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The difficult but by no means dysfunctional relationship between President Abraham Lincoln and Congress remains an understudied aspect of Civil War history. Indeed, it is impossible to arrive at a comprehensive or convincing explanation for Union victory until that relationship is limned more precisely. This article contends that U.S. Senator William Pitt Fessenden (1806–69) played a critical mediating role in the wartime Congress. He did so firstly in his capacities as chair of the Senate finance committee and close associate of U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase and secondly as a public supporter of executive war powers. Although the influential Maine Republican had serious doubts about the effectiveness of the Lincoln administration, his determination to quash the southern rebellion and considerable powers of self‐restraint enabled him to act as an important and constructive broker between the White House and the fractious Republicans on Capitol Hill.  相似文献   

A Geography of Europe. By Jean Gottmann. 9 1/4×6 1/4. Pp. x+699. Illustrated. New York : Henry Holt and Co. Inc., 1951. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd. 30s.

The Sea Coast. By J. A. Steers. 8 1/2×6. Pp. xii+276. 52 figs. 10 colour photographs. 24 photographs in black and white. [The New Naturalist, 25.] London : William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd, 1953. 25s.

The Scottish Economy : A Statistical Account of Scottish Life by Members of the Staff of Glasgow University. Edited by A. K. Cairncross. 9×6. Pp. xvi+320. 17 figs. [Publications of the Department of Social and Economic Research, University of Glasgow. Social and Economic Studies, 2.] Cambridge : The University Press, 1954. 30s.

The Crofting Problem. By Adam Collier. Foreword by A. K. Cairncross. 9×6. Pp. xv+191. 8 illustrations. 4 sketch maps. [Publications of the Department of Social and Economic Research, University of Glasgow. Social and Economic Studies, 1.] Cambridge: University Press, 1953. 25s.

Torridon Highlands. By Brenda G. Macrow. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+212. 25 illustrations. Sketch map. [The Regional Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1953. 18s.

North‐East Lowlands of Scotland. By John R. Allan. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+262. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1952. 18s.

The Lowlands of Scotland : Glasgow and the North. By Maurice Lindsay. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xviii+268. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1953. 18s.

Ayrshire 1745–1950 : A Social and Industrial History of the County. By James Edward Shaw. Foreword by The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles MacAndrew, M.P. 9×5 3/4. Pp. xiii+279. ‘9 plates. [Compiled for the Ayrshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.] Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd, 1953. 12s 6d.

West Durham : A Study of a Problem Area in North Eastern England. By G. H. J. Daysh, J. S. Symonds, and others. 10×6. Pp. x+198. 3 figs. 7 illustrations. 8 maps. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1953. 45s.

Sandy Shores in South Lancashire : The Geomorphology of South‐West Lancashire. By R. Kay Gressweix. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+194. 46 figs. 31 illustrations. 23 tables. [Liverpool Studies in Geography.] Liverpool : The University Press of Liverpool, 1953. 30s.

A Scientific Survey of Merseyside. Edited by Wilfred Smith, 9 1/2×7 1/4. Pp. xv+299. 62 figs. 16 plates. 2 folding maps. [Published for the British Association.] Liverpool: The University Press of Liverpool, 1953. 21s.

Green Gold and Granite : A Background to Finland. By Wendy Hall. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 190. 12 illustrations. Sketch map. London : Max Parrish and Co. Ltd, 1953. 175s 6d.

Germany: A General and Regional Geography. By Robert E. Dickinson. 9×6. Pp. xxiv+700. 121 figs. 32 illustrations. [Advanced Geographies.] London: Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1953. 50s.

Paris. By André George. 9×6 1/2. Pp.239. Heliogravures. [Les Beaux Pays.] London : Nicholas Kaye Ltd, 1952. 21s.

Another Spain. By Churton Fairman. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 202. 49 plates. London : Museum Press Ltd, 1952. 18s.


Secret Tibet. By Fosco Maraeini. Translated from the Italian by Eric Mosbacher. Introduction by Bernard Berenson. 9 1/2×6 3/4. Pp. 251. Frontispiece. 60 plates. Sketch map. London : Hutchinson and Co. Ltd, 1952. 30s.

Seven Tears in Tibet. By Heinrich Harrer. Translated from the German by Richard Graves. Introduction by Peter Fleming. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xv+288. Frontispiece. 25 illustrations. Sketch map. London : Rupert Hart‐Davis Ltd, 1953. 16s.


