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虽然陶渊明撰成《桃花源记》后,文人羽士对"桃花源"进行过不同的描述和阐释,且将其附会到武陵地区,但是迄至唐中叶,桃花源仍仅是传说中的意象,并无确指之地。唐宋之际,在道士、当地官员的推动下,桃花源在武陵县渐被塑造成了一个具体的洞天,人们开始有意识的从事桃花源的实体景观构建,此种努力至桃源建县时达到一个高峰。不同时代形塑"桃花源"的主体与背景的差异留下了不同的景观,作为实体的非连续性和作为文化资源的接续性统一于其塑造过程。  相似文献   
寿春城遗址西部清理的3座墓葬,从建造规模及随葬的铜饰件、车马器、铜剑来看,均为中型墓葬,年代可能为春秋晚期,该墓地很可能是历史上的蔡国故地。  相似文献   
王文涛 《史学月刊》2002,(10):24-29
优抚思想在春秋战国时期的发展.与长期的战争环境有直接关系,是时代的产物。战争要求军事家和政治家们调动一切手段来激励将士奋勇杀敌,这是优抚思想产生和发展的最重要动因。春秋战国时期的优抚范围涉及所有将士,优抚对象有烈士家属、现役军人家属、残疾军人和没有后代的阵亡将士等;优抚内容既有物质奖赏.也有精神鼓励;优抚费用来自国家税收和“以战养战”。  相似文献   
湖北郧县肖家河出土春秋唐国铜器   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2001年郧县五峰乡肖家河村村民建房时,挖出一批青铜器,经现场勘查,认为是一座春秋墓葬。5件青铜礼器中3件有铭,经考证为春秋唐国器。这一发现,对研究楚、唐、楚、麇关系有着重要的价值。  相似文献   
关于吴县严山春秋玉器窖藏性质的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合文献、考古材料,对吴县严山出土春秋吴国王室玉器遗存的性质作了新的探讨,通过分析和比较,指出严山遗存应该是春秋吴国最后一代吴王夫差的陵墓,而不应是窖藏。  相似文献   
本文通过对五里界城考古调查、勘探、发掘资料的整理研究,初步判定五里界城为春秋时期的城址,其主要功能是当时采矿、冶炼生产过程中的管理、仓储、转运中心。简报报道的田野考古资料, 为探索鄂东南楚文化进入之前的考古学文化面貌以及楚文化在鄂东南的历史进程与特征提供了较为系统的资料。  相似文献   
古今学者或称春秋之世秦不为强国。其实,秦在春秋之世曾护平王东迁、称雄西戎、助晋称霸、救楚危难,是一个名副其实的大国、强国。究其原因,则是由于其在东周之初得为封诸侯,领有周之故地,取得政治与经济上的优势;同时又凭借其独特的易守难攻之势,全力经营西戎,没有在中原的争霸中无谓地消耗能量;再就是用人得当,用人得力。凡此种种,导致秦成为春秋四强之一。  相似文献   
This study examines the climate‐related methods of adaptation on which the traditional Arab house in the Eastern Mediterranean was based. We analysed nine old houses (from the 18th century to the early 20th century), built in the Arab vernacular tradition style, in three areas of Israel with different climatic conditions. Three houses in each area were chosen at random. Only nine were chosen because of the difficulty in finding houses whose state of preservation was in keeping with the aims of the research. For each house, climate‐related elements of the construction were documented. We found elements included at the design stage indicating climate consciousness, climate‐related elements due to building constraints, and building constraints in a cultural context with implications for the balance of climatic efficiency. The findings showed that climatic considerations were an integral part of the design while the principles crossed the boundaries of the three areas. Temperature, relative humidity, and heat intensity were measured, both inside and outside the house on selected days in each season. The research showed that the house moderates the impact of the outside temperature, inside the house in winter and mainly during the hot hours of the day in summer. Most of the climate‐related elements are still relevant. They can be used in regions with Mediterranean‐type climates (in the Mediterranean Basin, South Africa, central Chile, and southwestern Australia), especially when global warming and air pollution demand a substantial revolution of building design philosophies, strategies, technologies, and management methods.  相似文献   
This article sheds light on a covert counterterrorist deal between the Western European and Israeli security services, which was concluded in 1971 under the auspices of the Swiss government. This security arrangement was held under the framework of the Club de Berne, an informal forum of nine Western security services and their transatlantic and Middle Eastern partners. Based on hitherto unknown source material, the article discusses four main aspects of the Club de Berne: its creation, its background within the Swiss administration (complete lack of democratic oversight, absolute secrecy and neutrality), its threat warning system under the code word Kilowatt and the reasons for the participating countries to choose cooperation within this network. The main argument is that the Club de Berne was a security arrangement beneficial to all parties: it allowed Europeans to protect themselves from Palestinian terrorism without being seen as helping Israel; this secret dimension was also what allowed ‘neutral’ Switzerland to take part in this security framework.  相似文献   
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