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论井渠技术的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兴林 《华夏考古》2007,(1):114-119
井渠是我国古代发明的一项用地下暗渠引水灌溉的技术,西汉龙首渠是最早见于记载和经考古调查证实的井渠,秦始皇陵园发现的排水暗渠早于龙首渠,且技术已较成熟。根据我国早期矿冶遗址和相关的文献记载,井渠之法至迟在春秋时期即已出现。井渠起源于本土,它是坎儿井的源头,该项技术被后世广泛应用于隧道的开凿等。  相似文献   
洛阳市西工区八一路东周车马坑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年10月,洛阳市文物工作队在洛阳市西工区八一路发现和清理了一座车马坑,坑内残存二车一马,出土了陶、铜、铅、玉、蚌等质地的遗物27件套。依据出土器物的形制特征,该车马坑的年代应为春秋晚期。  相似文献   
The British government had played an important role during the 1950s and 1960s as a mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict, most notably through the development of Project Alpha between 1954 and 1956, and through the negotiation of United Nations Security Council resolution 242 in 1967. Between 1977 and 1979, British Prime Minister James Callaghan played a supporting role to US President Jimmy Carter as he negotiated the Camp David Accords of 1978. Callaghan adopted a pro-Israeli stance, cultivating close relations with the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and defending Begin’s position over key issues, particularly his reluctance to remove settlements from the occupied territories. In this respect Callaghan’s government departed from established British policy, even abstaining over United Nations Security Council resolution 446 in March 1979 which condemned continuing Israeli settlement activity. This resulted in damage to Britain’s relations with moderate Arab states such as Egypt and Jordan.  相似文献   
Ongoing excavations at Tell Abraq (Emirate of Umm al-Quwain, U.A.E.) are revealing new aspects of this multiperiod site, which was occupied from c. 2500 BC to 300 AD. Together with substantial architecture dated to the 2nd and 1st millennia BC, relevant assemblages of archaeological materials are being collected and dated to different phases of the site’s life. Among this material, exceptional is the discovery of two jars bearing the impression of two different cylinder seals, which will be presented here. Seal impressions on any media are extremely rare in the whole of south-eastern Arabia and strongly indicate a foreign provenance for the jars. Their iconographic study, the fabric and morphological parallels for the jars, and probable chronology will be discussed, as this can highlight transmarine connections during the late 2nd-first half of the 1st millennium BC, as well as provide new data to address chronological issues in south-eastern Iran itself.  相似文献   
This paper considers the epistemic career of visual media in ethology in the mid-20th century. Above all, ethologists claimed close contact with research animals and drew scientific evidence from these human-animal communities, particularly in public relations. However, if we look into the toolboxes of comparative behavioral biologists, it becomes evident that scientifically valid research results were primarily obtained by experimenting with model images. These visual specimens tell a technical story of the methodological requirements in behavioral science necessary to bridge everyday observations between the laboratory and the field. By neutralizing individual traces of animal bodies as well as their observers, they prompted the abstraction of ethological hypotheses. The case study of East-German biologist Günter Tembrock (1918–2011), who maintained his own collection of newspaper clippings, drawings, photographs, and films, offers a new perspective on the methodological development of this field. Furthermore, this article contributes to a scholarly discussion geared toward expanding the spaces of ethological research. My analysis of the image collections of the Forschungsstätte für Tierpsychologie presents the archive as a relevant site of study in the history of ethology.  相似文献   
Soft‐stone vessels are a prominent feature of ancient culture throughout south‐east Arabia and the Gulf. Chlorite and steatite occur naturally in the al‐Hajar Mountains of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman; but until now, apart from the discovery of a few unfinished pieces, ancient production of soft‐stone vessels had yet to be documented in Arabia. This paper reports the discovery and preliminary analysis of soft‐stone vessel production at the site of Aqir al‐Shamoos. At this small and secluded mountain village, a range of soft‐stone vessels that are well known in the south‐east Arabian Iron Age were produced on a scale far beyond what was needed for local consumption.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the legal developments during 2011 that affect archaeological heritage. Among the more significant developments were advances in and challenges to the use of international law in deterring the trade in undocumented antiquities and questions of whether artifacts on loan to U.S. institutions from Iran could be used to satisfy judgments against Iran awarded to victims of terrorist bombings. Finally, the article presents a preliminary assessment of the impact of the "Arab Spring" conflicts on cultural heritage preservation.  相似文献   
新郑铁岭墓地M1404、M1405为东西向大墓,南北相距2米,均出土成套青铜礼器与陶器。铜器墓紧临,这在铁岭墓地还是首次出现。周围大中型墓葬,也多出土有成套的陶器。其北、其西40米开外的墓葬极少随葬器物,说明这一带可能为一个家族墓地。  相似文献   
2012年1月6日,"中国社会科学院考古学论坛·2011年中国考古新发现"在中国社会科学院成功举行。内蒙古鄂尔多斯市乌兰木伦旧石器时代遗址、内蒙古科左中旗哈民忙哈史前聚落遗址、湖北随州市叶家山西周墓地、江苏盱眙县大云山西汉江都王陵、山东定陶县灵圣湖西汉墓和西藏定结县恰姆石窟作为今年入选的六个项目,在论坛上进行了集中发布。国家文物局副局长童明康,中国社会科学院副秘书长、科研局局长晋保平等领导,以及国家文物局文保司、中国社会科学院国际合作局、科研局以及相关研究所、国家博物馆、故宫博物院、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、北京大学、中国人民大学、  相似文献   
Soil was modelled with linearly elastic three-dimensional finite elements. Lateral spring stiffness was calculated from FE results. Spring stiffness is shown varying linearly with shaft diameter. It is also found that spring stiffness is inversely proportional to powers (less than unity) of pile flexural rigidity. Scaling factors for shaft diameter and pile flexural rigidity are introduced. Basic stiffness of lateral spring is studied considering both full vertical slippage and zero slippage between the soil and the pile. Relevant relationships for stiffness are proposed. Some applications are suggested.  相似文献   
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