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The detailed elevation model based on airborne laser altimetry (AHN) proved to be a reliable tool to detect well-developed Celtic field systems, characteristic arable plots of the Iron Age. They were detected in the central part of the Netherlands, where only a limited number of Celtic field systems have been recognized in the past. Most of these previously detected systems were identified in the northern part of the Netherlands or in the southern part, but not in this zone. About 1200 ha of well-developed systems could be identified by AHN in the central part of the Netherlands, of which only 136 ha were registered as an archaeological monument. Another 335 ha of archaeologically identified Celtic field systems were not accepted or recognized by AHN, because they were morphologically less well-developed. Most of the around 1050 ha new discoveries occur in rough vegetations and forested areas, and can hardly be identified with previously used geodetic methods and aerial photography. Less well-developed or preserved systems were even more extensive and remnants were traced as fossil arable layers below plaggen soils or on lower slopes incorporated in mediaeval reclamations. The newly identified Celtic field systems, therefore, can be considered as remnants of much larger areas once covered with these arable plots. In the central part of the Netherlands, the estimated area once covered was at least around 4500 ha, more than enough to supply 10,000 people with cereals. Well-developed Celtic field systems started to develop in the late Iron Age with formation intensifying during the early Roman Period. The central part of the Netherlands is situated just north of the river Rhine, the former boundary of the Roman Empire, the Limes. The newly discovered extent of Celtic field systems will have influenced the interaction between different cultures on the border of the Roman Empire in the early Roman Period, about which very little is known. This perspective underscores the need for an integrated conservation policy and in-depth research through excavations in the near future.  相似文献   
红山文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红山文化是燕山南北地区新石器时代非常重要的考古学文化,有关红山文化分期的文章已发表多篇,但由于受到当时考古资料所限,学者们分歧较大。本文以近年来所发表的两处层位关系较好的遗存为突破口,尝试对红山文化进行分期,并在分期的基础上,对以往有学者将红山文化划分为不同考古文化类型等问题进行讨论。  相似文献   
Extraordinarily well-preserved organic remains from mortuary and settlement sites, including mummified bodies, are scattered along the outer, oasis-laden rim of the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Province, China, ranging in date from about 1400 BC to the late first millennium BC. Specimens of textile finds from Chärchän, dated at about 1000 BC were selected for dye analysis using newly developed protocols employing high performance liquid chromatography with spectrophotometric and mass spectrometric detection. A single blue (from an indigo plant), a red (from madder, a Rubia species) and two yellow dyes were detected, although the exact plant source for none of them could be identified with certainty. This research offers new insights in the interpretation of textile finds from prehistoric Xinjiang, and more generally, of early Bronze Age Eurasia.  相似文献   
综述了现代分析测试方法和数学方法在古代陶器成分分析、年代测定、制作工艺、产地判断、形态分析方面的应用以及甘肃新石器与青铜时代陶器研究的意义。  相似文献   
