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江西省区域经济发展空间差异研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
俞勇军  陆玉麒 《人文地理》2004,19(3):41-45,30
区域差异历来是政府关注的重要问题,也是区域发展理论研究的主要课题。江西省受周边强经济中心的影响,经济区位边缘化趋势明显。近年来江西省突破原来农业大省的发展思路,致力引进发达地区和国外的技术和资金,工业化水平明显提高。目前江西省内部地区差异较1990年明显扩大,而且表现出各地区相对波动较大的特征。本文采用偏离一份额模型,对江西1990-2001年间11年来的发展状况分两个阶段进行分析,探讨江西省区域经济发展差异的空间结构特征,将江西划分为4种发展类型。江西省各地区区位条件的变化是其经济发展空间差异的驱动因素。  相似文献   
日本泉屋博古馆收藏并展示的我国早年流散到海外的部分先秦青铜器,是中国先秦文化不可缺少的重要内容之一。商青铜私文书只是先秦私文书的一部分,并非是我国最早的私文书。“九五”期间国家重大科研课题“夏商周断代工程”的某些研究成果表明,商以前就已有文书记录产生,如再加以考古出土实物印证,夏就有可能是先秦私文书的起源时期,为此,笔者将商只作为中国青铜私文书的兴起阶段。  相似文献   
章草书,广义而言是汉代通行的隶书草写法;狭义而言是在隶草的基础上进而规范化的一种专门书体。章草书盛行于东汉末期,历经魏晋时代而渐成衰势,隋唐以后罕有书者。故宫博物院新近征得的原藏清宫并著录于《石渠宝笈》的隋人书《出师颂》恰恰弥补了章草书发展末期的历史空缺。本文简述章草书之由来以及古代章草书家的简况,以便读者从中了解隋人书《出师颂》的历史和艺术价值。  相似文献   
本文将《隋贤书出师颂》墨迹本与传世《出师颂》的八种刻本进行排比梳理,归纳出三个系统:即“萧子云”系统、“索靖”系统、“隋人”系统。通过各本文字校勘比较和文献考证,证明“索靖”系统刻本的母本即史载北宋“宣和本”,“隋人”系统即史载南宋“绍兴本”,而此两本与北宋《兰亭续帖》所刻“萧子云本”,俱出自同一个更古的祖本。进而对辑入《出师颂》文字的《文选》一书的版本进行分析,论证“绍兴本”应是隋和初唐书家的临摹本,即《隋贤书出师颂》墨迹。  相似文献   
本文分析了隋代书法在中国书法史上承前启后的特殊状况,指出隋代北方铭刻的主要成就是逐渐摆脱了前朝篆隶书体而形成了楷书书体,南方的纸书在跃出章草畦径的过程中初步酝酿出草书的章法,楷书已成熟定法。“书”之所以能够有“法”并且成为一门高雅的艺术,是因为隋代完成了“普法阶段”,最好的例证就是智永和隋贤的存世之作。  相似文献   
Archaeologists can learn from models of evolution as a self-organized critical phenomenon. Self-organized critical systems are large, interactive systems that organize into a critical state where minor events can trigger chain reactions. Such systems demonstrate power-law distributions in the size of changes, or avalanches, that occur. The theory of self-organized criticality is important in that it implies that the evolution of complex systems may be driven more by interactions between agents than by external events or natural selection. Stylistic changes may be examples of avalanches of interconnected events. Evidence for self-organized criticality is shown for stylistic evolution in historical pottery styles from New York State and is used to evaluate the nature of a prehistoric pottery typology from the Southwest.  相似文献   
Two single bovine burials and one mixed animal burial (containing bovine and canid skeletal remains) have been unearthed at two Baden culture sites, Aljmaš‐Podunavlje and Osijek‐Retfala located in Eastern Croatia. Zooarchaeological analysis attributed the faunal remains to domesticated cattle (Bos taurus) and in one case a dog (Canis familiaris). Almost complete and articulated skeletons of subadult or adult cows were found in all three examined features, while pit 59/60 from Aljmaš also contained a skull belonging to an adult‐domesticated cattle and a skeleton of a very young dog, 2–3 months old. All of the skeletons are well preserved and display no evidence of carcass processing indicating that the animals were buried intentionally. Consideration of the positions in which these animals were interred and their relationship with nearby deposits enables discussion of potential animal burial strategies and possible connections with certain ritual practices in which cows and in one case a dog played important roles. The described burials represent the southernmost known distribution of the rite discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
What is the role of material culture in understanding the past? This review essay explores two principal approaches—the history of museums and antiquities and environmental history—to reflect on their shared investment in historical materialism. It reviews Timothy LeCain's The Matter of History and Peter Miller's History and Its Objects, discussing their perspectives on objects and the writing of history. One important part of this history concerns the relationship of academic historians to the idea of a history museum, curatorial practices, and public history. What kinds of history can we do in a museum, with things, that might not occur without the presence of objects? Why were nineteenth- and early twentieth-century efforts to encourage a close relationship between historical research and the history museum largely abandoned in favor of a document-driven approach? The second dimension of current interest in historical materialism concerns new approaches to environmental history. It draws inspiration from Deep History as well as recent work in archaeology and STS (Science and Technology Studies) to argue for a more integrated history of humans and nature that demonstrates how things have made us. The history of successive efforts to remake the environment in different parts of the world and their consequences offers crucial object lessons in how humans have responded to nature's own creativity. Both approaches to historical materialism highlight the virtues of a more interdisciplinary approach to historical scholarship, in the museum or in the field, but most important, in our own sensibilities about what it means to think historically with artifacts and to treat them as compelling evidence of a shared history of humanity and nature.  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产保护是一项全人类、全社会卷入的公共文化事业,需要各方面主动扮演相应的角色、发挥各自的优势、承担特定的责任。把各个方面建构成积极有为的身份,就成为非遗保护的一项颇有建设价值的理论工作。其中,以"主体"身份看待相关的各个方面,是一项有益的尝试。界定非遗的主体与非遗保护的主体,实际上也是探索建立非遗保护这项公共文化事业的分工合作的身份框架。  相似文献   
2012年7月至9月,为探索麦类作物和外来畜养动物的传播途径,青海省文物考古研究所对位于青海互助土族自治县加定镇加塘村的金禅口遗址进行了考古发掘。共揭露齐家文化时期房址5座、灰坑15个、墓葬1座和陶窑2座,出土陶器、石器、骨器、铜器、木器等200多件及大量动、植物遗存。本文对其中的典型遗存进行了详细介绍。通过与邻近地区的同类文化遗存进行比照,本遗址出土的齐家文化典型器型与其存在许多相似之处。选取炭化植物种子10个样品,小麦、大麦、粟和黍,经北京大学考古文博学院碳十四实验室进行测年,数据结果的年代范围在2200~1750BC。综合考虑基本上反映了金禅口遗址齐家文化聚落的绝对年代。遗址中出土的众多细石器和大量动物骨骼反映了发达的畜牧业和狩猎经济。而通过对遗址中采集的土样轻浮物进行鉴定,显示碳化农作物种子10163粒,占出土碳化植物种子总数的90.4%,表明采集业是当时经济生活的重要补充,但农业仍是主要的生计方式。由此可见,金禅口遗址所处的自然环境决定了齐家文化时期先民的生业模式复杂多样。  相似文献   
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