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张中华  段瀚 《旅游科学》2014,28(4):81-94
本文以西安大明宫国家考古遗址公园为例,基于空间形态要素、公园景观要素、服务配套要素、地方性、地方感5个潜在变量,构建地方性与地方感之间的因果关系结构方程模型.通过预设观测变量因子设计量表,发放200份调查问卷,回收181份有效问卷,再运用SPSS建立有效分析数据库,并基于Amos7.0平台进行结构方程模型的验证性分析,从而探讨大明宫国家考古遗址公园空间环境营造的地方性特征与游客地方感之间的关系路径及运行机理.  相似文献   
This paper examines the case of the court-ordered excavations at Ayodhya to understand the process by which archaeological evidence as expert opinion was reconfigured into judicial evidence in a civil lawsuit. Being an exceptional site of enquiry where two institutions of the Indian state — the High Court of Allahabad and the Archaeological Survey of India — come together, the Ayodhya case allows us to complicate the uses and abuses of archaeology. An examination of the orders and documents related to the excavations and the judgment made by the Allahabad High Court shows the production of archaeological knowledge at Ayodhya as highly mediated. The paper argues that this process is determined by the notions shared by both the institutions about archaeology-as-science and about scientific/archaeological expertise, regulated at each stage through judicial interventions and informed by the role that the Archaeological Survey of India and the archaeology profession has played in the production of a nationalist past in India. The employment of archaeology as legal evidence in the Ayodhya case is contingent upon the masking of these mediating roles.  相似文献   
A marine electric resistivity survey was carried out over a submerged beach along the Agropoli shore (Salerno, Italy) to detect buried objects of archaeological interest below the sandy seabed. We found a shipwreck, a military vessel that probably sunk during the Salerno landing operations of the allied forces in the Second World War. Resistivity data provide information on the vertical and horizontal extension of the shipwreck, which is characterized by very low calculated resistivity values (about 2–5 ohm m). Such values differ significantly from the sand and the bedrock values (5–40 ohm m). Although the presence of the shipwreck is clearly visible from geoelectric data, the joint application of electric, magnetic and multibeam bathymetric techniques reduces the ambiguities inherent in each method. As shown in the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and confirmed by the Digital Elevation Model (obtained from the processing of bathymetric data), the shipwreck extends more than 30 m in NE–SW direction and it is about 13 m wide. The global extension of the relic is consistent with the magnetic data, that are characterized by a magnetic anomaly with an amplitude of about 1800 nT and similar dimension, as inferred from the estimation of source boundaries obtained from the computation of the analytic signal. The results of our survey encourage the use of marine geoelectrical methods for the detection of buried archaeological targets, particularly in locations where the use of seismic prospecting is not effective (e.g. very shallow water with sandy sea-bottoms). The integration of different geophysical methods allows to better define the extension, depth and thickness of buried objects, suggesting that such an approach is the most effective for underwater archaeological investigations.  相似文献   
