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古埃及文明的重要成就之一就是科学技术发明 ,其中数学成就引人注目。从保留下来的纸草文献中 ,我们可以了解到古埃及人的数学知识相当丰富 ,他们的数学知识包括算术、代数和几何三个方面。古埃及人的数学产生于生活和实践 ,并广泛应用于生产实践 ,取得了辉煌的成就 ,对人类文明做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
使用北京大学科技考古实验室的激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体发射光谱分析了台湾省出土的18件古代玻璃珠子标本.结果表明这些珠子主要属于钙镁玻璃系统、钾玻璃系统、铅玻璃系统以及钠钙玻璃系统.除钠钙玻璃以外其它玻璃的制作技术均和同时期在大陆流行的玻璃制作技术同源。而成分分析结果显示钠钙玻璃可能来自印度或者东南亚,说明中古时期台湾岛是“海上丝绸之路”的重要中转站。  相似文献   
It is of vital importance to be able to sex identify cattle remains to understand the strategies and importance of cattle husbandry in an ancient society. This is usually done from osteoarchaeological assemblages and often relies on measurements of metapodials. The breadth measurement of the distal trochlea is considered an easy way to identify the sex. Bones from males appears to be easily distinguishable from female counterparts, although it has been complicated to find an external control for the morphological results. Here we investigate the reliability of these particular morphometrics for sex identifying cattle bones with molecular genetics. We use a sex discriminating single nucleotide polymorphism in the ZFXY gene and we apply it to DNA from the bones. To keep the fragment size short and suitable for ancient DNA we base the test on a SNP. The test confirms the osteological sex identification in all cases were DNA could be retrieved. This molecular method can also be used when no fragments suitable for osteological sex identification can be found or when the measurements are non-conclusive.  相似文献   
Attempts were made to detect ancient DNA (aDNA) in samples of 88 human skeletons from eight Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in Greece and Crete. Ancient DNA was absent in specimens from Nea Nikomedia, Lerna, Karaviádena (Zakro), Antron Grave Circle A and Mycenae Grave Circle A. For each of three skeletons from Antron Grave Circle B that were sampled, polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) gave products for nuclear but not mitochondrial DNA, but amplicon yield was low and inconsistent with replicate PCRs failing to give reproducible results. With specimens from Mycenae Grave Circle B, evidence for mitochondrial aDNA was obtained for four of the 22 skeletons that were studied, and at Kouphovouno evidence for mitochondrial and/or nuclear aDNA was obtained with eight of the 20 skeletons that were examined. We conclude that, although aDNA might be present in some Eastern Mediterranean skeletons from later centuries of the Bronze Age, it is not commonly found in material from this period and is likely to be absent from older material.  相似文献   
中国古代社会保障思想与实践初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国奇 《攀登》2008,27(2):28-31
中国几千年所遗留下来的社会保障思想有许多精华值得我们挖掘和继承,特别是其中的大同均平思想、以民为本思想、兼爱交利思想和仓储后备思想及其实践,尤其值得我们学习和借鉴。吸收古代社会保障中这些行之有效的思想和方法,将有助于我们构建中国特色的社会保障制度,保障基本民生。  相似文献   
几种防腐剂在古坑木中的吸收量固化率及抗流失性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同类型的防腐剂由于化学性质不同,造成在古坑木中的吸收量、固化率及抗流失性有较大差别。为了筛选出适合于古铜矿遗址内古坑木的防腐剂,对木宝等几种防腐剂在古坑木中的吸收量、固化率、抗流失性进行了试验。  相似文献   
珂罗版印刷是一种古老而精妙的平面印刷技术,珂罗版印刷在印刷复杂的书画作品时,特别是在中国古代书画的笔触和墨韵表现上,可以最大限度地体现原作的艺术特色,达到其他印刷手段难以企及的艺术境界。珂罗版印刷与人工设色相结合,提高了人工临摹的工作效率使古老珂罗版印刷更具艺术生命力,成为复制书画文物的最佳手段。  相似文献   
为了克服目前利用抗拉强度分析方法检测古丝绸老化强度的缺点,通过对古丝绸抗拉强度分析,利用电子天平的称量精度和记录、显示功能,结合控速、控力和固定试样的机械部件,对测定仪的机械、电路、软件部分进行了设计,研制出一种新型的古丝绸强度测定仪。用古丝绸强度测定仪对古丝绸进行了测试,结果显示古丝绸强度测定仪能很好地测定古丝绸的抗拉强度。该仪器为定量测定古代丝织品老化程度提供了一种较为精细的手段。  相似文献   
为了真正实现古陶瓷完整器的元素成分无损分析,就要建造能容纳常规大小古陶瓷样品的真空靶室,以及建立弯曲表面古陶瓷的定量分析方法。本文报道了本实验室QuanX型能谱仪真空靶室改造的整体设计和加工,以及针对弯曲表面古陶瓷样品定量分析的处理方法。大量的测量工作表明所改装的能谱仪完全适应古陶瓷完整器的元素成分无损分析的需要,同时证明古陶瓷样品在较低真空条件下的测量分析是完全无损的;所提出表面弯曲古陶瓷的定量分析处理方法具有简便易行,精确度较高的特点。  相似文献   
长期以来,《古关键》一书都被认为是吕祖谦所编撰。本以清徐树屏冠山堂刻本里所收无名氏的跋语为证,并通过对该书所选录的作家作品和其评论之间所存在的明显矛盾的分析,说明它很可能是先有人选录完毕,吕祖谦对之加以批论评点,再由南宋蔡子作注而完成的,并指出弄清这问题的价值和意义。  相似文献   
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