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叶凡美 《史学月刊》2007,(11):114-119
2007年5月24~27日在天津召开的"全球视野下的美国早期史研究国际学术研讨会"为中外学者提供了一个独特的增进相互交流和了解的机会,将有助于推动中国学者对美国早期史的研究。提交会议的国外学者的论文在研究课题、视角、观点、材料和方法上多有新颖之处,从中可以看出国外美国早期史研究的一些发展趋势。相较而言,中国美国早期史研究尚存在极大局限和不足,提交会议的中国学者的论文大多选题偏大,观点缺乏新意,同时缺少详尽新颖的一手史料。可见,中国的美国早期史研究亟需得到提高。  相似文献   
张涛 《史学集刊》2007,(6):43-50
修建运河以连接自然河流和湖泊成为美国建国初期的一大政治共识。逐渐增多的大众刊物为美国早期运河意识从政治领域向社会生活领域普及提供了重要媒介,在美国早期运河热潮中发挥了积极作用。通过报道和评论当时仍然比较零星的运河工程,共和国初期的大众刊物不仅为以1825年伊利运河为代表的运河建设高潮打下了舆论基础,崭露头角的刊物本身也因此表达了对美国命运的关注,有机地融入了美国联邦的巩固进程。  相似文献   
王金虎 《史学月刊》2007,2(8):72-78
美国内战期间,南部邦联财政政策的主要目标是筹措资金。为达到此目的,南部邦联政府采取了征税和发行国库券与债券等措施。由于通过征税获得的财政收入微乎其微,南部邦联政府的财政资金便主要依靠发行国库券和债券。此举固然使得南部邦联政府短期获得一部分可支配资金,但由于南部邦联没有坚实雄厚的财政基础,又得不到外来有力的资金援助和支持,因此南部邦联财政政策并未实现既定目标,反而引发了通货膨胀和物价飞涨,加剧了南部邦联的民心涣散,最终加速了南部邦联的失败。  相似文献   
An archaeologically-derived example of congenital absence of the ulna and humeroradial synostosis in a prehistoric North American adult female from Moundville, Alabama is presented. That a physically deformed individual could survive to adulthood attests to her ability to physically adjust to the handicap, as well as society's acceptance, support, or at the very least its indulgence, of persons with potentially crippling deformities. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Identification of a 3100-year-BP lithopedion in the Archaic Southwest antedates its first clinical notation by 2100 years. It was only the ‘autopsy’ of time (excavation of the site) that allowed its presence to be brought to light.  相似文献   
王旭 《史学集刊》2005,(3):101-106
美国是一个城市发展水平较高的国家,在其城市基础上发展起来的大都市区,更在世界范围内居领先地位。因此,从城市角度透视美国历史,可以更好地认识美国历史上很多重要问题,有助于提供线索,开阔思路,丰富和深化乃至细化对美国历史的了解与研究。  相似文献   
国民党于大陆失败前后在美国所进行的游说活动 ,顾维钧是主要渠道之一。他参与了雇用古德温和佩奇 ,对美国政界和媒体进行游说 ,以及资助《远东通讯》为国民党做宣传等活动。顾维钧参与的这些游说活动表明 :1948—195 0年是国民党以金钱推动游说活动的高峰时期 ;在进行游说活动时 ,国民党既使用合法手段 ,也使用非法手段 ;国民党十分注重对媒体的游说 ;这些游说活动极大地卷入了美国国内政治  相似文献   
吴金平 《史学月刊》2001,(6):135-139
自由与平等是所有美国黑人的共同理想。但是,以什么方式来达到目的,在美国黑人内部却一直有着三种不同的意见,即道德说教,暴力反抗和合法主义改革战略。纵观美国黑人解放斗争历史,在所有主张中,只有道格拉斯的合法主义改革战略才真正代表了黑人解放的方向。  相似文献   
Evidence today suggests that by at least 8000 to 8500 B.P., Archaic hunter-gatherer economies were established throughout the North American Southwest. The Early Archaic seems to be a period of considerable variability across the subregions; this may be a product of currently slim knowledge of the period, or it may indicate that the region witnessed considerable flux. With the Middle Archaic period from 5500 to 3500 B.P. there seems to be greater similarity in material culture across the region and a definite increase in the number of known sites. Finally, the Late Archaic/Early Agricultural period from 3500 to 2000 or 1500 B.P. sees the establishment of a mixed farming-foraging economy in much of the Southwest with apparently major changes in subsistence-settlement systems. Preagricultural Archaic land use patterns are known in broad outline but not in detail; high mobility by small social groups in an annual round would have permitted exploitation of diverse biotic communities. In most parts of the region, significant socioeconomic change accompanies the incorporation of agriculture into the late preceramic period, as witnessed by the appearance of longer-term residential sites with pitstructures and storage features.  相似文献   
While the level of agricultural dependence affects many aspects of human adaptation, estimating levels of dependence on maize through traditional archaeological techniques is problematic. Here we compare various measurements of manos (e.g., grinding surface area), macrobotanical evidence of maize use, and human collagen stable carbon isotope values from six regions of the American Southwest, encompassing 16 phases, as a means of assessing the power and limits of each approach for considering agricultural dependence. The analysis of each data class is considered separately, taking into account formation processes and arguments linking data and inferences. Correlations among the three data classes suggest that mano area and maize ubiquity can be considered ordinal measures of agricultural dependence, but Southwestern stable carbon isotope data have the analytical potential only to discriminate between little or no maize use and substantial maize use. The formation processes and linking arguments associated with each method must be considered when multiple lines of evidence are integrated in order to make sound behavioral inferences. Our results suggest that there were at least three patterns in the adoption of farming in the Southwest: early substantial use followed by continuous increasing maize dependence, initial intensive dependence with little change in later periods, and a long period of minor use followed by substantial dependence.  相似文献   
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