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史载"周氏以降,选无清浊",虽然在一定程度上反映了西魏、北周时期选官制度发生变化的一面,但却忽略了其时选举制度依旧注重门第与官分清浊的一面。西魏、北周时期,九品中正制依然是占据着主导地位的选官制度,并在维护关陇士族和当朝勋贵的仕宦特权方面发挥着重要作用。其时职官制度仍有流内与流外之分,"九命"与"九秩",就是在北魏"九流三清"和"勋品流外"官的基础上发展演变而来,是北周官分清浊的重要表现形式。西魏、北周的清浊观念也十分显著。"周氏以降,选无清浊",并未全面、真实地反映当时选官制度与职官制度的实情。  相似文献   
在宋朝经筵制度的设计和运行过程中,存在着一些学界以前尚未论及的问题。比如宋高宗南渡以后,出现了有经筵而不授经筵官的情况,还有重新以元祐时期的经筵官"翰林侍读学士"授人的情况。这是因政局动荡时期,朝廷制度建设不完备所致。此外,宋朝经筵官有职能分工之别,有任期,而经筵官的选任,还存在自荐、兼任的特例。  相似文献   
赋役制度与政区边界——基于明清湘鄂西地区的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在湘鄂西地区,从明初至清雍正年间,土司、卫所等特殊形式的政区与经制州县政区在地理空间上都是彼此毗邻乃至交错的。不同类型的政区意味着不同的赋役制度与管理方式,在土司、卫所与州县势力彼此消长的背景下,更导致了种种土地纠纷与赋役规避问题。清雍正间,通过改卫归流与改土归流,三者之间的土地与赋役纠纷随着卫所、土司的取消与州县政区主体地位的确立而逐渐消弭。  相似文献   
By the end of the 1960s, many engineers and scientists in the US questioned the social and political dimensions of science and technology. This introspection came as critics assailed science and technology as elements of the militaristic, alienating structure of modern society. Engineers and scientists repudiated, appropriated, or sometimes even acted in concert with these critics. Also relevant, however, in engineers' and scientists' evaluations of their role in society were the emergence of “engineering science,” pre‐existing political ideologies, and simply making a living in a volatile economy. This paper presents dissention from three vantages within the technical community: design engineer Steve Slaby at Princeton University, the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the activist organization Science for the People, located in chapters across the country. These cases differ in the actors' level of political consciousness, their involvement in military research, and the tactics they employed. All, however, suggest cause for reassessment both of the borders between “critics” and “scientists” and of the culture of “total control” ascribed to the era.  相似文献   
A new version of the Full Operator Method (FOM) is proposed in this work. The numerical characteristics of the modified FOM (mFOM) are investigated, both theoretically and analytically. It is found that mFOM is unconditionally stable when the estimated stiffness of the structure is larger than or equal to the actual stiffness. Simulations using two numerical examples are carried out to demonstrate the capability of the mFOM. The seismic response simulation of a composite coupled wall system suggests that the mFOM is capable of generating reasonably accurate solutions despite the presence of structural complexity, material nonlinearity, and displacement control errors.  相似文献   
In this article, site response analyses for 124 sites collected in Korea were performed to evaluate earthquake ground motions in regions of shallow bedrock in Korea. Based on the results, a new two-parameter site classification system was developed for use in regions of shallow bedrock. The system incorporates depth to bedrock and mean VS of soil above bedrock as parameters for site classification instead of VS30. Soil sites were divided into seven site classes and the corresponding site coefficients were proposed for each site category. Some verification work demonstrates the superiority of the proposed system over the current seismic codes.  相似文献   
Previous research has proposed the Linked Column Frame (LCF) as a lateral load-resisting system capable of providing rapid return to occupancy for buildings impacted by moderate earthquake events and collapse prevention in very large events. The LCF consists of flexible moment frames (MF) and linked columns (LC), which are closely spaced dual columns interconnected with bolted links. The linked columns (LC) are designed to limit seismic forces and provide energy dissipation through yielding of the links, while preventing damage to the moment frame under certain earthquake hazard levels. The proposed design procedure ensures the links of the linked column yield at a significantly lower story drift than the beams of the moment frame, enabling design of this system for two distinct performance states: rapid repair, where only link damage occurs and quick link replacement is possible; and collapse prevention, where both the linked column and moment frame may be damaged.

Here, the seismic performance factors for the LCF system, including the response modification factor, R, the system over-strength factor, Ω0, and the deflection amplification factor, Cd, are established following the procedures described in FEMA P695 [2009]. These parameters are necessary for inclusion of the system in the building code. This work describes the development of archetype structures, numerical models of the LCF systems, incremental dynamic analyses, and interpretation of the results. From the results, it is recommended that R, Ω0, and Cd values of 8, 3, and 5.5 be used for seismic design of the LCF system. A height limit of 35 m (115ft) is recommended at this time as taller LCFs are not considered in this study.  相似文献   
Recent research has characterized the procurement of lithic raw materials for flaked stone technology as embedded in food procurement activities, and constrained by logistical factors such as mass, time, and energy. Many have assumed that these variables reflect the need for humans to both move themselves to resources, and carry materials with them. This paper explores the implication of these ideas through the development of particular research project in the Maritime Peninsula, in the Northeast of North America. Through this research process, I explore the complex interplay among raw materials, bulk procurement, water transportation, and regional patterning of archaeological lithic assemblages. I initially consider the role of embedded procurement as a structuring mechanism for the relationship between lithic raw-material diversity and catchment, but through a exploration of intersite and inter-feature variability, I consider the role of bulk procurement in this patterning. I conclude that canoes may significantly influence hunter–gatherer lithic procurement, in terms of the extraction of resources, and their reduction and use.  相似文献   
中德应急管理体制比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何颖 《攀登》2010,29(1):55-60
德国的应急管理已经有机融入到社会管理的各个层面,几乎无处不在。同时,政府的职能定位明确,与社会和公民的关系清晰。德国应急管理的经验拓宽了我国应急管理的思路,给我们一定的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
In the context of the development of different kinds of watercraft during prehistory an interdependent line of development for landing sites and harbours is often suggested, and used to argue that it is almost impossible archaeologically to locate small and early landing sites. Although the constructional properties of prehistoric watercraft suggest that landing‐structures were not absolutely necessary, there is nevertheless archaeological evidence of landing‐facilities from the Stone Age, as well as landing‐facilities for smaller boats to consider. This article will discuss to what extent ship archaeological evidence could be seen in a corresponding development to landing sites in its respective periods. © 2012 The Author  相似文献   
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