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The present paper describes and illustrates an Early Permian brachiopod fauna collected from two localities from the upper part of the type Dingjiazhai Formation near Youwang, 30 km south of Baoshan in the Baoshan block, western Yunnan, China. The brachiopod fauna is dominated by Stenoscisma sp. and Elivina yunnanensis sp. nov. and exhibits strong generic and some specific links with faunas from the Bisnain assemblage of Timor and the Callytharra Formation of Western Australia and, to a lesser extent, faunas from the Jilong Formation of southern Tibet, the Tashkazyk Formation of southeastern Pamir, the lower Toinlungkongba Formation of northwestern Tibet, the upper Pondo Group of central Tibet, and the Jimba Jimba Calcarenite of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Based on these correlations, a Late Sakmarian (Sterlitamakian) age is preferred for the Dingjiazhai brachiopod fauna. Two new species are proposed: Globiella youwangensis sp. nov. and Elivina yunnanensis sp. nov.  相似文献   
山东沂水纪王崮春秋大墓的墓主究竟属于春秋时期的哪个小国,为中国考古学界出了个难题,目前已有多位学者提出好几种说法。通过对墓中出土的青铜盂铭文"邛"字的分析,结合纪王崮春秋大墓的具体地理位置,笔者以为邛国最有可能是指《左传》中提到的项国,并对此说法进行了论证说明。  相似文献   
徽州讼费帐单真实地印证了清代基层司法中名目繁多的陋规.陋规的索取者主要是书吏和衙役,其存在及泛滥的原因比较复杂,给清代基层司法和地方民情造成了恶劣影响.清统治者借助于陋规以对百姓起诉权进行控制的理念是错误的,其意图不可能实现.  相似文献   
The beden seyad is a simple yet elegant Omani sewn fishing craft documented by the French naval officer François‐Edmond Pâris during his visit in Oman in 1838–1839. A 10m‐long scaled‐down replica of the vessel was built by a team of experts in a traditional boatyard in Qantab, the Sultanate of Oman, and is displayed in the Maritime History Gallery at the National Museum of Oman. This article describes different aspects of the building process of the vessel, from the material used to the method of construction. It compares the different versions of the beden drawing provided by Pâris and discusses the decision‐making and problem‐solving procedures carried out by the construction team.  相似文献   
In 2012, Australian cultural heritage practitioners and conservation scientists collaborated on a national underwater cultural heritage (UCH) reburial project, known as the Australian Historic Shipwreck Preservation Project (AHSPP) funded by the Australian Research Council. This resulted in the excavation, documentation and reburial of the ‘at risk’ shipwreck Clarence. Following the excavation, the site and associated artefacts were reburied and subsequently covered by shade cloth and finally, with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tarpaulins. After completion of the in situ reburial, a number of critical issues were put into sharp relief including: what constitutes the accurate identification of a site as being ‘at risk’; and the implications of ‘rapid reburial’.  相似文献   
舒城九里墩春秋墓的年代与族属析论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舒城九里墩春秋墓的时代,发掘报告认为与寿县蔡侯墓相当,若从鼎、簠、敦诸器的细部特征来看,似乎较蔡侯墓略早一些,下葬时间约在公元前500年左右。墓内残存的部分青铜礼器,具有明显的楚文化风格和特征,说明墓主人与楚国和楚文化有着密切的联系。该墓主的身份,发掘报告认为属于侯王一类的贵族阶层,很可能是群舒中某一位君主,可备一说。从其墓葬形制、规模、部分随葬器物以及当时的历史背景分析,亦不能排除为吴国高级贵族的可能性。  相似文献   
金沙玉器制作工艺的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王方 《中原文物》2006,(6):77-83
2001年发现的成都金沙遗址现已出土了2000余件玉器,数目可观,种类繁多。大量的玉器造型规整,制作精细。最为重要的是许多器物上都留下了与制作工艺有关的痕迹,其中更有一些半成品和玉料,这就为我们研究古玉制作工艺提供了极其重要而又丰富的实物材料。  相似文献   
This paper centers on the relationship between renaissance medicine and antitrinitarianism forming an important part of the radical reformation in 16th century. Antitrinitarians denied the theological concept of the triune Christian God. Modern antitriniarianism was first formulated by Michael Servetus, a Spanish physician. The doctrine soon won disciples in northern Italy (Padua, Pisa, Rome) and in some countries of eastern central Europe (Poland, Moravia, Transylvania). Physicians who believed in or sympathized with antitrinitarianism revolutionized the theory of blood flow. They developed new concepts leading to Harvey's theory of the circulation of the blood. Parts of Servet's theory looked like Paracelsus's mystical idea of the eternal flesh of the body of Christ (Latin limbus aeternus), but later the medicine and natural philosophy of antitrinitarian physicians tended to be empiristic, rational and sometimes materialistic. They contributed heavily to the diffusion and physiological foundation of antitrinitarian concepts like unitarianism, tolerance and irenism.  相似文献   
里耶秦简所见的阳陵与迁陵   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将里耶秦简牍中有关阳陵、迁陵的文书记载与传世文献、考古发现相结合,考订这两个秦县的沿革与地望,并着重分析阳陵县的起源、地望和迁陵县的乡里结构等问题,指出:目前关于里耶简中阳陵地望的两种说法,均不能与传世文献完全吻合,我们认为此县既不属洞庭郡管辖,也不应在关中地区;由此提出另一假设:里耶秦简中阳陵县的前身即见于包山楚简之“阳陵”,为郑国故地,后属于楚,当在今河南许昌市西北。迁陵即今里耶古城,但非洞庭郡治所;迁陵县下辖乡,乡下辖里,与包山楚简所见县辖里的结构有所不同。  相似文献   
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