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王传 《安徽史学》2010,(4):91-95
淮军将领王芝生官至澎湖镇总兵,记名提督,诰授建威将军,历经咸丰、同治、光绪三朝,参加平定太平军、捻军起义等重要战役,因吸食鸦片一度被革职查办.复职后,主持修建江阴炮台,防御外敌入侵;在澎湖总兵任上整饬兵制、积极救援外国遇险船员,受到到中外舆论的高度肯定.  相似文献   
斯大林和共产国际鉴于中共中央屡屡出现的"路线错误",以留苏学生担纲改组了中共最高领导层。以博古为首的临时中央,是"国际路线"不折不扣的执行者。第五次反"围剿"的失败,使"国际路线"的正确性受到怀疑,"国际派"内部也顿生罅隙。毛泽东在长征途中争取了"国际派"成员张闻天、王稼祥的支持,在政治局中结成"小三人团"。红军湘江惨败后,中央最高"三人团"的威信直落谷底,出现严重的信任危机。在红军存亡之际,毛泽东提出新的进军路线,得到多数人的赞同。周恩来继张、王之后,转向毛泽东一边,瓦解了最高"三人团"的最后抵抗。由此,中央的实际权力开始转到了"小三人团"的手里,为遵义会议的召开和改组中央领导机构,做好了组织上的铺垫。  相似文献   
After the Japanese occupation of North China at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government adopted the strategy of using the regular army to develop the battlefield to the rear of the enemy in order to sustain a protracted war. As a result, the Northwestern Army, which was organizing anti-Japanese forces in North China, became the Nationalist government's main military force in the occupied area. However, caught between Japanese and Communist troops, the Northwestern Army surrendered to the Japanese for the purpose of self-preservation and thus became a puppet army. From a nationalist point of view, the collaborationists who covered up their self-serving motives and later defended their actions as a crooked path to national salvation had a negative image. In response to Communist expansion, the Nationalist government acquiesced in the measure of collaborating with the puppet troops to annihilate the Communists. To reinforce the battles at the front, the Nationalist government also attempted to plot anti-Japanese mutinies among the puppet troops, but its plan was never implemented. The Northwestern Army forces planned to build an alliance in order to survive as a third force both in the confrontation between the Chinese government and the Japanese army and in the confrontation between the Nationalists and the Communists. Yet, due to the tight control exercised by the Japanese in North China, it was difficult for the Northwestern Army to gain momentum as a third force. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Northwestern Army had to take sides in the Civil War, and this dilemma caused its final collapse.  相似文献   
This research report introduces the historical process of Japanese use of chemical weapons against the Chinese during the Second World War, which caused serious casualties and mass destruction. In addition, it also elaborates on the discarded chemical weapons' injuries to the Chinese people and their negative effects on environmental pollution. According to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which became effective in 1997, Japan should take responsibility for destroying all chemical weapons abandoned on Chinese territory.  相似文献   
This paper compares the initial efforts at military reform in China and Japan in the late nineteenth century. Changes in military organization and training are situated within a global process of military transformation represented by changes in the structure of the Prussian army. The Prussian staff system and planning program were imported into both Japan and China, but with quite different results. The paper contrasts centralization and standardization as typified by the new Japanese army with the decentered approaches in China. The paper argues that although there was substantive change in China, the Qing state was unable to impose a uniform plan for military Westernization. As a result, the new armies were never integrated into a common organization capable of defending the state from external aggression.  相似文献   
50多年前的奠边府战役,是越南抗法战争中具有决定性意义的重大战役。中国对奠边府战役的胜利作出了重大贡献,主要表现在以下四个方面:在中国军事顾问的直接帮助下,越南人民军迅速发展壮大,初步具备了进行大规模攻坚战的能力;中共中央建议以越西北为主要战略方向并为越方采纳,这是越南人民军得以顺应敌情变化、举行奠边府战役的重要前提条件之一;中共中央、中央军委和中国军事顾问对奠边府战役的各个环节都提出过重要建议,对确保战役的胜利起了重大作用;由中国人民解放军帮助训练的越南炮兵、高射炮兵部队及时回国参加奠边府战役,中国援助的武器装备和其他军用、民用物资及时运到越南,满足了奠边府战役的需要。  相似文献   
1975年的军队整顿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1975年,邓小平在形势非常复杂和严峻的情况下,以无产阶级革命家无畏的气概和非凡的胆略,领导军队进行大刀阔斧的全面整顿,以消除林彪、江青两个反革命集团对军队建设的影响和破坏,纠正军队建设的航向。在整顿中,邓小平提出了一系列正确的建军原则。整顿时间虽短,但成效显著,军队形势明显好转,对粉碎“四人帮”、保证军队和全国局势的稳定,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
李长林 《史学集刊》2006,1(2):50-54
有关日本关东军的武器装备流向,史学界一直没有明确的说法。前苏联方面有4种相关数字,但这些数字有笔误和夸大的成分。从东北解放军武器增多的数量和时间来分析,可以看出投降关东军的武器装备有支援中共、散落民间和运往前苏联的三个流向。  相似文献   
张宁 《安徽史学》2004,(5):30-32,64
杜遵道是颍州反元大起义的领导者和元末红巾军领导层中唯一受过高层教育的知识人士.本文通过对杜遵道在北方红巾军反元活动中具体作用和影响的陈述以及对杜遵道之死问题的评析,为元末历史中杜遵道及北方红巾军兴衰问题的研究,提供一个新的视角.  相似文献   
国民革命时期,安徽政象复杂,许多史实扑朔迷离,不易厘清。现存史著在重构此段历史时,存在不少史实上的错误,亟待纠正。  相似文献   
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