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This paper uses a case study of wetland regulation in the United States to develop elements of a theory about institutional stability and change in policy processes involving large public organizations. This theoretical approach draws on the Institutional Analysis and Development framework to understand events that are not well explained by other policy theories. Our approach accounts for the theoretically unexpected outcomes of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Rapanos v. United States, which stood to change the way the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulate the filling of wetlands. We propose a typology of institutional types that operate inside public organizations, and use process tracing to show how tacit institutions, those created informally within public organizations, can play key roles in determining the outcomes of policy processes. In the Rapanos case, informal coordination mechanisms enabled regulators and members of the regulated community to preserve substantially the pre‐ruling status quo. The key role of these microlevel interactions in shaping the macrolevel behaviors of public organizations underscores the importance of further research investigating how, in similar cases, different behavioral mechanisms interact in often complex and unexpected ways to determine the outcomes of policy processes.  相似文献   
“北军”是汉朝十分重要的武装力量,但其并非始于高帝朝,而是惠帝后期随着长安城的修筑所设的城防部队。因西汉初期长安城南部主要为两宫,防务由卫尉执掌,城卫军只能驻扎在城北,所以宫卫军称南军,城卫军即北军。从张家山汉简《二年律令·秩律》来看,卫将军应是北军的最高长官,其建置还有卫将军长史、候(候丞)、校长、士吏等。当时卫将军是整个汉朝官僚体系中唯一常设的将军。文帝即位,卫将军权力扩大,在本部北军之外亦兼领南军,后北军一度旋罢旋置,再后来卫将军被裁撤,北军遂转属中尉。  相似文献   
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is in the midst of a sweeping reform programme to significantly transform its organisation, force posture, command and control structures, and internal politics. Among the many important aspects of this effort is the establishment of the PLA Rocket Force (PLARF). Creation of the PLARF solidified China’s missile forces as a critical element of China’s evolving strategic deterrent posture, portends continued significant investment in PLARF modernisation, and points to a more concerted effort to integrate PLARF capabilities into more effective PLA-wide joint operations—all key developments in the fundamental reshaping of China’s approach to strategic deterrence. These developments will affect U.S. strategic and extended deterrence postures, U.S.-China strategic stability, allied conventional force operations, information dominance and security, critical infrastructure, and other key aspects of national security. This study details the organisational, technological, and doctrinal changes afoot for the PLARF, and analyses how—if successful—they affect U.S. and U.S-allied military strategy in the Indo-Pacific region.  相似文献   
商代卜辞中,战争材料尤为丰富,有关军事制度的内容。向为学所关注,甲骨透露出,殷商时代的族是军事组织;行是步兵作战时的行阵,旃为演兵之法;而共人则是征集步兵,那种共人即征兵的笼统说法应予修正。  相似文献   
敦煌曹氏族属与曹氏归义军政权   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
曹氏在汉宋之际的敦煌是著名的姓氏 ,对两汉与五代、宋朝敦煌地方政治影响极大。敦煌曹氏的渊源有二 ,来自中原内地与来自中亚粟特。本文对汉代以来胡汉两支曹氏的渊源和势力发展进行考察 ,在此基础上推考归义军节度使曹议金的族属郡望 ,最终认定曹议金家族是中亚粟特曹氏的后裔 ,五代初年夺取归义军节度使后冒充谯郡曹氏 ,藉以抬高门第 ;曹氏归义军政权实际上是以粟特人为主建立的政权 ,而此一时期莫高窟藏经洞所体现的敦煌文化正是粟特族为主的各民族共同创造的  相似文献   
对于至元年间大规模征黎行动的结束时间 ,学术界目前普遍认为是在至元三十年二月。本文通过对不同史料的勘比和元代文物的研究 ,认为这一观点是值得商榷的 ,结束时间应是至元三十一年二月而非至元三十年二月。  相似文献   
柴文杰 《安徽史学》2008,(1):119-124
抗战期间,新四军开展了全方位的公关工作.对内,从物质上关心将士的生活,从精神上鼓舞其抗日斗志,优待抗属;对外,密切联系群众,广交朋友,开展国际公关等.公共关系增强了新四军的凝聚力,提升了新四军的战斗力,扩大了新四军的知名度和美誉度,塑造了新四军的良好形象,优化了当时的社会互动环境和社会心理环境.  相似文献   
1931年九一八事变后,日本由向中国输入鸦片逐步发展到在中国占领区大量种植鸦片,1936年前后蒙疆地区被强迫大面积种植罂粟。1939年到1945年,日军和伪政权通过调整鸦片政策,实行清查制、“大鸦片政策”,致使蒙疆地区鸦片烟毒极度泛滥。日本侵略者利用毒品这把双刃剑,在把中国人变成“东亚病夫”、“大烟鬼”、亡国奴的过程中,不断膨胀着长期占领中国、奴役中华民族的狂妄野心。一方面制造着荼毒生灵的罪恶渊薮,一方面满足着侵略者掠夺占领的强盗欲望。日伪在蒙疆推行的毒品政策,是蒙疆烟毒的祸根,是日军在精神上侵华、彻底灭亡中华民族“国策”的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代初,中共临时中央为了实现创造北方新苏区的革命目标,指示张家口前委在同盟军中开展工作,意图铲除冯玉祥,把同盟军改编为红军,建立苏维埃根据地。这是临时中央在指导地方党的工作中盲目执行“左”倾冒险主义进攻路线的一个具体计划,结果给党的事业造成极大危害。今天总结这一历史教训,有助于深化我们对中国革命史中“左”的认识和反思。  相似文献   
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