在整个工作的过程中,思考使用问题导向思维作为文物修复保护中开展工作的底层逻辑,使所做工作都尽可能做到知其然也知其所以然。  相似文献   
金属腐蚀过程不仅受环境等外部因素的影响,制作工艺、合金组成及缺陷等内部因素同样起着重要作用。为实现金属文物制作工艺和内部腐蚀状态的可视化研究,运用X射线显微CT对铜镜文物碎片以及出土、海洋出水铁质文物样品进行扫描探测,并结合X射线荧光、X射线衍射等检测手段,开展金属文物材质、工艺及矿化程度的综合分析。结果表明,在显微CT影像重建基础上,通过设定不同的阈值,可实现文物内部缺陷、腐蚀矿化程度等内部信息的测量统计。该方法可为金属文物材质、制作工艺研究和腐蚀状态评估提供无损的研究手段。  相似文献   

We integrate functional weed ecology with crop stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to assess their combined potential for inferring arable land management practices in (semi-)arid regions from archaeobotanical assemblages. Weed and GIS survey of 60 cereal and pulse fields in Morocco are combined with crop sampling for stable isotope analysis to frame assessment of agricultural labour intensity in terms of manuring, irrigation, tillage and hand-weeding. Under low management intensity weed variation primarily reflects geographical differences, whereas under high management intensity fields in disparate regions have similar weed flora. Manured and irrigated oasis barley fields are clearly discriminated from less intensively manured rain-fed barley terraces in southern Morocco; when fields in northern and southern Morocco are considered together, climatic differences are superimposed on the agronomic intensity gradient. Barley δ13C and δ15N values clearly distinguish among the Moroccan regimes. An integrated approach combines crop isotope values with weed ecological discrimination of low- and high-intensity regimes across multiple studies (in southern Morocco and southern Europe). Analysis of archaeobotanical samples from EBA Tell Brak, Syria suggests that this early city was sustained through extensive (low-intensity, large-scale) cereal farming.  相似文献   
The Balearic Islands were the last large islands in the Mediterranean to be settled, with colonization not occurring until the third millennium cal BC. The richest assemblages of zooarchaeological data for reconstructing patterns of animal exploitation and management come from Mallorca, Menorca, and Formentera and date to the late third and second millennia cal BC. In this article, I consider these exploitation and management strategies from the perspective of human ecodynamics. In general, the early settlers of the Balearic Islands adopted economic strategies which remained very conservative throughout the Early and Mid Bronze Age (i.e., 2500/2300–1200 cal BC). On Mallorca and Menorca, animal resources were derived mainly from domesticated fauna, with the evidence supporting a mixed-farming model wherein cultivation is complemented by small-scale and relatively unspecialized animal husbandry. In contrast, on Formentera there is a diversification of the faunal economy, with fish and wild birds providing an important contribution to the diet; this probably relates to the extreme marginality of the Formenteran environment. This case of initial human settlement and flexible adaptation to the Balearics highlights one of the core aspects of human ecodynamics: the ability for colonizing populations to both uniquely respond to and affect ecological conditions in island environments.  相似文献   
为探究滇西地区青铜文化及相关铜器的制作技术,本研究使用便携式X射线荧光光谱(p XRF)对滇西祥云县大波那墓地、检村石棺墓和红土坡古墓群出土357件铜器进行了成分分析。结果表明,p XRF可在无损、原位的情况下,基本做到铜器合金成分的定量分析。铜器材质均以红铜和锡青铜为主,铅锡青铜和砷铜居少量。三处墓地铜器Sn、Pb配比模式高度一致。铜矛、铜剑等兵器中出现少量高锡青铜。这些现象反映出祥云地区各时期铜器的制作工艺高度一致,可称之为昆明夷铜器工艺类型。大波那墓地铜器基本不含铁,其余墓地存在较多高铁铜器,大波那地区的先民应该采用了不同的冶炼技术。砷铜全部出自红土坡古墓群,初步推测晚期墓葬出现的砷铜乃至砷铜工艺很可能是沿着"半月形文化传播带"由西北地区传入祥云地区的。  相似文献   
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