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The geography of venture capital investments in the UK   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The role of venture capital in economic development increasingly is recognized as central to the development of an entrepreneurial economy. However, the supply of venture capital is not distributed evenly across the space economy. In the UK, evidence for the 1980s demonstrated that venture capital investments were highly concentrated in Greater London and the South East, reinforcing the existing patterns of regional concentration of economic activity. This paper reviews the regional distribution of venture capital investments in the UK in the 1990s, a period of massive growth in venture capital investment activity. It concludes that the regional concentration of venture capital investment has been considerably reduced since the 1980s. However, more detailed analysis of the data demonstrates that this shift towards a less unequal regional distribution has been driven by so–called 'merchant' venture capital – investments in large–scale management buy–outs and buy–ins which facilitate corporate restructuring through ownership change and often have adverse consequences for employment. 'Classic' venture capital – investments in young entrepreneurial companies with high growth potential – remains highly concentrated in London and the South East, and also in Scotland. This reflects both supply– and demand–side factors. The Government's new regional venture capital funds are unlikely to be effective in closing this regional finance gap. An alternative approach to intervention, in the context of the increasing globalization of venture capital investments, is to seek to attract venture capital money and expertise from elsewhere.  相似文献   
解放前,湖北官僚资本企业遍及电力、化工、纺织、机械、炼油、印刷、军工、公用等工业各行业,主宰湖北经济命脉。从湖北解放至1952年,湖北军管会采取种种举措,彻底没收了在鄂的全部官僚资本,并建立了社会主义国家银行、国营工商业等国营经济,奠定了湖北的社会主义经济基础。  相似文献   
张旭东 《攀登》2008,27(2):32-35
中国共产党对官僚资本内涵的界定,经历了从当初特指清朝洋务派和北洋军阀时期的官办企业到专指国民党私人官僚资本再到国民党政府国家资本和私人官僚资本的演变。我们党对官僚资本内涵的认识及其演变适应了当时政治斗争发展的需要,但其内涵的模糊性又要求中国共产党对官僚资本特别是私人官僚资本必须进行严格的区分和界定。  相似文献   
目前不少学者认为二里头遗址就是史书上记载的斟寻,而此种观点与考古实际和文献记载均不相符.依据相关文献和考古资料,二里头遗址应为夏代晚期的都城"河南"而非斟寻,"河南"与阳城、阳翟、斟寻、原等相比较,是夏王朝延续时间最长的一处国都.  相似文献   
商代邢都初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对邢台与温县两地有关邢都文献与考古资料的对比研究后,认为商代邢都的研究已经取得了较大进展,但从目前所发现的商代都城的五条标准比较而言,邢都探索只能从河北邢台与河南温县同时加大研究力度,方能取得突破性的进展.  相似文献   
The sorting of high‐ability workers is often advanced as one source of spatial disparities in economic outcomes. There are still few papers that analyze when human capital sorting occurs and whom it involves. Using data on 16 cohorts of university graduates in Sweden, we demonstrate significant sorting to urban regions on high school grades and education levels of parents, i.e., two attributes typically associated with latent abilities that are valued in the labor market. A large part of this sorting has already occurred in deciding where to study, because the top universities in Sweden are predominantly located in urban regions. The largest part of directed sorting on ability indicators occurs in the decision of where to study. Even after controlling for sorting prior to labor market entry, the “best and brightest” are still more likely to start working in urban regions. However, this effect appears to be driven by Sweden's main metropolitan region, Stockholm. We find no influence of our ability indicators on the probability of starting to work in urban regions after graduation when Stockholm is excluded. Studies of human capital sorting need to account for selection processes to and from universities, because neglecting mobility prior to labor market entry is likely to lead to an underestimation of the extent of the sorting to urban regions.  相似文献   
我国目前不宜废除经济犯罪死刑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
死刑问题是现代刑法理论研究和国际刑法所关注的一个热点和焦点问题。从我国目前的现实情况来看,暂不宜废除经济犯罪死刑,主要原因有:重刑思想的深远影响、人权观念还比较淡薄、政治制度尚不完善、法律制度仍有缺陷、经济犯罪形势严峻。  相似文献   
《商颂》与商汤之“亳”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商汤所居之亳并非一处。他在灭夏建国前所居之亳邑均在豫北 ,所谓“内黄亳邑说”和“汤阴亳邑说”有其历史根据。灭夏后所建都城有偃师商城和郑州商城 ,即后人所称之“西亳”、“郑亳”。自商汤至仲丁 15 8年间的 10位商王 ,皆往来居住于两城之内。  相似文献   
资本、权力与空间:“空间的生产”解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷洁  罗小龙 《人文地理》2012,27(2):12-16,11
全球化时期的生产方式从根本上决定了资本和权力是城市空间产生和演化的主要动力。它们分别展现了不同的作用范围、形式及效果:资本主要作用于物质的、社会—经济空间的生产,而权力主要作用于抽象的、政治—制度空间的生产。这两个过程相互影响、相互交织。本文将"空间的生产"理论与城市空间实践结合起来进行转型中国语境下的解析,尝试提供一个研究我国城市与区域空间重构问题的马克思主义政治经济学视角。  相似文献   
布尔迪厄的文化资本理论在旅游规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴启焰  王兆杰 《人文地理》2011,26(1):113-117
伴随着后现代主义的到来,以符号和影像为主的消费文化成为了社会消费的主导。因此,旅游业的发展与规划既需要满足消费需求,又要尊重消费文化。本文中我们试图从布迪厄的文化资本理论的三个方面:文化能力、文化产品、文化制度的角度分析旅游文化资本,希望以此推动旅游文化资本在旅游规划中的运用。  相似文献   
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