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This paper investigates how animal aging and ill-health are managed, spaced, interpreted, and experienced within a horse–human relationship. It does so by exploring the active construction of ‘retirement’ as a legitimate category within the life course of an animal. The analysis is concentrated around the emergent spaces of horse retirement yards. Conceptualising retirement yards as liminal spaces of transition and transformation, particular consideration is given to the role of the yard manager in creating a good retirement for the horse. This includes negotiating and narrating figurative and bodily processes of animal aging with the distant owner. The paper reviews the yard manager’s careful enactment of re-wilding in the shaping of aged and unsound equine bodies, but also their authentic inter-weaving of practices of domestication. Balancing re-wilding and domestication, in both figurative and bodily form, appears central to securing dwelling-in-retirement on a retirement yard and therefore, successful animal aging. In accordance with the non-uniformity of liminality, however, the relational care practices which permit dwelling-in-retirement require daily attention. They remain subject to multiple potential sources of disruption, including those which extend well beyond the aged or unsound state of the individual animal.  相似文献   
The Remi and the Suession territories, in northern France, are well known from an archaeological point of view thanks to the extensive excavation campaigns in the region of the Aisne Valley over the past 30 years. Focusing on the last two centuries BC – a crucial period for the Gallic peoples, right before the Roman invasion of Gallia Belgica – reveals evidence of extended urbanised sites, specialised production processes and complex social organisations. These results lead us to consider the Remi and the Suession populations not as barbarians as ancient textual sources tend to describe. Through the study of faunal remains accumulated on several archaeological sites of both territories, specific social behaviours linked to well-organised peoples emerge, for whom animal husbandry has become, over time, an important resource of production and trade, allowing them to develop economical and political alliance over borders. This study, adopting a territorial approach, examines the trading networks of animal resources for the Remi and Suession people to reach a better understanding of these complex societies. It also aims to expand our vision of Gallic communities by raising questions about animal husbandry in various regions of Gaul, such as Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland.  相似文献   
Recently, two Late Neolithic skeletons belonging to the Single Grave Culture (ca. 4500 BP) were discovered in the province of North-Holland. It is the first time that such complete and well-preserved skeletons of this age have been found in The Netherlands. Both skeletons were subjected to an extensive and close examination in order to gain more information about these two individuals and their way of life. Application of different methods resulted in the determination of the sex (a male and a female), the age at death and the stature of the skeletons. Pathological features could be established in the female skeleton by means of radiography. The male skeleton was incomplete owing to animal scavenging. The tooth marks on the bones were studied in an attempt to discover the circumstances of death. In order to obtain information about the diet of the two individuals, the dental microwear and the remains of plaque and calculus were investigated. This investigation demonstrates the importance of physical anthropological studies with regard to the reconstruction of life in the past.  相似文献   
本研究对埃及萨卡拉新出土的十具有代表性的彩绘人形木棺进行铭文解读、样式和装饰图案的分析,以期为古埃及木棺的类型学研究提供新的材料。作为迄今为止埃及出土的最大规模的窖藏墓,其中埋葬的上千个保存完好的彩绘木棺的陆续整理发表,将对以往以底比斯木棺样本为核心建立的类型学研究提出重大的挑战。 2024年7月19日,上海博物馆策划的“金字塔之巅:古埃及文明大展”开幕,展览的一大亮点是首次系统公布埃及考古队近十年在萨卡拉地区自主考古取得的重大发现,这也是这批文物的全球首展。本研究将对其中尚未发表的十具彩绘人形木棺进行解读和分析。 2020年以来,埃及国家文物局考古队在萨卡拉地区(埃及古代都城孟菲斯墓区)北区陆续发掘出土了一批重要墓葬和神庙遗址,其中包括一座罕见的巴斯泰特神庙遗址。在该神庙东部发现了两座深12 m石灰岩悬崖竖井墓,编号为64号、65号,年代为公元前8世纪,地下墓室里存储有近千具完整的彩绘木棺。此外,还发现了古埃及最大的动物木乃伊墓地和最完整的制作木乃伊的作坊,并出土了大量朱鹭、鹰、狒狒和圣母牛的木乃伊,特别是首次发现了蛇、蜣螂、幼狮等稀有的动物木乃伊。这批新出土的文物为研究古埃及墓葬习俗、来世信仰及社会发展状况提供了珍贵的一手资料。  相似文献   
东晋建康兽面瓦当来源于西晋,其源头当在中原洛阳地区新莽时期的壁画兽面。汉晋建筑构件中的兽面使用经历了从地下墓葬到地面建筑的过程,这一过程与汉晋墓葬制度的区域变化有关,其根源在于早期道教的发展。  相似文献   
Recent excavation of a mummified ibis, in whose bill were found numerous snails, and the 2010 radiological study of ibis mummies from Yale's Peabody Museum drew attention to the presence of bird foodstuffs intentionally placed inside mummified ibises following evisceration. The foodstuff packing in the Peabody's ibises was likely contained within the birds' own viscera. Radiographs of a hatchling ibis mummy at McGill's Redpath Museum demonstrated similar placement of foodstuffs within the eviscerated body cavity. This pattern of ibis evisceration, with the previously unreported practice of foodstuff packing, suggests the provision of an afterlife food source to the bird. These findings lend support to the idea that the viscera of ibises, and humans alike, were meant to continue their living function in the afterlife. Given that organs of digestion and respiration were specifically preserved and retained within, or in conjunction with, human mummies, the implication is that animals were also treated with similar respect and care, and the crucial role of the viscera was recognised.  相似文献   
