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How did New York City's eighteenth century almshouse (1736–1797) handle homelessness and poverty? Historians have been debating whether the conditions were familial and supportive, or mean-spirited and intolerable. An analysis of the archaeology, artifacts, architecture, landscape design, primary sources, and secondary sources associated with the New York City almshouse complex suggest some answers.  相似文献   
黄山市乡村旅游初步研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
黄成林 《人文地理》2003,18(1):24-28
黄山市是全国重点旅游城市,乡村旅游接待量约占全市旅游接待量的40%。黄山市乡村旅游景点以黄山风景区为依托,交通比较方便,旅游资源优势与黄山风景区互补,景类景型比较单一,参与性旅游项目少,资源所有者以村民和集体所有为主,主要景点资源品位很高但知名度不高,旅游管理水平和服务质量有待提高。必须加强管理,搞好规划,重点开发,突出个性,加大宣传力度,提高服务质量,促进黄山市乡村旅游进一步发展。  相似文献   
地域传统文化与旅游发展的理性思考——以徽州文化为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱国兴 《人文地理》2002,17(3):78-81
传统文化与现代旅游的关系密切,地方传统文化不仅是一种重要的旅游资源,同时对现代旅游的发展存在极大的促进和制约作用。本文以徽州文化为实证,主要从负面效应上阐述地域传统文化对黄山市这一发展旅游条件优势显著的地区在旅游发展过程中产生的诸多不利影响表现和形成机制,并指出要充分认识徽州传统文化体系中先进性和滞后性,特别是文化深层面上在旅游发展过程中怎样继承、发展、超越传统文化,克服陈旧意识,转变观念,不断创新,营造先进的文化环境,为地方旅游发展培育强劲的文化内动力,实现黄山市"旅游二次创业"的发展目标。  相似文献   
我国工业旅游发展探析   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:38  
黄芳 《人文地理》2004,19(1):86-91
本文针对目前我国工业旅游的发展现状,在系统分析进一步开发工业旅游资源、促进工业旅游规模化发展的现实意义的基础上,从一个全新的视角--开发利用城市品牌资源出发,研究工业旅游在现实运作中存在的问题与面临的障碍,并对工业旅游资源的合理开发以及工业旅游业的全面发展进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   
Michael Ekers 《对极》2012,44(4):1119-1142
Abstract: In this article, I examine this nexus between the social and political meaning of unemployment and the political responses that follow. I focus on Depression‐era Vancouver and investigate the broad ideologies, representations and practices that contributed to the derision of the unemployed, which in turn, informed the establishment of rural relief camps that aimed to address the unemployment crisis of the 1930s. The social and political meaning of unemployment shaped the contours of the Federal Unemployment Relief Scheme, which housed men in work camps and aimed to both discipline and rehabilitate the unemployed. However, the relief camps were plagued by several contradictions exploited by the Relief Camp Workers Union, which constructed oppositional understandings of unemployment. In discussing the relationship between unemployment and relief I attend to questions of space, highlighting the urbanisation of unemployment and the ideological distinctions between the city and the country.  相似文献   
刘辉  胡家驹  唐宁  郭长江 《考古》2012,(8):3-28,1,97,102
2008年,湖北省文物考古研究所等单位对叶家庙遗址进行了发掘,这是近年来长江中游史前城址聚落考古的一次重要发现。发现的文化遗存大致分为三期,相当于屈家岭文化早期、屈家岭文化晚期和石家河文化早期。城垣兴建于屈家岭文化晚期。城外墓地的使用时间则从屈家岭文化早期延续至石家河文化早期。  相似文献   
陈正宏 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(5):31-40,159,160
本文以越南汉文燕行文献为主要素材,参证相关中国史料,对清代来华的越南使者游历清宫和观赏宫廷戏曲的实况作了扼要的介绍。文章既讨论越南使者笔下的清宫游历与清宫图像,又部分披露了清代乾隆、道光、同治三朝越南使者入清宫听戏的文字实录。文中抉发的越南伶工入宫参与乾隆八十寿辰演出详情,及同治间慈禧、慈安两宫太后一同垂帘听戏的近距离目击实录等,均为中国史料中未见的新发现。  相似文献   
石头城是南京作为中国重要都城城市的起点,对研究六朝都城史、南京城市建设史等具有重大意义。1998年7月至1999年2月,南京市文物研究所在清凉山地区开展了野外调查、勘探和试掘工作。一系列考古工作证实现存于清凉山地区的土垣为六朝时期的石头城城垣遗存,其最初建造时间为东吴时期,东晋以后又有加筑,城垣的彻底弃用时间约在五代、北宋时期。  相似文献   
Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of street naming as a strategy for constructing ‘places of memory’. This paper draws upon Bourdieu's theory of symbolic capital to examine two key moments in the history of street renaming in New York City: the renaming of the avenues on Manhattan's Upper West Side in the latter nineteenth century and the street renamings in Harlem a century later. The aim of such a comparative case study approach is to demonstrate how the symbolic capital associated with street naming may be linked to an elite project of symbolic erasure and forced eviction, on the one hand, and the cultural recognition of a historically marginalized group, on the other. Both cases consider attempts to rename formerly numbered streets and avenues, and the benefit of considering them together is that they illustrate the multiple interests—as well as the exclusionary politics of race, class, and gender—involved in such shifts from ‘number’ to ‘name’. In doing so, this paper extends the current literature on street naming as a commemorative practice by linking it to a broader relational view of place-making, memory, and symbolic capital.  相似文献   
A new seismic intensity parameter to estimate damage in buried pipelines due to seismic wave propagation is proposed. This parameter depends on the peak ground velocity (PGV) and the peak ground acceleration (PGA). It is shown that PGV2/PGA is related to displacement, a parameter directly related to ground strain, which is the main cause of buried pipeline damage. For the case of Mexico City, this parameter exhibits higher correlation with damage than PGA or PGV alone. Finally, we presented intensity-damage relations for the Mexico City's primary water system using PGV2/PGA as the measure of seismic intensity.  相似文献   
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