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黄敏 《四川文物》2020,(2):71-76
东魏北齐邺京里坊的设置沿袭北魏洛阳里坊制度,文献记载往往以里或乡里形式称谓居住地。然而有4方东魏北齐时期墓志,志文记载墓主的居宅异于常例,为某行某里,或某行某坊。通过对墓志时代及墓主身份等因素的综合研判,并结合史书记载,可知东魏初至北齐末,某行某里(坊)是邺京里坊称谓的一种常用格式。"行"的称谓源自邺京行经尉制度,行名与里(坊)名的连用,是基于城市治安管理角度所产生的隶属关系的呈现,在名称上反映了某行区域内里的管辖情况。且行名与里名存在一定关联,将行名与里名对照,可知邺京部分行名与里名相同。  相似文献   
Cross‐border residential mobility (CBRM) has so far largely been approached from a transnational perspective. However, recent developments in border studies and transnationalism give rise to certain doubts. While border studies have come to include mental borders next to physical borderlands, transnationalism today refers not just to cross‐border movements but also to identities trans‐cending the national. But border studies have shown that the increased crossing of borders is not necessarily coupled with their diminished significance. CBRM is a particularly interesting phenomenon as it entails the continuous crossing of a physical border, but the question is whether it also implies the erosion of mental borders and the emergence of transnational ties. While drawing on experiences from parallel cases, my study focuses on Poles from Szczecin moving just across the boundary to Vorpommern, Germany. Some are integrating there, but their large majority appears to carry on with everyday life in Poland as before moving. This settlement has triggered considerable resentment among local Germans, who as a reaction mark the borderland discursively and physically. As my survey shows, while both groups regularly cross the physical border, many even among the cross‐border residents consider it as a necessary dividing line or prefer cooperation to be reserved to some activities. Hence, unlike longdistance migration leading either to diaspora identities or to gradual dissolution in the majority culture, CBRM appears as a specific form of international migration where the physical proximity allows such intensive links with the country of origin that transnational effects are mitigated.  相似文献   
程燕 《考古与文物》2012,(2):106-108
《古玺汇编》0358是一方楚玺,首字未识,我们认为此字应分析为从阜,夗声,奂亦声,在玺文中疑读作"苑"。苑玺,是掌管苑囿的官员所用玺印。此官大概相当于《周礼》中的"囿人"。  相似文献   
本文通过比较后金天聪汗信牌实物文本、档案及《清实录》记载,对清入关前起用信牌的具体时间、背景及信牌内容做了简单地考释,以补实物、档案记载之不足,并试图纠正《清实录》中有关牌文内容的错误记载。同时阐明清朝实施于其所辖蒙古地区的区域法《蒙古律书》(《蒙古律例》)中的某些条文吸收了该信牌文的内容,使之进一步地法制化了。  相似文献   
李翎 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(4):40-53,159,160
西安兴教寺所存玄奘石刻像与日本现存无名氏画玄奘像,所携带的历史信息超出了图像本身。作者认为,这一源于早期行脚僧图像的出现,是由于玄奘西行求法的成功,刺激了社会民众对行脚僧的认同,加之西来传法僧的大量涌现,于是在唐末、尤其是在宋代,出现了一批行脚僧图像,并由初时的胡僧梵相,变为汉僧模样,进而附会到玄奘的图像创作上。而在日本所存著名的"玄奘画像",事实上可能是一个具密教性质的僧人图像。作者试图通过有关这一图像的文献解读,全面分析该图像所包含的历史信息。  相似文献   
关于武则天金简的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董理 《华夏考古》2001,(2):79-85
1982年5月,河南省登封县唐庄乡农民屈西怀在嵩山峻极峰北侧牧羊,于大石缝中捡得一件金器。器呈片状长方形,类笏板,长36.3厘米,宽8.2厘米,厚约0.1厘米,纯金质,重247克。正面镌刻铭文,自右至左坚三行63字,每字直径约1厘米,双钩楷体,文日:“上言:‘大周 主武■,好乐真道,长生神仙,谨诣中岳嵩高山门,投金简一通,乞三官九府,除武■罪名。’太岁庚子七■甲申朔七■甲寅,小使■胡超稽首再拜谨奏。”此物一经发现,即引起轰动。后经专家鉴定,确属唐代武则天遗物,并命名为武则天金简,被定为国家一级珍…  相似文献   
