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Avulsion fractures of the transverse processes of vertebrae have not been previously identified in the archaeological record. This paper provides a case study of a 21–25 year old male skeleton from the 10th century cemetery at Raunds Furnells (Northamptonshire, UK) with bilateral avulsion fractures of the transverse processes of the first thoracic vertebra. Possible aetiologies of this condition are discussed and conclusions drawn about the impact of this condition upon the individual. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Evidence for contact between hunter-gatherers and agropastoralists from excavated sites in a well-documented frontier zone in the eastern Free State, South Africa, reveals varied intensities of interaction. These interactions range from clientship to relative autonomy. Comparison between recent (eighteenth- to early twentieth-century) hunter-gatherer occupations of rock shelters in the Caledon Valley also suggests that a variety of social relationships between hunter-gatherers and farmers, known ethnographically, occurred simultaneously.  相似文献   
Depuis plus d'un siècle, l'agriculture québécoise en général, et la production maraîchère en particulier, ont subi d'importantes transformations. Cette étude historique vise à comprendre comment la production maraîchère a évolué par rapport aux changements dans l'environnement décisionnel général de l'agriculture entre 1940 et 1990. L'analyse des données statiques de superficie, de production et de rendement pour 12 légumes ont permis d'identifier trois périodes, intercalées d'années transitoires, dans l'évolution de la production maraîchère référant chacune à une stratégie agricole particulière. La première (1940–1957) correspond à une stratégie agricole de type familial traditionnel; la seconde (1963–1975), à une agriculture marchande spécialisée fondée sur la maximisation des revenus à court terme par intensification; la troisième (1980–1990), à une agriculture marchande diversifiée fondée également sur une maximisation à court terme. Les facteurs externes de l'environnement décisionnel qui ont entraîné ces changements sont identifiés et discutès. For more than a century, Quebec agriculture in general, and market-gardening production in particular, have experienced important changes. This study, using a historical perspective, seeks to understand how market gardening evolved in relation to changes in the broad decision environment for agriculture between 1940 and 1990. Statistical analysis of data on the areas cultivated, production levels, and yields for 12 vegetable crops revealed three distinct periods, separated by periods of transition, in the evolution of market gardening. Each period is characterized by a particular type of agricultural development strategy. The first period (1940–1957) is characterized by a focus on the traditional family form; the second (1963–1975), by a specialized market agriculture driven by short-term income-maximization intensification; the third (1980–1990), by a diversified marketoriented agriculture, also based on short-term income maximization. External environmental factors that stimulated these changes are identified and discussed.  相似文献   
Frequently, in spatial interaction analysis, researchers are forced to use destinations that are zonal aggregates of the ‘real’ destinations perceived by the participants in the interaction process. Previous simulation studies demonstrated that, under certain circumstances, the aggregated spatial choice model can outperform the popular ordinary multinomial logit model, both in explanatory power and predictive ability. In this paper, the two models are compared with interprovincial migration microdata for the time period 1990-91, obtained from the 1991 Canadian census. Since this is not meant to be a migration study, the analysis is limited to out-migrants from Ontario. The results indicate that, at least with the data used, the multinomial logit model performed reasonably well. The paper, however, highlights some practical advantages that can accrue from the use of the aggregated model. Dans l'analyse de l'interaction à référence spatiale, il arrive fréquemment que les chercheurs soient contraints de se servir de destinations qui regroupent les?vraies?destinations perçues par les participants dans le processus d'interaction. Les études en simulations antérieures ont démontré que, dans certaines circonstances, le modèle groupé des choix à référence spatiale peut donner de meilleurs résultats que le modèle ordinaire commun du logit multinomial, sur le plan de la capacité d'explication comma sur celui de la valeur de prévision. Dans la présente étude, on fait la comparaison entre les deux modèles en utilisant les microdonnées sur l'émigration interprovinciale en 1990-91 obtenues par le recensement de 1991. L'analyse ne porte que sur les émigrants de l'Ontario puisqu'elle ne vise pas particulièrement l'étude de l'émigration. D'après les résultats, le modèle employant le logit multinomial fonctionne relativement bien, au moins avec les données utilisées. Toutefois, l'étude souligne certains avantages pratiques pouvant inciter à se servir davantage du modèle groupé.  相似文献   
本文对洛当寺经书的内容、字体、书写、绘画风格、题材和题记等进行了首次调查和初步研究。研究显示,这批经书残卷及其插图由写本和刻本组成,写本最多,时代较早,主要为《般若波罗蜜多经》等经典;刻本较少,年代较晚。经书和插图制作于10-18世纪之间,基本反映出阿里古格王朝写经、刻经及其插图创作的历史脉络,是迄今国内发现藏传插图数量最多、时代跨度最大的写经和刻经作品。经书的发现对于弥补国内藏传写经彩绘插图,进一步研究阿里、西藏自治区乃至中国古代写经、刻经和译经的历史,以及插图艺术的题材、风格及其特点、演变,都具有重要的学术和艺术价值。  相似文献   
The publication of Part 3 of Eurocode 8 (EC8-3), dedicated to the seismic assessment of existing buildings, took place a decade ago. However, its application in engineering practice has been limited. Moreover, no studies have been conducted regarding the application of EC8-3 to steel structures. In this paper, a critical review and practical application of EC8-3 and ASCE41-13 are carried out. Issues related to the definition of the performance requirements, compliance criteria, and the consistency of the analysis procedures proposed by both standards are identified. Conceptual differences between both documents are highlighted, and several inconsistencies in EC8-3 are discussed.  相似文献   
Drawing from fieldwork conducted to examine the roles played by ferry mobilities in the lives of residents of ferry-dependent islands and coastal communities of British Columbia, Canada, this paper focuses on three elements of spatial mobility assemblages: motives, costs, and frictions. In doing so, this paper contributes to the growing literature on the politics of mobility constellations. Data shed light on the transformative, but contested, power of spatial mobilities. To analyze these dynamics the analysis builds upon Ingold's ideas on wayfaring to highlight how practices, representations, and experiences of ferry mobility exercise their transformative power.  相似文献   
An intensive investigation of China's high-tech sector led by a noted Hong Kong—based geographer examines the patterns of cooperation between firms and local governments (so-called "state-firm strategic resonance") as an alternative to knowledge spillover in an effort to explain why certain firms are more likely to innovate than others within an economic cluster. As a case study, they select the integrated circuit design industry (a key in the development of more efficient computing and thus a critical element of the digital revolution) in Shanghai, one of the most advanced metropolitan regions in China. A systematic analysis of firm-level data obtained inter alia from the authors' 2008 survey and interviews revealed a significant pattern of variation in innovation that could not be explained by inter-firm interactions in the process of industrial clustering. The authors argue that the uneven pattern of technological innovation is contingent on a state-built institutional and market environment designed to stimulate firms' innovative activities, and demonstrate how firms respond to that environment in a Chinese metropolis. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H700, L630, O310, P230, R280. 5 figures, 7 tables, 57 references.  相似文献   
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