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The British Isles. By A. Demangeon. Translated and revised by E. D. Laborde, PH.D., F.R.G.s. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xviii +434. 80 figs. 56 plates. London : William Heinemann Ltd. Second edition, 1949. 21s.

British Canals : An Illustrated History. By Charles Hadfield. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 259. 44 text illustrations. 8 plates. 17 sketch maps. London : Phoenix House Ltd, 1950. 16s.

The Scottish Countryside in Pictures. Foreword and Introductions by F. Fraser Darling. Illustrations described by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. 9 3/4 × 7. Pp. 128. Illustrated. London : Odhams Press Ltd, 1950. Reprinted, 1951. 125s 6d.

Glossary of the most common Gaelic and Scandinavian Elements used in Place‐Names on Ordnance Survey Maps of Scotland. Compiled by The Royal Scottish Geographical Society. 8 1/4 ×5. Pp. 12. Chessington : Director General of the Ordnance Survey, 1951. 2s.

A History of Scottish Farming. By T. Bedford Franklin. 7 1/4 ×5. Pp. ix+194. 14 plates. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1952. 12s 6d.

Highlands of Scotland. By Seton Gordon. 8 1/2 ×5 1/2. Pp. 328. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1951. 18s.

Kayak to Cape Wrath. By J. Lewis Henderson. 7 1/4 ×5. Pp.230. 21 photographs.

The Fame Islands : Their History and Wild Life. By Grace Watt, M.A., M.B.O.U. 8 1/2 ×5 1/2. Pp. 236. 4 figs. 33 photographs. London : Country Life Ltd, 1951. 30s.

Wanderings in the Pennines. By William T. Palmer, F.R.G.S., M.B.O.U., F.S.A. SCOT. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 288. 31 illustrations by G. Douglas Bolton. End‐paper map. London : Skeffington and Son Ltd, 1951. 15s.

Cheshire. By Fred H. Crossley. 8 1/2 ×5 1/2. Pp. xii+376. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1949. 15s.

Leicestershire. By Guy Paget, D.L., F.R.HIST.S., and Lionel Irvine, M.B.E., M.A.(OXON.). 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xii+307. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1950. 15s.

Forgotten Ports of England. By George Goldsmith Carter. 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. x+206. Photographs. 3 maps. End‐paper plan of Rye. London : Evans Brothers Ltd, 1951. 21s.

Dorset. By Eric Benfield. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+232. 49 illustrations. Map. [The County Books.] London : Robert Hale Ltd, 1950. 15s.

The Bailiwick of Jersey. By G. R. Balleine. 8 ×5 1/4. Pp. xxxi+170. 114 photographs. End‐paper sketch map. [The King's Channel Islands.] London : Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, 1951. 12s 6d.

Færoerne : Folk og Erhverv. By Aa. H. Kampp. 8 1/2×5 3/4. Pp. 112. 40 figs. [Geografkredsen.] København : Det Danske Forlag, 1950.

The West European City : A Geographical Interpretation. By Robert E. Dickinson, M.A., PH.D. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xviii+580. 129 figs. 29 plates. [International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction.] London : Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, 1951. 42s.

Belgium and Luxembourg. By Tudor Edwards. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. vii+128. 109 illustrations. 2 sketch maps. London : B. T. Batsford Ltd, 1951. 15s.

Luxembourg: Land of Legends. By W. J. Taylor‐Whitehead. 7 1/2×5. Pp. xiv+130. 17 illustrations. End‐paper sketch map. London : Constable and Co. Ltd, 1951. 12s 6d.

French Châteaux. By Henri Lemaître. 12 ×9 1/2. Pp. 39+224 photographs. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd, 1950. 50s.

Mediterranean Background. By Bernard Newman. 8 1/2 ×5 1/2. Pp.286. 64 illustrations. 10 sketch maps. London: Robert Hale Ltd, 1949. 16s.


Geography of Russia. By N. T. Mirov. 9×6. Pp. xii+362. 34 maps. New York : John Wiley and Sons Inc. London : Chapman and Hall Ltd, 1951. 52s.


The Scottish Himalayan Expedition. By W. H. Murray. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xiii+282. 4 colour plates. 32 half‐tone plates. 11 sketch maps and diagrams by Robert Anderson. London : J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, 1951. 30s.

The Far East: A Social Geography. By A. D. C. Peterson, O.B.E., B.A. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 336. 43 illustrations. 25 and end‐paper sketch maps. London : Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd, 1949. 21s.


Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times. By George Fadlo Hourani. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp.viii+131. 8plates. 7sketchmaps. [Princeton Oriental Studies, Vol. 13.] Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1951. $3.00. London : Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press. 20s.

