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春秋中期,各诸侯国内部的政治格局悄然发生着变化,公室出现衰弱迹象,而卿大夫家族则日趋强大,公室与世族之间以及世族与世族之间的矛盾日益成为社会的主要矛盾,各世族均致力于内部的争权与兼并,“坠命亡氏”者比比皆是。赵氏,时为晋国强卿,也在“下宫之难”中遭受灭族之祸。历史上,对“下宫之难”发生的时间、原因和涉及的范围众说纷纭,颇多疑点。对于“下官之难”的诸多疑点,有必要依据典籍文献,并结合春秋时期的社会背景以及晋国的相关制度进行深层次的剖析。  相似文献   
In addition to being heinous crimes, acts of terrorism are complex chronopolitical events. Perpetrators, victims, survivors, families, and authorities manage their relationship to the events by engaging with and giving shape to time, or, rather, to a plurality of times. To perform this time work, they avail themselves of different genres, which serve as chronopolitical tools. This article discusses three such genres: the manifesto, the timeline, and the memorial site. These genres belong not only to different phases of the terror attacks but also to different actors. They are used to shape temporal progression in ways that enable specific forms of action, survival, and memory. The article takes the 22 July 2011 attacks in Norway as an example to map and analyze the role of these chronopolitical genres in managing the multiple times of terror.  相似文献   
西周春秋吴都迁徙考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西周至春秋时期 ,吴都共有四次迁徙。周康王时 ,虞侯被封在江苏邳县加口 ,称“俎侯” ,春秋时为“”地。从康王时到西周晚期 ,吴国一直以俎为其国都。春秋初期 ,吴取邗国而建都于邗 ,即今扬州一带。邗为吴都一直到吴王诸樊时代。第三次和第四次迁都在吴王诸樊之后。诸樊与阖闾之都为秦时“吴县” ,即今无锡市西南 45里的闾江乡一带。吴王阖闾时所筑并所迁之都在今苏州市 ,其地本名即“姑苏”、“苏”。至夫差亡国之时苏州一直为吴都。  相似文献   
春秋时期是河洛地区民族融合的重要历史时期,这里的少数民族以戎、狄为代表,分布在以黄河为中轴线的山地丘陵地区,这些少数民族的生活条件恶劣,大多仍处于游牧阶段。其与诸侯国的关系是和、战并存。二之间安和局面的出现既有诸侯国为了自身的需要而利用少数民族为其争霸服务,也有少数民族依附于某一强大诸侯国以求得庇护的因素。其衰亡既有自身不适应社会发展需要的原因,也有诸侯国统一战争的必然。  相似文献   
儒学神化是中国思想史上一个独特的历史政治现象,它根源于先汉《五经》,又创造了不同于先汉《五经》的新儒学体系。它依据自身神化的理论需求和《五经》的特点,在神化的过程中,直接吸收了《五经》之一的《春秋》理论,又委婉地排斥了其它四经,完成了儒学在西汉的神化。从儒学神化的发展变化过程来考察儒学《五经》,既能全面考察《五经》的特点,又能全面认清儒学神化与《五经》的关系。  相似文献   
Emily McKee 《对极》2014,46(5):1172-1189
Through ethnographic and historical analysis of the Negev region of Israel, this article examines competitive planting as a common tool in land conflicts. In a context of disputed land ownership, some Bedouin Arab residents plant crops in defiance of government policy. Government enforcers of land‐use regulations destroy many of these crops and engage in counterinsurgent tree‐planting. I suggest that planting is such a potent tactic because it draws on “environmental idioms” of agricultural labor, the rootedness of trees, and a fundamental Jewish‐Arab opposition that have been central to the development of both Israeli and Palestinian nationalisms. For Bedouin Arabs, whose relationship to both nationalisms has long been contested, the multivalent symbolism of planting makes it a particularly promising tactic for asserting land claims. Further, I contend that these plantings demonstrate both the power of environmental idioms to structure land claims along ethnic lines and the creative potential of participants to challenge dominant environmental discourses by adding new connotations.  相似文献   
The pro-democracy Arab popular uprisings have been spontaneous, but perhaps not all that unpredictable. They have come against the backdrop of a growing gulf between the rulers and the ruled, political repression, social and economic inequalities, demographic changes, unemployment and foreign policy debacles. Although the uprisings began in Tunisia, it is the case of Egypt that illustrates the situation more compellingly and the impact that it has had on the rest of the Arab world. It is not clear at this stage what will be the ultimate outcome. But what can be said with certainty is that the Arab peoples have set out on a long journey in pursuit of genuine self-determination. The journey will be arduous and unsettling for the Arabs and outsiders, but this has to be treated as part of a transition from a dictatorial past to a politically pluralist future.  相似文献   
江苏句容下蜀中心山土墩墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年2月~4月,南京博物院在江苏句容中心山发掘了一座春秋早期土墩墓,发现祭祀器物群1处、墓葬1座和房址1座。器物群器物出土时破碎严重,属有意识打碎。墓葬堆土成坑。房址位于墓葬下方,主体由基槽和基槽内柱洞组成,为截面呈人字形的两面坡式建筑,有长方形过道,其与墓葬及祭祀器物群的位置关系值得研究。  相似文献   
进入春秋时期,西周形成的传统政治格局开始发生改变,社会开始出现一种比较宽松的发展局面.各诸侯国凭借当时宽松的政治环境竞相发展自己的实力.齐国成为首先发展起来的国家,在其发展过程中,它不断吞并周围的小国,其中纪国是第一个被吞并的国家,主要原因是齐国为了占有纪国丰富的海盐资源.  相似文献   
Excavations carried out by the French Archaeological Mission at Bithnah-44/50 (Emirate of Fujairah) have provided new data about Iron Age II cultic practices in the Arabian Peninsula centred on the symbol of the snake. The site includes a public building, various types of shrines, and a central area of offerings where the remains of animal sacrifices were buried in pits. These remains are presented and a preliminary account of the evolution of the site is given on the base of the site's stratigraphy.  相似文献   
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