Ethiopia and Eritrea : The Last Phase of the Reunion Struggle, 1941–1952. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst and Richard K. P. Pankhurst, B.Sc. (ECON.), Ph.d. Foreword by Lady Pethick‐Lawrence of Peaslake. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 360. 4 figs. Frontispiece. 52 plates. Woodford Green : Lalibela House, 1953. 18s.

Kalahari Sand. By Frank Debenham, O.B.E., M.A., D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 189. 16 photographs. Sketches. 5 sketch maps. London : G. Bell and Sons Ltd, 1953. 15s.


Southampton Island. By J. Brian Bird. 9 3/4×6 1/2. Pp. viii+84. 19 figs. 8 plates. [Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Geographical Branch Memoir 1.] Ottawa: Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1953. $0.50.

The Florida of the Inca. By Garcilaso de la Vega. Translated and edited by John Grier Varner and Jeannette Johnson Varner. 9 1/2×6. Pp. xlviii +656. Drawings and decorative end‐paper map, by Reese Brandt. Edinburgh : Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1951. 30s.


Geodesy. By Brigadier G. Bomford, O.B.E., M.A.,D.Sc., F.R.I.C.S. 9 1/2×6. Pp. xiv+452. 165 figs. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1952. 50s.


Decorative Printed Maps of the 15th to 18th Centuries. A revised edition of ‘Old Decorative Maps and Charts’, by A. L. Humphreys. By R. A. Skelton, F.S.A. 12 1/2×10. Pp. vii+80. 84 plates, including 12 in colour. London : Staples Press Ltd, 1952. 73s 6d.

Maps and Their Makers : An Introduction to the History of Cartography. By G. R. Crone, M.A. 7 1/4×4 3/4. Pp. 181. 7 figs. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1953. 8s 6d.

The Look of Maps : An Examination of Cartographic Design. By Arthur H. Robinson. 9 1/2×6. Pp. x+105. 3 figs. Madison : University of Wisconsin Press, 1952. $2.75.


Morphological Analysis of Land Forms : A Contribution to Physical Geology. By Walther Penck. Translated by Hella Czech, Ph.D., and Katharine Cumming Boswell, B.A., M.Sc. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. xiv+429. 21 figs. 12 plates. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1953. 42s.


Climatology. By A. Austin Miller, D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+318. 82 figs. [Advanced Geographies.] London : Methuen and Co. Ltd. New York : E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. Eighth edition, 1953. 21s.


The Story of the Oceans. By John Scott Douglas. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 272. 15 plates. London : Frederick Muller Ltd, 1953. 15s.

Zoogeography of the Sea. By Sven Ekman. Translated from the Swedish by Elizabeth Palmer, Ph.D. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xiv+417. 121 figs. 598 references. [Text‐Books of Animal Biology.] London: Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, 1953. 42s.

The Geography of the Flowering Plants. By Ronald Good, M.A., Sc.D. 10×6. Pp. xiv+452. 75 figs. 25 plates. London : Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1953. 50s.

Plant Life in the Scottish Highlands : Ecology and Adaptation to their Insect Visitors. By Alexander Edward Holden. 8 1/2×6 1/2. Pp. xv+319. 64 photographs by Robert M. Adam. Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1952. 30s.

La Politique des États et leur Géographie. By Jean Gottmann. 9×5 1/2. Pp. xi+228. [Collection ‘Sciences politiques.’] Paris : Librairie Armand Colin, 1952. fr. 670.


The Coast of Incense : Autobiography 1933–1939. By Freya Stark. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. xiii+287. 51 illustrations. Sketch map by H. W. Hawes. Wood engravings by Reynolds Stone. London : John Murray Ltd, 1953. 25s.

Arabian Adventurer : The Story of Haji Williamson. By Stanton Hope (W. E. Stanton‐Hope, F.R.G.S.). Foreword by A. H. T. Chisholm, C.B.E. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 335. 23 illustrations. London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1951. 16s.

Francis Younghusband : Explorer and Mystic. By George Seaver, LITT.D. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xi+391. 13 illustrations. 4 sketch maps by Charmian Longstaff. London: John Murray Ltd, 1952. 25s.


The Skin of the Earth. By A. Austin Miller, D.Sc. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. ix+198. 67 figs. [Advanced Geographies.] London : Methuen and Co. Ltd, 1953. 21s.

Teach Yourself Archeology. By S. Graham Brade‐Birks. 7×4 1/4. Pp. xii+220. Frontispiece. 120 figs. [The Teach Yourself Books.] London: The English Universities Press, Ltd, 1953. 6s.

Colliery Surveying. By R. McAdam. 8 3/4×5. Pp. vii+146. 81 figs. Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd Ltd, 1953. 12s 6d.


