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《淮南子》内容丰富,体系庞大,20 世纪的学人从各个方面对其展开了不同层次的研究,取得了丰硕的成果。但是从学术史的角度对其进行一次系统的梳理,在学术界没有引起足够的重视。因此本文尝试从具体的史料分析和归纳总结中,客观地展现出《淮南子》研究的时代特色和鲜明的自身特点来,希望为未来《淮南子》的研究寻找新的视野、开拓更宽广的学术平台。  相似文献   
《尚书》中的文学批评思想是零散的、宽泛的、芜杂的,有的甚至是不可靠的,这正是文学批评理论萌生之时应有的现象。然而,《尚书》中的文学批评思想亦是十分丰富的,而且其中有许多思想对后世文学批评的影响很大。本文主要探讨了《尚书》中“诗言志”的思想;“言以道接”的思想;“辞尚体要”的思想和“察辞于差”的思想。  相似文献   
"韩流"对韩国旅游形象的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在广泛调查的基础上,运用多元统计技术分析了"韩流"对韩国旅游形象的影响程度,并探讨了访问意向与实际到访、游后评价以及旅游形象之间的关系等重要问题.  相似文献   
文章对明清时期东北边疆城镇兴衰过程进行了探讨。认为由于战略地位的重要和军事斗争的需要 ,明在辽东兴建了大批城镇 ,但至明清之际 ,因后金 (清 )采取了“毁城迁民”的政策 ,明代以来在辽东地区兴起的城镇遭到了毁灭性打击。至康熙中期 ,辽东城镇仍未恢复元气 ,其原因主要在于大量人口的外迁和清在东北实行封禁政策。  相似文献   
对建立健全共产党员联系群众和服务群众长效机制的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
费雅君 《攀登》2006,25(1):17-21
联系群众、服务群众是我们党的建设的核心内容。要巩固保持共产党员先进性教育活动的成果,就必须建立健全党员联系群众、服务群众的长效机制。本文从“增强党员联系群众、服务群众的意识,明确党员联系群众、服务群众的内容,拓展党员联系群众、服务群众的途径,创新党员联系群众、服务群众的载体”四个方面,对建立健全党员联系群众、服务群众的长效机制问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Recent Canadian legal scholarship has emphasised the centrality of treaties between the colonial state and First Nations in the assertion of Canadian sovereignty over Indigenous lands. Historical interpretations, meanwhile, would suggest that sovereignty, rather than asserted, is assembled over time. Historically, sovereignty is understood to be contingent and layered; it is assembled through a series of ‘detours, improvisations and tinkering.’ This paper looks at the historical circumstances of Canadian sovereignty in the Athabasca district prior to the making of Treaty No. 8 with the First Nations. British sovereignty claims to Rupert's Land and the Northwestern Territories (including the area that came to be known as the Athabasca district), were assembled through the practices and activities of the Hudson's Bay Company. These claims were transferred to Canada in 1869 and Canada hesitantly and quietly took measures to further assemble and express its sovereignty in these lands. Canada surveyed and inventoried the Athabasca district's resources, commenced exploratory work on petroleum resources, provided relief from famine, financially supported schools for Indigenous children, and established and enforced a system of law. By the time Treaty No. 8 was negotiated in 1899, Canada had thus taken a series of steps to assemble and express its sovereignty in the district. Rather than establishing, asserting or legitimating Canadian sovereignty, Treaty No. 8 may be better understood as another measure in the process of assembling it.  相似文献   
成书于 2 0世纪 2 0年代的《中国史》是王桐龄的代表作 ,反映了他对中国历史的认识及其研究成果。《中国史》对中国历史有宏观把握 ,内容丰富 ,理论上有系统思考 ,编纂有特点。  相似文献   
抗美援朝运动期间,南京市医药卫生界组建医疗团奔赴前线。为保证顺利完成各项任务,医疗团在组织宣传、任务分配、经费筹措、人员轮换及家属安抚等方面均做了有效安排。服务期间,医疗团在救治伤病员、建立血库、营地防疫及帮助野战医院建章立制、改进设施、培训人才等正规化建设方面贡献突出。通过前线实践锻炼,医疗团团员提高了医疗技术水平和思想政治觉悟,多数成为优秀业务骨干,推动了南京市卫生事业的发展,但仓促组织医疗团也曾给南京市的医疗卫生工作在短期内带来一些问题。  相似文献   
Establishing the construction sequence of agricultural terraces is extremely complicated due to the nature of their technological foundation and use. A number of methodological approaches have been developed to address this difficulty, such as bulk soil 14C dating, Optically-Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), sediment grain size, or a combination of these, but a fundamental problem of stratigraphic disturbance still exists. In this article, we utilize multiple datasets, including radiocarbon determinations, faunal isotopic signatures, human osteological remains, archaeobotanical data sets, energetics assessments, and spatial data to establish the origins of Philippine Cordillera rice terraces. Dominant historical narratives in the region suggest a 2000–3000 b.p. inception of the terrace systems, but previous Bayesian modeling and current archaeobotanical, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic data indicate that the shift to wet-rice cultivation is a recent phenomenon and a response to the intrusion of the Spanish Empire in the northern highland Philippines.  相似文献   
《续通历》是孙光宪撰写的一部专述唐五代历史的编年体史书。此书问世后不久即遭到宋初统治者查禁。今本《通历》卷一一可能残留有部分《续通历》原文,卷一二至卷一五虽非孙光宪所撰,但仍具有较高的史料价值和文献校勘价值。  相似文献   
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