A millennium ago in Northern Song (960–1127) China, Emperor Huizong initiated the “Eight Virtues of Conduct” in order to recruit morally upright officials. In place of the candidates’ skills in literary composition and understanding of the Confucian classics, this scheme adopted candidates’ moral virtues as their major criterion of selection. This paper analyzes how this scheme was implemented. It also shows that the rejection of certain genuinely virtuous nominees and the recruitment of some candidates who had exhibited objectionable conduct somehow compromised the emperor’s ideal. This analysis is followed by a discussion of the political and social implications of the scheme. Instead of perceiving this promotion channel as a means for Huizong and Chief Councilor Cai Jing to eliminate dissidents and install ideological conformity, the author argues that the scheme was an initiative of the emperor to counter the chief councilor’s dominance and alleviate factional conflicts. The final section examines the extent to which this scheme facilitated social mobility in the Song dynasty.  相似文献   
P. Schmidt  A. Morala 《Archaeometry》2018,60(5):885-897
The earliest evidence of flint and chert heat treatment was found in the ~21.5–17 ka old European Solutrean culture. The appearance of pyrotechnology as part of the production of stone tools has important implications for our understanding of Upper Palaeolithic technological evolution and the specific adaptations during the last glacial maximum in Europe. However, the techniques and procedures used to heat‐treat rocks during the Solutrean remain poorly understood. No direct archaeological evidence has so far been found and the most promising approach is to understand these techniques by determining the parameters with which flint and chert were heated at that time. In this study, we investigate the heating temperature of 44 heat‐treated laurel‐leaf points from Laugerie‐Haute, using a non‐destructive technique based on infrared spectroscopy. Our results document that most of the artefacts were heated to a narrow interval of temperatures between 250 °C and 300 °C. This indicates a standardized technique that allowed to created similar conditions during successive heating cycles. The implications of these results for our understanding of the technical complexity during the Solutrean must be discussed in the light of different heating techniques used at different places and periods.  相似文献   
内蒙古赤峰市大山前遗址属于中国北方青铜时代早期文化遗存 ,出土了大量夏家店下层文化遗物 ,其年代为 2 0 0 0BC~ 15 0 0BC。本文对大山前第一地点 1996年发掘区中部的探方T4 0 6内F8H1灰坑出土的木炭碎块进行了种属鉴定 ,并对出土的不同树种的木炭碎块进行分类和称量 ,得知当时的地带性植被为油松林和蒙古栎林 ,生态气候为温湿类型 ,同时也存在着气候暖干波动现象 ;柳属的发现说明遗址附近有河流存在 ;根据蒙古栎的起源和生态特性推测这一时期可能有人类的砍伐活动 ;H1出土的油松木炭可能绝大多数属于薪炭遗存  相似文献   
对中国特色社会主义道路的内涵,可以从理论上认识,也可以从历史上认识。从历史上认识,最重要的是弄清改革开放前后两个时期的历史及其相互关系。党的十七大报告关于改革开放事业与党的三代中央领导集体关系的论述,为我们正确认识这一问题提供了重要指导思想。只要根据这一指导思想考察改革开放前后两个29年的历史,就会清楚地看到,前者是探索中国社会主义道路的历史,后者是开创并全面发展中国特色社会主义的历史;前者是后者的基础,没有前者的成就和正反两方面的经验做基础,就没有后者的飞速发展;后者是前者的继承、扬弃和完善,没有后者的改革开放,前者也难以为继。前后两个29年虽然有很大区别,但都内在地统一于科学社会主义原则之下。  相似文献   
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