Geography in the Twentieth Century : A Study of Growth, Fields, Techniques, Aims and Trends. Edited by Griffith Taylor. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+661. 57 figs. 15 plates. New York : Philosophical Library Inc. London : Methuen and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1953. 35s.

Le Razzf e i Popoli della Terra. By Renato Biasutti. 10 1/4×7 1/2. Vol. I. Razze, Popoli e Culture. Collaborators : M. Bartoli, R. Battaglia, R. Corso, G. Genna, P. Graziosi, S. Sergi, C. Tagliavani, G. Vidossi. Pp. xii+723. Frontispiece. 495 figs. 16 colour plates. Vol. II. Europa—Asia. Collaborators: R. Corso, R. Battaglia, M. Muccioli. Pp. 656. 565 figs. 6 colour plates. Torino : Unione Tipografico‐Editrice Torinese. Vol. I. Second edition, 1953. L 7200. Vol. II. Second edition, 1954. L 6500.

American Geography : Inventory and Prospect. Edited by Preston E. James and Clarence F. Jones. 9×6. Pp. xii+590. 33 figs. [Published for the Association of American Geographers.] Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1954. $6.

Our World from the Air: An International Survey of Man and his Environment. By E. A. Gutkind. Foreword by G. P. Gooch, C.H. Introduction by Professor E. G. R. Taylor, 11 1/2×10 3/4. Pp. 256. 400 photographs. London: Chatto and Windus, 1952. 63s.

The Geography of Towns. By Arthur E. Smailes. 7 1/2×4 3/4. Pp. 166. 22 figs. London : Hutchinson's University Library 1953. 8s 6d.

Mountains with a Difference. By Geoffrey Winthrop Young. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. ix+282. 14 illustrations. [The New Alpine Library.] Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd, 1951. 18s.


Weltatlas : Die Staaten der Erde und ihre Wirtschaft. Edited by Edgar Lehmann. 9 1/2×13. Pp. viii+97 (coloured maps)+63 (gazetteer). Leipzig : VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1952.

Atlas of the World's Resources. [University of Maryland.] 12 1/2×151/2. Vol. II. The Mineral Resources of the World. By William Van Royen, Oliver Bowles, and Elmer W. Pehrson. Pp. ix+181. 186 figs. New York : Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1952. London : Constable and Co. Ltd, 1953. 70s.  相似文献   
This article considers what a ‘structure of feeling’ approach can reveal about the gendered dynamics of parenting during the ‘New Labour’ years of the UK government. It explores some of the ways in which contestations about gender roles were evident in policy and in popular cultural discourses and demonstrates how these discourses both contained their own internal tensions and contradicted each other. It then reflects on the strategies that parents engaged in need to make sense of and manage these contestations and makes clear some of the pressures that had come to bear through policy and popular culture on parents' personal lives.  相似文献   