Fourteen Men : The Story of the Australian Antarctic Expedition to Heard Island. By Arthur Scholes. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. x+273. 21 illustrations. 2 sketch maps. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1951. 15s.


Mauretania : Warrior, Man, and Woman. By Sacheverell Sitwell. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 328. 21 photographs by Lady Alexandra Metcalfe. London : Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd. Third impression, 1951. 21s.

Ex‐Italian Somaliland. By E. Sylvia Pankhurst. Foreword by Peter Freeman, M.P. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 460. 21 illustrations. 5 sketch maps. London : C. A. Watts and Co. Ltd, 1951. 12s 6d.

Congo Eden. By Mary L. Jobe Akeley, A.M., LITT.D., F.R.O.S. Foreword by Professor William King Gregory. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xv+356. 13 illustrations. Map. London : Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1951. 18s.

South African Scenery : A Textbook of Geomorphology. By Lester C. King, Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.(S.A.). 8 3/4×5 5/8. Pp. xxxi+379. 79 figs. 267 plates. Coloured map. Edinburgh and London : Oliver and Boyd Ltd. Second edition, revised, 1951. 45s.

Journals of Andrew Geddes Bain. Trader, Explorer, Soldier, Road Engineer and Geologist. Edited, with biographical sketch and footnotes, by Margaret Hermina Lister. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xxxix+264. 19 illustrations. 4 maps. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society [Vol. 30], 1949. 20s.


North Atlantic : Boat against Boat over 3,000 Miles. By Adlard Coles. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 191. 9 figs. 30 plates. End‐paper chart. Southampton : Robert Ross and Co. Ltd. London : George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd. Second edition, 1951. 15s 6d.


The Westward Crossings : Balboa, Mackenzie, Lewis and Clark. By Jeanette Mirsky. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xv+365+xiii. 21 illustrations. 3 maps. London: Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd, 1951. 21s.

An Introduction to the Geography of the Canadian Arctic. By J. L. Robinson, N. L. Nicholson, J. K. Fraser, B. V. Gutsell, and D. Leechman. 9 1/4×6. Pp. xiii + 118. 18 maps and diagrams. 17 plates. [Canadian Geography Information Series No. 2.] Ottawa : Geographical Branch, Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, 1951. $0.50.

Chile. An Outline of its Geography, Economics, and Politics. By Gilbert J. Butland. 8×5 1/4. Pp. vii+128. 7 figs. London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1951. 12s 6d.


The Pacific Islands. By Douglas L. Oliver. 9 1/2×6 1/4. Pp. xi+313. Decorations and sketch maps by Sheila Mitchell Oliver. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1951. $5.00. London : Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press. 32s 6d.

Beyond the Southern Lakes : The Explorations of W. G. Grave. Edited by Anita Crozier. Foreword by Sir T. A. Hunter. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. 124. 11 illustrations. End‐paper sketch map. Wellington, N.Z. : A. H. and A. W. Reed, 1950. 12s 6d.


I married an Explorer. By Miriam MacMillan. 8 1/4×5 1/4. Pp.238. 31 illustrations. London : Hurst and Blackett Ltd, 1951. 15s.


Zoogeography of the Land and Inland Waters. By L. F. De Beaufort. 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. viii +208. 10 figs. [Text‐Books of Animal Biology.] London : Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, 1951. 30s.

A World Dictionary of Breeds, Types, and Varieties of Livestock. By I. L. Mason, B.A. (CANTAB.). 9 3/4×6 1/4. Pp. 272. [Technical Communication No. 8 of the Commonwealth Bureau of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Edinburgh.] Farnham Royal : Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, 1951. 30s.


Geography in the Secondary School, with special reference to the Secondary Modern School. By E. W. H. Briault and D. W. Shave. Foreword by Leonard Brooks. 9 1/2×6. Pp. 36. Sheffield : The Geographical Association, 1952. 2s. post free.

Outlines of General Geography. By E. O. Robinson, m.a. 7 1/2×5 1/4. Pp. xi+239. 101 photographs, diagrams, and maps. London : Macmillan and Co. Ltd, 1951. 7s 6d.

The Earth's Crust : A New Approach to Physical Geography and Geology. By L. Dudley Stamp, C.B.E., B.A., D.Sc. Foreword by Isaiah Bowman, 9 3/4×7 1/2. Pp. viii+120. 74 figs. 32 coloured plates. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd, 1951. 18s.

Physical Geography. By Arthur N. Strahler. 11×J 1/2 Pp. ix+442. Illustrated. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1951. $6.00. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd. 48s.

