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常胜军是太平天国运动时期出现的规模最大的一支洋枪队,在该军合法化以后,清政府对它给予了足够的重视。清政府对该军的利用和控制政策有一个变化过程,大体上可分为两个阶段。清政府对常胜军的利用产生了颇为重要的历史影响。  相似文献   
新四军及华中抗日根据地报刊述论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许厚今 《安徽史学》2006,2(6):91-95
新四军及华中抗日根据地报刊,是抗日烽火的产物,是党的领导的结晶、革命传统的继承,是中国人民抗日宣传的一个重要组成部分.它们创造性地宣传中国共产党的抗日正确主张,讴歌新四军及华中抗日根据地人民的丰功伟绩,揭露国民党顽固派的反共阴谋,为争取民族解放和人民民主革命的胜利作出了重大贡献.它们坚持"全党办报、群众办报"的方针,坚持党性原则,坚持艰苦创业和贴近生活的鲜明特色和经验,为我党马克思主义新闻理论的形成提供了坚实的实践基础,这是一份宝贵的精神财富.  相似文献   
钱和辉 《安徽史学》2006,(5):118-121,68
新四军的发展壮大,除了其自身合法的国民革命军身份、广大官兵的浴血奋战和人民群众的鼎力支持外,文化建设也是其发展壮大的因素之一.新四军文化建设的历史同新四军的发展壮大、胜利的历史是紧密结合在一起的.在树立和落实科学发展观、建设社会主义和谐社会的新阶段,回顾新四军文化建设的主要内容,探讨其文化建设的个性特色,总结其文化建设的宝贵经验,对于今天的中国特色社会主义文化建设无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   
建国后,我军武器装备与当时发达国家的技术水平相距甚远。实现武器装备的更新换代,成为摆在国防和军队建设面前的重大任务。时任国务院总理、主持军委日常工作的周恩来,从国情和军队现代化建设实际出发,提出了我军实现武器装备跨越式发展的思路:购买先进武器,缩短武器装备转化形成新战斗力的周期;为缩小与西方军事强国的技术差距,仿制苏式武器;在自力更生的基础上,抓我国武器装备体系建设。周恩来发展武器装备的思想和实践,为人民军队迈上具有我军特色的武器装备现代化建设道路奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
This article describes the situation of children forcibly abducted by the rebel Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda. The involvement of children complicates efforts to end rebellion, and particular notions of childhood circulate through government and aid agencies to affect children's ‘rehabilitation’. This paper examines national, ethnic, and generational causes of the conflict, discussing the ways in which normative and ideal concepts of childhood are employed by different players. Through a situated analysis of children's circumstances, I suggest the need for interlocutors to re-evaluate their goals and methods of assisting war-affected children.  相似文献   
As a nascent air force, the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) relied largely upon other services for medical evaluation of its personnel. In 1918, however, the AFC experimented with a dedicated medical board to gauge the suitability of recruits and convalescents as aircrew. This article examines the formation of the AFC’s Medical Board, which was paired with another innovation: laboratory research. Conducted by the board’s head, Charles Kellaway, animal studies into anoxaemia were intended to provide a means of determining suitability of aviators for high-altitude flight. In matching data derived from cats with front-line service conditions, Kellaway sought to enshrine a particular type of ‘steady’ man to conquer the novel realm of airspace.  相似文献   
国民二军,是20世纪20年代重要的军事集团.北京政变后,在苏联政府的大力援助下,国民二军获得迅猛发展.它的发展壮大,不仅直接打击了北洋军阀的统治,使河南和陕西境内的革命运动迅速高涨,为国民军经营西北打下基础,同时也有力地配合了南方巩固革命政权的军事行动.  相似文献   
Nahid Norozi 《Iranian studies》2019,52(5-6):903-922
The article focuses on a very particular episode of the eastern Alexander legend, i.e. the building of an extraordinary “metal army” employed by Alexander in his war against the Indian King Porus, which is present in at least three Persian accounts written between the tenth and fourteenth centuries CE: the “Book of Kings” (Shāh-nāmeh) by Ferdowsi, the “Book of Dārāb” (Dārāb-nāmeh), attributed to Tarsusi, and an “Alexander-book” (Eskandar-nāmeh) in prose copied by ?Abd al-Kāfi ibn Abu al-Barakāt. Compared to the most remote source, the text of Pseudo-Callisthenes, and to the closest ones (the Armenian version of the fifth century, the Syriac text of the sixth?seventh centuries, and the Hebrew version of the tenth?eleventh centuries), it is argued that the Persian authors have not passively received the inherited materials; on the contrary, they have been able to liven up the scene of Alexander’s battle against the Indian King Porus by bringing onto the battlefield a fiery and phantasmagorical army of metal, giving us one of the more amazing episodes in the eastern legend of the great Macedonian.  相似文献   
蒙元朝廷在西南三省军事机构的设置是伴随着灭宋战争而来的。由于面临的形势不同,四川、云南、湖广三行省的军事机构并不相同,各具特色。与此同时,为了维护西南政治稳固,蒙元朝廷在三省的军事险要之地布置了大批的兵力。  相似文献   
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