Between 1914 and 1935, the cities of Vienna and Pressburg/Bratislava were linked by an electric railway known as the Pressburgerbahn. More than just a line of transportation, the railway became intertwined with the complex politics of identity in Pressburg. The Pressburgerbahn presented nationalists in the Habsburg Empire with a dilemma: it had the potential to contribute to the unification of the nation, but at the same time was transnational by definition. This paradox generated a heated controversy about the Pressburgerbahn between Magyar nationalists and the predominantly German-speaking Pressburg bourgeoisie. Using biologized rhetoric, Hungarian politicians and journalists portrayed their nation as a body politic that was disfigured by having a railway ‘vein’ cross the border into Austria, in particular from such a peripheral location as Pressburg. By contrast, the discourse of the German-speaking bourgeoisie was firmly anchored in an imperial, supra-ethnic landscape. This controversy was replayed following the incorporation of the renamed city of Bratislava into Czechoslovakia in 1919: the Prague-based Ministry of Railways employed the rhetoric of the railway as an integrating structure within the body politic, while the eventual closure of the Pressburgerbahn in 1935 was closely connected to the belated nationalization of Bratislava. The railway to Vienna thus became a symbol of the liminal status of the town as a whole, in terms of nation, geography, politics and culture.  相似文献   
Ochre is a red mineral pigment that was a key element of social and ceremonial practices among cultures of the Pacific Northwest Coast. It is recovered routinely from archaeological excavations, is visible as pigment for pictographs, and is described in the historical record as a trade item and component of ceremonial practices. Despite its ubiquity in the archaeological record, it is difficult to interpret its significance without first understanding the nature of its procurement and distribution. As a step towards identifying procurement practices, trade and resource use, it is necessary to thoroughly characterize ochre outcrops with regard to their intra‐source and regional variability. We analysed ochre from three outcrops using INAA to determine their elemental chemistry. The purpose of this study is threefold: to provide an example of the range of elemental variability within and between outcrops, to illustrate the effect of scale and geomorphological processes on elemental compositions and statistical interpretation, and to create a database of known deposits in southern British Columbia. The results demonstrate that ochre deposits may be differentiated on the basis of their chemistry, and that conservative statistical interpretation needs to be employed to assess true elemental variability within and between ochre deposits and regions.  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper focuses on the contradictory nature and sometimes unintended consequences of workers’ efforts to defend particular communities against the ravages of capital restructuring. In the past decade, pattern collective bargaining in the highly unionized British Columbia pulp and paper industry has faced enormous strains due to intense industry restructuring. Our analysis focuses on the repercussions of actions taken by union locals in two British Columbia towns—Port Alice and Port Alberni—to try to secure the survival of their pulp and paper mills and, even in the case of Port Alice, the continued existence of the community. Our analysis resonates with recent debates surrounding worker agency as well as writing in the 1980s which addressed the often contradictory and problematic nature of workers’ struggles to “defend place”; writing largely neglected in more recent work in labour geography.  相似文献   
Scholarship on European imperialism in the Americas has become increasingly prominent in the historiography of early America after a long period when the subject was hardly discussed. Historians have come to see that local experience in the Americas needs to be placed in a wider, comparative Atlantic context. They have realised that what united most peoples’ experiences in the Americas was that they lived as colonial subjects within colonies that were part of imperial polities. This article examines recent writings on European empires in the Americas, relating imperial history to related developments in fields such as Atlantic history. It suggests that renewed attention to imperialism allows historians to discuss in a fruitful fashion the relationship between power and authority in the formation of colonial societies and draws attention to the continuing importance of metropolitan influence in the articulation of colonial identities.  相似文献   
This article provides an intellectual history of the status of wage earners as conceptualized within the natural law paradigm by European writers both on the Continent and in Britain. Historians of political discourse have mostly investigated the consequences of such a status for the political rights of labourers. This article shows that the crucial moves were made by different authors analysing the relation of servant to master either in the domestic sphere or in private contracts. The article further contends that that resulting deeply ambiguous analyses implied a far from complete personal freedom for wage earners. This had a decisive impact on different visions of commercial society in early modern times, and left a significant legacy for moderns.  相似文献   
In the early modern period, the European concept of “nobility” was rarely used to describe the upper classes of the societies born in the British or in the French Americas. The presence of French nobles in New France or in the French West Indies and the emergence of the native gentry in parts of the British Empire have been much studied. But the social impact of elites has not been fully recognized by Atlantic historians—due, perhaps, to a bias towards “authentically” New World systems of social recognition based upon wealth, emphasizing supposedly greater possibilities of social mobility. This paper takes a comparative perspective to the social meanings of being a noble or being a gentleman in both empires. It concludes that there were few substantive differences between French nobles living in the metropolis and in the colonies because legal definitions of the French noblesse were strictly determined by the Crown. The essence of the French nobility was, in theory, the same in Versailles, in a remote rural parish of France or in Quebec. The story was very different for British colonial gentlemen who encountered countless difficulties to be socially accepted by their metropolitan counterparts. The paper explores the consequences of the chasm between British metropolitan and colonial upper classes and assesses solutions taken by colonial gentlemen to be fully integrated in the gentry of Great Britain.  相似文献   
This paper argues that the moral legitimating reasoning of terra nullius assumed an under-recognised, different guise in the later years of colonial justification in the form of trusteeship. The idea of terra nullius has a central place in the political thought of thinkers such as Grotius and Locke. Although terra nullius, consolidated in European colonial thought in the early modern period, differed conceptually from the doctrine of trusteeship as the colonial legitimation for Africa, both instituted a moral justification for the appropriation of native land, and of empire itself.

The contention is that the trajectory from the one doctrine to the other was aligned with the change in the underlying moral framework of the rights and duties of Europeans and non-Europeans. In the early days of colonisation, there was a certain permissiveness on the part of the colonisers to appropriate the land of American Indians. By the late nineteenth century this seemed to change into a moral requirement for civilising the native Africans. Edmund Burke's conceptualisation of trusteeship illustrates the way in which traditionally conceived natural rights were transformed into fundamental social rights, and central to this idea was the expansion of European ‘civilised’ moral communities on which rights now depended.  相似文献   
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