Newly initiated research at Direkli cave is helping to define an initial understanding of Epipaleolithic hunter‐gatherer traditions in the central Taurus region of southern Turkey. Detailed analysis of the Direkli faunal assemblage suggests that in the late Epipaleolithic the cave functioned as a short‐term logistical camp used to intercept wild goats (Capra aegagrus) in the high peaks around the cave, primarily in the late summer and fall. In addition, hunters opportunistically exploited deer and a variety of other small taxa, including tortoise, in the forested vicinity of the site. Evidence for low intensity and seasonal occupation of the cave indicates that Epipaleolithic foragers in the region were highly mobile, utilised a wide range of resources, but primarily scheduled use of the cave in order to exploit high ranked wild goat resources. This represents the first window into the nature of foraging systems just prior to the emergence of agricultural economies in this important region of Turkey. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Absorbed lipid residues from 24 seventh‐ to ninth‐century coarseware potsherds from the major Anglo‐Saxon trading centre of Hamwic (Southampton, UK) were analysed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS) in order to reconstruct the dietary habits of its population. The results show that the vessels were used for preparing ruminant fats and leafy vegetables. In addition, evidence was found for a minor contribution of aquatic foods. Beeswax was found once and most probably relates to a sealing function or to honey. Remarkable features were: (i) the isomeric mixture of octadecenoic acid (C18:1 Δ7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) and 8‐ to 16‐hydroxyoctadecanoic acid, and (ii) the co‐occurrence of C17:1, C19:1 and isoprenoid fatty acids. These features were proposed as biomarkers for ruminant and aquatic food sources, respectively. Furthermore, the carbonyl position distribution in mid‐chain ketones was used to identify mixtures of animal‐ and plant‐derived ketones. The paper highlights the difficulty in interpreting complex lipid signatures that show a mixture of various foods, as observed in the majority of the samples. This was linked to the preparation of stews or the recycling of vessels. The results are considered alongside ceramic usewear data and existing data relating to environmental remains recovered from the Hamwic excavations.  相似文献   
Stable isotope analyses of faunal remains provide valuable information about human–environment interactions in the past, including insights into past animal husbandry and land management strategies. Here, we report stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values of collagen and carbonate from archaeological fauna from Ka?dus, a medieval settlement in North-Central Poland, to better understand human–environment interactions during a period of increasing urbanism and marketization. Wild and domestic animals can be separated on the basis of their isotopic values. The mean δ15N value for 12 domesticated animals is 7.6 ± 1.2‰ and for 5 wild animals is 4.3 ± 0.5‰ (p = 0.002). The mean collagen δ13C value for domesticated animals is −20.6 ± 1.1‰ and for wild animals is −22.0 ± 0.5‰ (p = 0.004). The mean carbonate δ13C value for domesticated animals is −13.14 ± 1.3‰ and for wild animals is −14.14 ± 0.9‰ (p = 0.034). The “canopy effect” and anthropogenic effects that alter stable isotope ratios of plants (manuring, swidden agriculture and ploughing) are discussed in relation to these differences. Fish are isotopically variable, which suggests broad-spectrum fishing strategies and/or trade, and increases our awareness of the difficulties in interpreting human paleodiet when freshwater fish were on the menu.  相似文献   
The rock art of the central Sahara was created out of the beliefs, traditions and experiences of the engravers and painters. The animal engravings of the Wadi al-Ajal in south-western Libya are used to isolate some of the environmental and cultural/symbolic components that make up the pictorial record. A comparison between the depicted animals and the faunal remains recovered in the area identifies a number of characteristics. The engraving repertoire is dominated by a small number of frequently depicted animals that were of symbolic or economic importance to the engravers. Rare and singular depicted species extend this record to a diverse species spectrum. Although a preferential depiction of herbivores is evident in the data, there is a close match between faunal record and engravings which shows that all larger animals (over ca. 10 kg) that were present in the area were also depicted. The selection of animals in the rock art appears to reflect their visibility in the landscape while also providing a record of changing climatic conditions from savanna to desert habitats. The rock art therefore provides an indirect record of the local environment while also capturing the engravers' perception of animals and landscape.  相似文献   
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