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It is well known that the sovereign, the cakkavatin, in India is the one who turns the wheel of dhamma. What is not so well appreciated is that the Buddha’s dhammachakkapabbatana, the turning of the wheel of dhamma and the attainment of nibbana, can be read as a political act, involving the emergence of a political subject. It will be seen that the 4th Century AD Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu’s vijnanavadin notion of the Ineffable Self (anavilapya atman) helps us unravel the epistemological underpinnings of the political subject in consonance with the revolutionary act of turning the wheel of dhamma. Seen in this light, we can better appreciate B. R. Ambedkar’s attempt at treating Buddhism as the “Revolution” against the Brahminical “Counter-Revolution,” something whose implications unfold almost daily in India’s political struggles. What can be called (in academic-speak) Buddha’s “pluralist non-essentialist framework,” even a convergence of sorts between Buddha and Spinoza, does not necessarily exclude the notion of a revolutionary political subject. This opens up the possibility of reading Buddha's notion of the turning of the wheel of dhamma alongside more recent ideas of revolution as another turning and churning.  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(1):144-166

This paper explores the contributions to scholarship and to the globalized imagination concerning religion and politics by the Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, the 14th Dalai Lama and the Italian philosopher Gianni Vattimo. Their common theme of "liberation," personal and political through a common humanity, love and compassion, with or without God, deserves a very detailed examination. The three of them have made an enormous contribution to conversations on religion and politics centred on a human commonality as human beings, and to the practice of religion and politics centred on the poor, on the commandment of love and of service to the marginalized as a way of life and in a new era of hermeneutics and commonality. This paper argues that the practice of a religion of love and a compassionate politics stressing commonalities rather than differences have a lot to offer to a contemporary practice and critical reflection on political theology.  相似文献   
A great deal of research on the Korean War has focused on the military, politics, economy and international affairs, and far less on the religious, particularly the Buddhist, perspective. The Korean War exerted a tremendous impact on institutional Buddhism, and consequently Buddhists were heavily involved. This paper examines the history of Chinese Buddhist participation in the "Resisting America and Assisting Korea Campaign" from Buddhist perspectives such as political propaganda, material donations especially the donation of the "Chinese Buddhist Airplane," and the enlistment of young monks into the People's Volunteer Army (the PVA). The paper will then look into social and political factors involved in Buddhist leaders' reinterpretation of Buddhist doctrines to justify participation in the campaign, as a response to the surge of patriotism in Chinese society. This kind of investigation may shed light on the relationship between institutional Buddhism and politics in the new socialist society of China after 1949.  相似文献   
包头博物馆收藏的观音菩萨类唐卡数量较多,保存完好,为研究我国藏传佛教提供了珍贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
古徽州自南宋以来素有程朱阙里、东南邹鲁之称,是中华文化正宗传承的典型地域。徽商自小受传统文化的耳濡目染,在其思想深处形成了共同的观念、信仰、伦理道德、礼仪习俗等文化特质,建立了一种以同行公认、自愿遵守并以商业行为制度为特征的文化模式。徽商不仅经济基础雄厚,而且造就了独特的徽州文化,其丰富的文化内涵,在充分体现中国正统儒家思想的同时,也映射出释家和道家思想的光茫。本文拟就儒释道在徽州的发展状况及其对徽商的影响作详细分析,以便全面、准确地把握和理解徽商的文化理念。  相似文献   
本文根据佛教典籍、历史文献、碑石、方志等相关资料,在孙昌武先生《唐长安佛寺考》一文的基础上,新增补唐长安及其近郊佛寺28所,并对某些佛寺的建置沿革问题进行了订正。  相似文献   
孙中山尽管对佛教没有作过专门的研究,但他对佛教传播和发展的历史、佛教的教义、佛教的功用等有相当的了解,他从佛教中获得了一些有助于国民革命的启发,对佛教"灵境"也有亲身的感受.孙中山在处理有关佛教事务时,采取了较为谨慎的态度,不仅在法律上确立佛教的平等地位,而且积极支持佛教的革新和佛教团体的建立,对蒙藏活佛、寺产等佛教事务的处理,提出了较为稳妥的办法.孙中山对佛教的认同和对佛教事务的妥善处理,赢得了广大佛教徒的尊敬和爱戴.生前,佛教徒给了孙中山以有力支持;死后,佛教徒给了孙中山及其三民主义以高度评价.  相似文献   
宋代佛教史学略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛教史学发展至宋代,出现了繁荣的局面。佛教史学著作数量丰富,各体兼备,并创造出纪传体、编年体教史和藏经解题目录等新体例。本文考察了宋代佛教史学的状况,指出世俗史学的刺激、皇家对沙门著书的重视与褒奖以及大藏经的刻印与流传是宋代佛教史学繁荣的原因。  相似文献   
王亚欣  洪泉湖 《人文地理》2011,26(4):147-150
近些年,伴随中国大陆佛教文化旅游热的不断升温,寺院修缮和建设中的粗制滥造、佛教文化旅游产品单一、旅游服务质量不高等问题愈加突出。如何发挥佛教当代积极的社会功能,更好地满足游客对佛教文化的消费需求,促进佛教文化旅游活动的持续、健康发展值得深入思考。借助台湾中华发展基金会资助大陆学者赴台研究项目,笔者通过对台湾地区著名佛教道场的实地考察、调研,梳理有关台湾佛教文化的相关研究成果,与台湾学者广泛、深入地学术交流,在分析、总结、借鉴台湾地区佛教道场旅游营造的成功做法基础上,针对中国大陆佛教文化旅游中存在的主要问题,提出树立精品意识,打造当代的文化遗产;强化服务意识、提高服务水平;加强产品开发,完善旅游服务的建议。  相似文献   
试论西夏雕像石座   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
位于宁夏贺兰山东麓的西夏皇家陵园 ,蕴藏着丰富的石刻雕像 ,内容多样 ,形象生动。就其风貌而言 ,其中的雕像石座尤具特点 ,独树一帜。 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,出自西夏帝王陵碑亭遗址中的雕像石座计有 1 1件 ,现介绍如次。一、石座形制西夏陵区中雕像石座的出土情况如下。9号陵 (原编 1号陵 )西碑亭石座 :1 972年发现 ,共出土 4件 (L9XBZ1~Z4 )。现 2件藏宁夏博物馆 ,另 2件入藏西夏博物馆。此 4件石座均为赭色沙岩质 ,略呈圆柱状方体。长宽尺寸为 59厘米~ 6 2厘米 ,通高 6 2厘米~ 6 4厘米 ,其中底部“土衬”高7厘米~ 9厘米。造型基…  相似文献   
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