France : A Regional and Economic Geography. By H. Ormsby, D.Sc.(ECON.). 8 1/2×5 1/2. Pp. xiv+525. 103 figs. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd. New York: E. P. Dutton and Co. Inc. Second edition, revised, 1950. 25s.

A Regional Geography of Ceylon. By S. F. de Silva, B.A. Foreword by L. McD. Robison. 8×5 1/2. Pp. xi+264. 97 figs. Colombo : The Colombo Apothecaries’ Company Ltd. Revised edition, 1949. Rs 4.

Exploration and Adventure. By Clifford Collinson, F.R.G.S. 7 1/2×5. Pp. 151. Illustrated. Decorative end‐paper maps. London : George Alien and Unwin Ltd, 1951. 3s 6d.


Vergleichende Länderkunde. By Norbert Krebs. 9×6. Pp. xx+484. 18 maps. [Geographische Handbücher.] Stuttgart : K. F. Koehler Verlag, 1951.

Geography, Justice, and Politics at the Paris Conference of 1919. By Charles Seymour. Introduction by Roland L. Redmond. 8 3/4×6. Pp. iv+24. [Bowman Memorial Lectures, Series One.] New York : The American Geographical Society, 1951. $1.50.

Exploration and Discovery. By H. J. Wood, B.Sc., Ph.D. 7 1/2×4 3/4. Pp. 192. 10 figs. End‐paper sketch maps. London : Hutchinson's University Library, 1951. 8s 6d.


The Oxford Atlas. Edited by Brigadier Sir Clinton Lewis, O.B.E., Colonel J. D. Campbell, D.S.O., with the assistance of D. P. Bickmore and K. F. Cook. 15 1/2×10 1/2. Pp. 96+xxvi (Distribution Maps) +90 (Gazetteer). London: The Oxford University Press, 1951. 30s. School Edition, 25s.

A Palaeographical Atlas of the British Isles and Adjacent Parts of Europe. By Leonard J. Wills. 8 1/2×11. Pp.64. 22 plates. Glasgow and London : Blackie and Son Ltd, 1951. 21s.

Atlas von Niederösterreich. Issued by the Kommission für Raumforschung und Wiederaufbau der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, and Verein der Landeskunde von Niederösterreich und Wien. Edited by Dr ERIK ARNBERGER. 16×22¼. Part I, 20 map‐sheets. Wien: Kartographische Anstalt Freytag‐Berndt und Artaria, 1951.

