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随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,作为博物馆硬核的文物藏品,在保护修复、展陈及复制品制作等方面也成为IT界施展其技术的新领域。本文列举德国美因茨博物馆几个项目案例,旨在阐述文物无触碰信息采集与虚拟修复以及复制品制作等技术,作为对传统技术的有益补充,还弥补了传统修复、复制不可能实现的缺憾,对文物保护修复技术发展领域的拓宽进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   
本文借鉴新经济地理学的"3D"(density,distance,division)框架理论,构建了旅游经济空间"T—3D"分析体系,分别以旅游经济地理集中度、时空距离及旅游联系诠释了旅游经济空间的密度、距离及整合。以长三角地区为例,刻画了旅游经济空间的T—3D特征。研究结果表明:长三角地区各市旅游经济空间密度的数值差异明显,空间分布差异显著,整体呈现"南疏北密"的分布特征;长三角地区旅游经济空间距离总体较优,各城市间距离较近,且差异不大,呈现出"核心—边缘"特征;旅游经济空间整合表现为上海、杭州、苏州三足鼎立之势,呈现出"一核两翼"的区域旅游发展特征。通过对长三角地区的实证分析,验证了旅游经济空间"T—3D"分析体系的有效性。  相似文献   
抗美援朝运动期间,南京市医药卫生界组建医疗团奔赴前线。为保证顺利完成各项任务,医疗团在组织宣传、任务分配、经费筹措、人员轮换及家属安抚等方面均做了有效安排。服务期间,医疗团在救治伤病员、建立血库、营地防疫及帮助野战医院建章立制、改进设施、培训人才等正规化建设方面贡献突出。通过前线实践锻炼,医疗团团员提高了医疗技术水平和思想政治觉悟,多数成为优秀业务骨干,推动了南京市卫生事业的发展,但仓促组织医疗团也曾给南京市的医疗卫生工作在短期内带来一些问题。  相似文献   
Establishing the construction sequence of agricultural terraces is extremely complicated due to the nature of their technological foundation and use. A number of methodological approaches have been developed to address this difficulty, such as bulk soil 14C dating, Optically-Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), sediment grain size, or a combination of these, but a fundamental problem of stratigraphic disturbance still exists. In this article, we utilize multiple datasets, including radiocarbon determinations, faunal isotopic signatures, human osteological remains, archaeobotanical data sets, energetics assessments, and spatial data to establish the origins of Philippine Cordillera rice terraces. Dominant historical narratives in the region suggest a 2000–3000 b.p. inception of the terrace systems, but previous Bayesian modeling and current archaeobotanical, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic data indicate that the shift to wet-rice cultivation is a recent phenomenon and a response to the intrusion of the Spanish Empire in the northern highland Philippines.  相似文献   
《续通历》是孙光宪撰写的一部专述唐五代历史的编年体史书。此书问世后不久即遭到宋初统治者查禁。今本《通历》卷一一可能残留有部分《续通历》原文,卷一二至卷一五虽非孙光宪所撰,但仍具有较高的史料价值和文献校勘价值。  相似文献   
隐囊是一种源于印度的以织物为表、以织物或纤维为填充物的圆筒状卧具,南北朝时期由佛教徒和粟特人传入中国北方地区,之后传入南方地区,并成为士族阶层喜爱的晏佚用具。隐囊在南北朝时期和隋唐时期广为流行,宋代以后消失,仅作为名士的象征物在诗文和绘画中出现。  相似文献   

Young people's outdoor refuges have been identified as places that provide respite from everyday pressures. Inspired by four concepts of lines, knots, meshwork and wayfaring, as defined by Tim Ingold, this paper aims to contribute with a dynamic understanding of the practices of outdoor refuging in an increasingly demanding and structured everyday life. The paper reports on photo-elicited interviews with twenty-one young people from a countryside town in Denmark. The findings suggest that outdoor refuges simultaneously serve to disentangle young people from distressing knots in their everyday lives, while fostering positive emotional and sensory entanglements with the human and non-human environment. Further, the findings highlight the significance of mobile phones in the young people's refuging practices. The findings resonate with discourses on the changing conditions for young people's spatial autonomy, and raise questions about acknowledging, protecting and promoting their opportunities for outdoor refuging.  相似文献   

This Comment offers a response to Guillaume Alevêque’s ‘Remnants of the “Wallis Maro ‘Ura”” (Tahitian Feathered Girdle): History and Historiography’, The Journal of Pacific History, 53:1 (2018). The response is from a specialist, Tahitian perspective. While Alevêque is applauded, the paper disputes many English terms applied to maro ‘ura, places maro ‘ura in a wide Polynesian context and insists on the enduring mystic and political power of maro ‘ura for the people of Tahiti. The Comment also discusses the materials used in the ‘remnants’ described by Alevêque.  相似文献   
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