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本文基于历史文献资料,提取清代中期(1723-1850)直隶灾后朝廷组织的跨省赈粮调度相关记载,对逐年赈粮数量进行定量重建。结合同期水旱灾害强度,对其反映的政府救灾力度的总体变化趋势及时空分布特征进行分析,并进一步讨论其影响因素。结果显示,赈粮调度在雍正朝还并非常规赈灾措施,至乾隆朝成为常态,数量上达到顶峰,至嘉道时期则显著衰落;在空间上更偏重于直隶中部的近畿一带,南部则相对易被忽视。当其兴盛之时,在直隶灾后赈济中发挥的作用不可替代,其演变过程在一定程度上既是清王朝兴衰历程的缩影,亦受到各方面因素(如皇帝意志、灾害强度、区位条件、仓储状况、荒政效率等)的综合作用。从中总结的历史经验教训,也可作为当前防灾实践的参考。  相似文献   
Famine threatened the lives of over twenty million residents of north China in 1920, prompting a massive, and ultimately successful, relief effort. Scholarship on the famine has largely credited China's foreign and coastal, cosmopolitan Chinese circles with this humanitarian feat at the expense of what was in fact a surprisingly effective Chinese state apparatus that year, as well as local relief operations by many famine-stricken communities themselves. This study captures a very specific moment of US and European cultural production on ‘China’ and ‘the Chinese’ in which the great north China famine of 1920–1 occurred, to argue that our current understanding of Chinese relief culture circa 1920 remains largely a product of foreign characterization (by the celebrated likes of Somerset Maugham and Bertrand Russell) and political commentary by reformist Chinese during a period of post-May Fourth cultural turmoil. If we hold the output of these writers up to alternative original sources on events that year, it becomes clear that the historiography on China's greatest humanitarian crisis of the first quarter of the twentieth century remains insufficiently insulated from the raw discursive climate in which the crisis unfolded.  相似文献   
Significant political and economic developments among the Chumash of southern California were catalyzed in part by the emergence of an intensive, specialist-driven shell-bead industry during the second millennium CE on the Santa Barbara Channel Islands. The production of millions of beads depended in turn on the availability of lithic microdrills of standardized form and materials. Channel Islanders quarried a particular stone type, a blocky Monterey Formation chert, from multiple outcrops situated close to the eastern shores of Santa Cruz Island. Rich archaeological assemblages document the lithic and shell byproducts of these intertwined production systems, each of which endured for several centuries (CE 1150–1819). Islanders invariably chose Island chert for making microdrills: hundreds of thousands of specimens recorded to date are of this material. Furthermore, nearly every microlith in all of Chumash territory (post CE 1150) was produced on the islands; the large populations on the mainland did not participate in microlith making or bead making after CE 1150–1200. We argue that this pattern had its roots not only in the patchiness of key resources and shifting regional social relationships, but also in the physical properties of available raw materials. Here we experimentally assess the properties of Santa Cruz Island chert alongside three important mainland raw materials—Grimes Canyon fused shale, Coso obsidian, and Vandenberg chert—that potentially could have been tapped to make microliths. We test the proposition that Island chert outperforms other lithic materials in drilling efficiency and drill use life. Our experimental results from 108 drilling trials reveal sharp distinctions in performance characteristics across the four materials. We infer that the process by which Islanders became the more-or-less exclusive manufacturers of shell-bead currency in southern California was facilitated by both the efficacy and physical properties of the Island cherts and the propitious locations of the outcrops.