Main Areas of Tea Production. 18×28. Prepared by Geographia Ltd. London: The Tea Bureau, 1950.  相似文献   
In the past ten years archaeologists have produced a vast literature on the study of gender in the prehispanic New World. This review defines key concepts, identifies three major themes within this tradition—gender in native cosmologies, intersections of gender and the body, and studies of work and specialization—and explores the significant contributions of engendered archaeology to the broader field. Final suggestions for linkages with queer studies and indigenous feminism point the way to where this field might develop productive new avenues of research.  相似文献   
The author introduces this special issue of the journal that is focused on the historical archaeology of French colonial and post-colonial settlements in the New World. Case studies from widely separated regions reveal both the similarities and differences that existed in French colonial and descendant communities.  相似文献   
时佳希 《史学集刊》2020,(3):117-128
现代巴基斯坦的历史线索纷繁复杂,以国家构建的视角对其进行考察是一种可尝试的研究路径。认识巴基斯坦的国家构建进程,需要从三组结构性矛盾切入:一是国家认同与非国家认同的矛盾,二是军人干政倾向与民主诉求的矛盾,三是世俗主义与宗教化的矛盾。三组矛盾可追溯到巴基斯坦国家建立时期乃至更久远的历史,并嵌入巴基斯坦的社会环境和地缘环境之中。每一组矛盾都会对另外两组矛盾造成影响,影响方式可分为"逻辑关联型"和"现实策略型"两类。三组矛盾可分别归纳为国家认同、政体、国体三个维度,它们共同构成巴基斯坦国家构建的立体图景。巴基斯坦的国家构建本质上是一个价值性问题,三组矛盾都是围绕着"把巴基斯坦建成一个什么样的国家"这一命题展开。  相似文献   
The roots of the English population lie in diverse cultural origins. Within the second half of the first millennium AD, there were two major migrations, firstly the Saxons in the immediate post-Roman period, and later following the ‘Viking’ incursions of the mid-9th century. This paper considers the visibility of these migrations in the animal economy. Zooarchaeological data from 141 Saxon sites within England were analysed for evidence of diet and animal husbandry. Results indicate that there were signatures specific to native British rural populations in the early Saxon phase, relying largely on a self-sufficient economy, consuming very few wild species or domestic birds. Saxon cultural differences were implied from a number of sites, dependant on the increased importance of cattle in the diet and as culturally symbolic animals signifying status and utilised for trade. There was also evidence for the earliest settlers to have used pigs as a ‘mobile larder’, to provide meat while they established herds and flocks of cattle and sheep. Regional differences were visible in the late Saxon phase, within Wessex and the Danelaw, related to agricultural changes in the midlands and central southern region, and cultural identity, particularly within the heartlands of the northern Danelaw, towards an increase in cattle production.  相似文献   
It has been said of Atiq Rahimi's novel Earth and Ashes that the author intends it to convey a loss of any vision for a better future in Afghanistan. This essay neither disputes nor affirms this, but instead argues that this tone of disillusionment is sustained for a specific purpose—namely, to show how a belief in the Afghan requirement of vengeance helps sustain cycles of violence in Afghanistan. No critical work has explored this key motivation for the writing of the novel; this article does so using a method of close reading that enables an evaluation of the role the reader is afforded as part of this endeavor, be they natives or outsiders to this culture.  相似文献   
This introduction considers the significance of Michael Billig's (1995) Banal Nationalism to geographers, and how this fits into broader trends of nationalism research in the social sciences. Through an analysis of Web of Science citation trends for the book, we illustrate its spatial and temporal reach in terms of the countries where it has been cited and how its impact has developed since 1995. We also briefly examine how political geographers have engaged the concept of banal nationalism in their research, and what sort of questions it has raised for those conducting research on nationalist discourses and territorial identity narratives more broadly. Considering how political geographers might creatively advance this scholarship, we introduce the individual papers included in this special issue and conclude with a brief gesture to future directions for research beyond Banal Nationalism.  相似文献   
When nations redefine their priorities and re‐plot their directions of travel, engineers get worried about the contents of their knowledge. The cultural and historical specificity of their responses illustrates the extent to which the questions of what counts as engineering knowledge and what counts as an engineer are linked tightly together, and also suggests that both may be tied to local images of the nation. After summarizing recent historical work comparing national patterns in engineering knowledge and engineers' work, this essay outlines how a focus on professional identity may provide a way of accounting for national and transnational influences on engineers while avoiding the specter of determinism. Offering brief case studies drawn from France, the UK, Germany and the USA, the authors describe engineers as ‘responding’ to codes of meaning that live at different scales, including contrasting metrics of progress and images of private industry. The paper is concluded with a brief assessment of some further implications of the analysis of professional identity for work in engineering studies.  相似文献   
甲午战争后,清政府遭遇了自太平天国运动以来最为严重的一场国家信任危机。为了重塑其政治权威,清政府采取了比以往更为积极的举措,围绕"苏报案"与列强的"争锋相对"正是这一心态的典型体现。本文通过对法国外交部馆藏《1903-1904年"苏报事件"》档案的解读,借助跨文化视角实现对"苏报案"的历史重构,以期对清政府希图通过融入当时国际体系以重建国家认同这一设想的审视,从中可以得出一个结论,即国家独立是重建国家认同的首要条件。  相似文献   
A potential explanation for the U.S. urban-rural political divide is a definition of rural consciousness comprised of three subdimensions: a feeling that ruralites are underrepresented in decision-making (“Representation”) and that their way of life is disrespected (“Way of Life”) – both symbolic concerns – and a more materialistic concern that rural areas receive less resources (“Resources”). However, it is unclear whether these different aspects of rural consciousness predict expected political preferences nationally, or whether they uniquely explain these preferences when evaluated alongside similar symbolic concepts like rural identity and moral traditionalism. We expect symbolic concerns (especially Way of Life) to particularly predict rural support for Donald Trump, Republican partisanship, and conservative ideology. Using a novel survey measure developed and tested across three original survey data sets, we find that only the symbolic subdimensions of rural consciousness positively and significantly correlate with Trump support, while the material subdimension either negatively correlates with Trump support or is not statistically significant. A similar tendency occurs when predicting symbolic ideology, except when controlling for moral traditionalism. Rural consciousness and its subdimensions do not significantly predict partisanship. These relationships hold for all respondents and for rural-only respondents. We conclude that rural consciousness may matter politically along symbolic dimensions, rather than materialistic grievances, for recent anti-establishment political support as opposed to standard left-right measures. We recommend that survey analyses of rural consciousness should separately analyze symbolic and materialistic aspects. Future studies should further investigate traditionalism vis-a-vis rural consciousness and explore non-rural people high in rural consciousness.  相似文献   
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