A total of 51 ancient oak wood samples originating from various European archaeological sites, dating from the Neolithic period to the 18th century, were assayed for the presence of reproducible chloroplast (cp) DNA sequences. Five polymorphic chloroplast fragments were targeted. Only five of the samples could be fully genetically characterised, revealing four different oak cpDNA haplotypes. In all cases, the haplotypes detected on ancient woods and the haplotypes characterised from fresh samples from the same localities matched. Overall, this congruence is consistent with a genetic continuity between ancient and modern European oaks, confirming the hypothesis that the mapped genetic patterns largely reflect the original structure that established during the post-glacial. This stability of the genetic structure implies that, in the future, the technique could be used to infer or confirm the transport of wood by man, providing interesting perspectives for the genetic analysis of ancient woods.  相似文献   
随着信息科学的快速发展,虚拟仿真技术在田野考古以及文化遗产保护工作中已得到广泛的应用并展现出巨大的价值。基于虚拟仿真技术开发的数字化实验,也成为理论与实践之外,高校人才培养的一种创新性教学方式。此前以考古发掘为内容的虚拟仿真工作中往往只能提供某一特定状态下的静态展示,无法全面反映古遗址整体的堆积情况,而据此开发的考古发掘实验中也难以实现对发掘工作过程的模拟。究其原因,三维模型是虚拟仿真工作的核心基础,而传统建模方法一般只能得到模拟建模对象外表面特征的"面模型",却缺失内部数据,因此难以实现对古遗址等内部结构复杂对象的模拟,也难以实现高水平的仿真互动以模拟考古发掘工作过程。体素模型,也称三维栅格模型,是通过三维空间中一系列连续排列的基元矩阵实现对立体对象的表达。这些基元被称为体素,如同海量的像素有序排列可以构成精细的二维图像,当海量的体素如积木般被拼搭起来则可以最大限度还原立体对象的整体特征。近年来,体素模型已开始应用于考古发掘虚拟仿真实验的开发。相关工作充分展示出体素模型技术在考古发掘实验领域的技术优势:首先,体素模型可以实现对空间实体由表及里的整体模拟,所以在表达如古遗址等非均质对象复杂的内部结构关系时,在仿真度方面具有显著优势。其次,通过对体素单元的编辑,可以实现模型分解、重塑等面模型无法支持的互动操作,从而满足模型根据用户的随机操作实时呈现非预设的高自由度变化的效果。应用体素模型技术,以真实田野考古发掘工作数据为基础,郑州大学历史学院开发的"田野考古发掘虚拟仿真实验"通过精细的遗址模型设计与操作设计,实现了对地层堆积情况较为复杂的古代遗址的高准确度模拟以及对于考古发掘工作过程与技术要点的高仿真度模拟。该实验已经应用于考古文博等专业的人才培养,作为传统实验教学模式的补充,可以有效提升教学质量。而该实验通过网络平台向全社会开放,也可成为公众考古宣传的新途径。  相似文献   
既要保留遗迹在不同阶段的信息资料,又不影响发掘研究工作的继续进行,一直是考古工作者探索研究的问题。为配合秦始皇陵百戏俑坑的考古发掘工作,为后续考古研究和文物遗迹的保护提供必要的基础信息资料,针对大场景考古发掘现场,通过数字全站仪对文物挖掘现场布设的一定数量控制点进行观测获取其三维点位坐标。利用非量测数码相机获取现场多航带序列影像,通过数码相机检校、自动空中三角测量、影像特征提取与影像匹配、数字微分纠正等数字近景摄影测量方法,获取反映发掘现场文物分布情况的数字高程模型(DEM)和正射影像(DOM)数据。在生成的正射影像图上进行文物轮廓线条的提取,获得发掘现场文物的正射投影矢量图。实现文物位置、形状及分布的平面量测。实验证明:该方法不仅可大面积、快速获取文物挖掘现场文物分布的正射投影平面图,实现考古数字制图,而且能保证一定的精度。具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
杨官寨遗址位于高陵县姬家乡杨官寨村四组,地处泾河下游北岸的一级阶地上,南距泾河约1公里,海拔498.5米,面积约为80万平方米,为关中地区新石器时代中晚期所罕见中心聚落遗址。2004年以来陕西省考古研究院对该遗  相似文献   
南水北调工程的考古工作,在陕豫鄂三省交界地区获得了大批西周时期的陶器材料。通过初步的分析,基本可以确定陕豫鄂交界地区西周时期存在一个独特的考古学文化,可以称为过风楼类型文化。本文通过对新出土的陶器材料的简单梳理和归纳总结,推断过风楼类型文化很可能就是西周时期的楚文化  相似文献   
一、带扣的型式划分及用途分析以往的研究,对带扣进行分型定式主要是依据扣环来分,但是出土的带扣除了扣环有区别外,扣尾也有很大的区别。有的有扣尾,有的没有,有的则不分扣环和扣尾,整个为饰浮雕动物纹的牌状扣身,这就决定了它们的使用方法不  相似文献   
This paper raises questions about the practice of theory in anthropological archaeology. Particular attention is given to questions surrounding the gender of theory: what genders are more heralded in the theoretical spotlights and how the subject position of doing theory is gendered. An analysis of the contents of four Readers of Archaeological Theory shows the problematic selection and thus representation of women’s theoretical contributions, including their effective ghettoization in gender and feminist archaeology. Insights from how feminists have been grappling with theory are considered, and archaeologists are urged to confront the ways in which “doing theory” is/is not valued and how it is differentially valued, and to discuss the place and uses of theory more explicitly and critically.  相似文献   
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