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国服务业发展迅速。服务业在经济增长方式转变、产业结构优化升级和吸纳就业人口等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文从服务业的演进阶段、增长行为、内部结构、地区发展不平衡等方面对我国服务业发展的基本特征进行了分析。在此基础上探讨三大地带间、三大地带内和31个省(市)间服务业发展的区域差异,从空间上将我国服务业发展水平划分成发达、次发达、较发达、欠发达和不发达五个基本类型,旨在对未来我国服务业的发展,尤其是不同类型区服务业的差异化发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Differentiation of the genetic and the acquired anaemias, particularly in areas of the world where they may co‐exist, has been a challenge for palaeopathologists for over 100 years. In this paper we present macroscopic and radiographic skeletal lesions that are associated with the thalassemias in a 14‐year‐old girl from a modern reference collection of the University of Athens. This individual is of known sex, age, cause of death, place and dates of birth and death. The case is examined in terms of epidemiology, growth, distribution and severity of lesions and differential diagnosis. The entire skeleton is affected by marrow hyperplasia: lesions of the axial skeleton are extreme, and the appendicular skeleton is severely affected as well. The odontofacial manifestations that are diagnostic of thalassemia and differentiate it from other anaemias are present and include: maxillary and mandibular hyperplasia, reduced sinuses, displacement of maxillary dental structures, overbite, and generalised osteopenia. The development of extreme bone lesions and the ‘advanced’ age‐at‐death of this individual is explained as either the result of thalassemia major under a low transfusion regimen that was the norm during her lifetime, or to a form of thalassemia intermedia that allows survival to later life at the expense of gross skeletal alterations. The present status of skeletal studies in Greece does not support the identification of a genetic anaemia in past populations. The potential contribution of the current analysis in differentiating the anaemias in antiquity is evaluated. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
深圳居民服务性消费行为的偏好与空间特征   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
服务性消费在深圳居民消费结构这一在居民消费结构中的重要性日益增加,本文首先对深圳居民的服务性消费偏好进行了分析,其次将服务性消费行为大致分为餐饮消费、美容美发消费、体育健身消费及酒吧消费等四种类型,分别研究了各种消费行为的空间特征。  相似文献   
宁夏伊斯兰教地理的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国伊斯兰教地理的研究相对空白。本文以宁夏回族自治区为例,阐述了伊斯兰教徒、宗教景观、社区类型和教派及其门宦的地域性特征,伊斯兰区域主导文化与区域社会经济发展的关系。本文希望对伊斯兰教地理的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用,对于制定以伊斯兰文化为主导的区域发展战略和政策起到参考作用。  相似文献   
对中国特色社会主义道路的内涵,可以从理论上认识,也可以从历史上认识。从历史上认识,最重要的是弄清改革开放前后两个时期的历史及其相互关系。党的十七大报告关于改革开放事业与党的三代中央领导集体关系的论述,为我们正确认识这一问题提供了重要指导思想。只要根据这一指导思想考察改革开放前后两个29年的历史,就会清楚地看到,前者是探索中国社会主义道路的历史,后者是开创并全面发展中国特色社会主义的历史;前者是后者的基础,没有前者的成就和正反两方面的经验做基础,就没有后者的飞速发展;后者是前者的继承、扬弃和完善,没有后者的改革开放,前者也难以为继。前后两个29年虽然有很大区别,但都内在地统一于科学社会主义原则之下。  相似文献   
基于手机轨迹数据系统的定量分析了西宁市不同群体的出行特征差异,通过定义移动距离、回转半径、出行频次和停留位置个数来定量居民的出行特征,分析不同性别、年龄段、工作日和休息日西宁市居民的出行差异.研究发现:①不同年龄群体出行行为差异显著,其中31-40岁年龄段居民的出行需求最为强烈,大于60岁的老年人出行需求最小;②男性在...  相似文献   
薛红焰 《攀登》2006,25(2):17-19
科学发展观作为我国现代化建设指导思想的发展和创新,在统领中国特色社会主义事业健康发展的过程中发挥着重要作用,也推动着整个科学社会主义理论和实践的不断创新和发展。本文从科学社会主义的历史发展、思想方法和难题破解的视角来探讨科学发展观的重大意义、基本内涵和实践创新问题,旨在推进对科学发展观研究的深化。  相似文献   
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