本研究针对秦俑二号坑出土的一件彩绘跪射俑进行了保护修复,是在考古出土现场保存状况、文物病害及病害机理科学分析的基础上进行的现场保护与实验室保护修复。现场保护重在稳定文物状态和应急处理;实验室保护则依据文物保护程序进行保护修复,在进行文物表面清理工作后,使用AC33(丙烯酸乳液)及PEG200(聚乙二醇)加固彩绘层,使用环氧树脂对陶俑进行了粘接修复,收到了良好的效果。此彩绘陶俑的保护修复工作可为以后大型彩绘文物的保护修复提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
木质文物出土后环境发生了很大的变化,如不对其进行科学的保护处理就会发生快速的腐朽变化。在选择保护处理方法前对木材的材性进行科学的分析可以为保护方法的确定提供科学的依据。本工作从木材成分、含水率、干缩性、出土泡桐与新鲜泡桐干缩率比较、干燥过程中的电镜分析几个方面对泗水国汉墓出土的泡桐进行了材性研究。结果表明,泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐纤维素和半纤维素的含量比新鲜泡桐的含量下降很多,但木质素的相对含量却增加了,说明泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐在埋藏环境中可能更多地是受到褐腐菌的侵蚀。含水率的高低是反映木材腐蚀度一个重要指标,泗阳汉墓出土的泡桐平均含水率高达1211%,从弦向、径向、横切面的平均收缩率数值来看,出土的泗水国泡桐文物收缩变形很严重,从电子显微镜图片观察,细胞结构各向干缩特性与新鲜木材完全不同。由此可见,不能用常规木材的干缩特征和木材的变化规律来指导泗水国出土泡桐的研究和保护工作,在选择保护处理方法时要结合木材本身的现状选择适合的材料和工艺。  相似文献   
甘肃木器代表了我国汉代雕刻技艺的最高水平。糟朽是甘肃木器的典型特征,通常纤维素降解度高达50%;甘肃木器因材质固有的木材属性及缺陷性,对环境中的湿度、湿气和水分较为敏感,容易引发“湿胀干缩”效应,致使器物后期不易保存、保护。如何对糟朽木器安全状况进行科学评估,是当前基础研究领域亟待解决的课题。针对目前评估技术中存在的弊端、难题,本研究通过对评估方法、方式的深刻剖析,对木材材质特征及属性分析,对衡量及表征材质形态与结构变化相关物理参数的梳理;应用现代分析仪器及其成熟分析技术对采集试样进行了形貌观察和测试数据分析;研究表明:胎木含水率作为影响糟朽木器结构与形态稳定的决定因素,是安全评估的唯一衡量指标;胎木容重值、纤维结晶度与纤维降解度作为材质物理化学性能综合考量的表征参数,均客观地反映了材质质量或状况的实际变化情况,可作为量化评估参考指标;确定胎木含水率的安全变化范围为9.3%~14.3%,安全波动幅度为±5%。依据上述结果,制定了糟朽木器安全评估的相关界定标准:1)胎木含水率在安全范围、幅度内波动、变化时,表征参数物理量变化轻微,器物则处于安全区;2)胎木含水率超出安全范围变化时,且波动频率频繁,往往会持续引起容重值变小、纤维结晶度降低、纤维降解度增大,造成胎木的形态与结构发生严重改变,致使器物处于危险区;3)胎木丧失维持自身平衡效应的能力,致使表征参数物理量变化值极度异常,尤其当胎木素含量达到85%时,纤维素几乎完全降解,器物则已处于濒危区。最后,综合、梳理分析结果,设计、创建了科学、规范的糟朽木器安全评估技术构架,该技术采用定量与定性相结合的方式,特点是重数据、重证据,提升、强化了科技含量,方法简单、实用,易于掌握。  相似文献   
目前考古现场保护主要以应急保护技术与临时加固材料的研究和应用为主,而关于考古现场预防性保护少有报道。本次三星堆遗址祭祀坑发掘保护构建了由考古舱、考古舱环境调控系统、空气质量监测系统、土遗址监测系统、区域气象站、预防性保护措施、监测信息智能管理平台组成的预防性保护体系。发掘前,通过土遗址监测系统和区域气象站获取文物埋藏环境信息和区域气象信息,为考古舱内环境设置提供了依据。发掘过程中,采取舱内温湿度调控、保湿、空气杀菌净化、控制舱内人数与新风换气等预防性保护措施,达到控制考古舱温湿度、减少细菌和真菌总数、降低舱内CO_(2)浓度,减缓象牙等文物失水速度的目的,有效控制了出土文物开裂、酥粉、霉菌暴发等病害发生,为考古发掘与保护赢得了时间。三星堆祭祀坑考古现场预防性保护的创新探索与实践为以后重要遗址的现场保护指引了方向、提供了可借鉴经验。  相似文献   

European colonization brought innumerable changes and choices to Native groups across the Southeast. Scholars continue to examine the various ways communities navigated these disruptions. Studying the remains of daily practice offers a window into how communities negotiated continuity and change. Wood charcoal, representing the remains of daily fires, provides an important, but underutilized, method for examining people’s daily routines and interactions with their surrounding landscapes. This paper examines wood charcoal assemblages from several sites in the North Carolina Piedmont that span the precontact to early colonial periods (AD 1400–1705). Fuelwood collection models are used to consider the environments, practices, and preferences that influenced the composition of wood charcoal assemblages. Comparison of these datasets shows a consistent significant pattern of high-quality fuelwood selection with additional patterns potentially related to long-term use of the same environment and factors related to colonialism. Altogether, these patterns suggest continuity of some daily practices despite disruptions to other aspects of life.  相似文献   
探索漆木器制备工艺尤其是髹漆工艺,以获取能用于文物保护修复的重要信息,针对两件待上展金漆木雕的保存现状,进行了X射线荧光能谱分析、红外光谱分析、激光拉曼光谱分析、微观形貌分析以及X射线探伤等无损分析。根据分析检测结果,按照不改变文物原状、最小干预、真实性等文物修复基本原则,对文物进行保护修复,对这两件漆木器进行清理、消杀处理,对木胎残缺处进行补配和随色,对漆皮起翘、脱落严重的部位进行漆皮回贴和漆层补全,处理后状态稳定,具有一定的耐久度,达到了展览和长期安全存放的目的。  相似文献   
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