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As Dartmouth has been the only wreck of a man-of-war from the 17th century to have been published in a preliminary report, it has long been the benchmark wreck for this period. Since the date of the publication, however, research has uncovered information that was not available at the time and which may shed additional light on this interesting ship. This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of Dartmouth 's construction and her place as a typical small cruiser of the mid-17th century.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   
During 2001, the NAUSICAA office organized a research campaign on the site where two carronades had been retrieved by a fishing boat. Side-scan sonar research led to the discovery of a mound and six more carronades. The mound was composed of iron ingots, cannon balls, and tools reused as ballast. After the cleaning of a carronade, it was possible to read the name of the foundry, Du Creusot , and the date, 1806. This evidence was sufficient to identify this as the wreck of the Napoleonic brick, Mercure , lost during the Battle of Grado, fought between an English and French fleet in February 1812.  相似文献   
This article presents a case study of the entry of two Norwegianlifeboat companies into the Chinese production system. Ratherthan merely studying the situation through the eyes of thesecompanies, it includes a perspective from the far side of internationalbusiness, i.e., the local competitors. The article argues thatto understand the dynamics and development of both internationalcompanies and localized production systems in a global economy,it is necessary to explore how international and local actorsreflexively evaluate and act upon each other. The article, thus,presents a model for studying the internationalization processand localized production systems.  相似文献   
The Spanish ship Salvador sank on 31 August 1812 in Maldonado Bay. A 50 m-long merchant ship, it was used for troop transport and originally destined for Peru. After the revolution in the Oriental Band of the River Plate (actually Uruguay) against colonial power, the ship deviated from its course to attack the port of Montevideo captured for the patriots. On board were 520 soldiers belonging to the Albuhera battalion, along with crew and passengers. It was taken by surprise by a strong south-east wind, known locally as Pampero , and ran aground on sandbanks. The ship broke into two parts and only 130 people survived.  相似文献   
“石屿二号”沉船遗址位于西沙群岛石屿东侧的珊瑚礁石上,是西沙群岛海域一处重要水下文化遗存。该遗址出水了青花、卵白釉、白釉、青灰釉、酱釉等多种瓷器,是探索古代海上丝绸之路和外销瓷贸易的关键窗口。虽然前人通过青花瓷器类型学分析确定了遗址的相对年代,但由于未发现船体痕迹无法进行碳十四测年,而热释光测年方法则为确定遗址的绝对年代提供了一种替代手段。为了探究该遗址出水青花瓷器的热释光性质及年代,本研究利用前剂量饱和指数法对16件青花瓷片进行了古剂量测试。使用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)分析样品的放射性元素U、Th、40K的含量。在剂量率的计算过程中综合考虑了样品的经纬度、埋藏深度、含水率以及放射性元素含量等参数,并首次使用综合矿物分析(TIMA)揭示了瓷胎中的石英粒径分布情况,以提高剂量率计算的准确度。热释光年代结果表明,这批青花瓷烧制于元代至明代早期,在释光有限的误差范围内符合传统鉴定方法得出的该遗址属于元代这一结论。这有助于揭示该历史时期相关器物的制作工艺、实际用途和可能的产地。此外,这也为理解该历史时期青花瓷器在...  相似文献   
Found in 1993 of the rocks of the fortress São Julião da Barra, at the mouth of the Tagus River, the SJB2 shipwreck—or Pepper Wreck—was tentatively identified as the Portuguese Indiaman Nossa Senhora dos Mártires , lost at this location on its return voyage from Cochin, in India, on 14 September 1606. Its archaeological excavation disclosed a collection of artefacts from the late 16th and the early 17th centuries and allowed the study of the surviving hull structure. The evidence suggests that the Pepper Wreck was a typical Portuguese Indiaman, similar to those described in Portuguese 16th century ship treatises, with a keel of around 27.7 m and an overall length of nearly 40 m.  相似文献   
Investigations off Kinlochbervie, conducted between 1997 and 2003, have recorded a shipwreck site and recovered the largest collection of Italian Renaissance pottery ever discovered from an archaeological context in Scotland. This paper details work carried out and discusses the possible dating and nationality of the ship in the context of maritime contacts within western Europe at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
Shipping traffic is scouring away seabed sediment in St Peter Port harbour, Guernsey. Since 1985 nine sections of well-preserved medieval ship structure have been revealed, representing at least five separate vessels. Although they seem broadly contemporary, it is not yet possible to say whether any or all were lost at the same time. With their rescue under way, research has addressed their provenance, their roles, and their relationship to Guernsey and the wider medieval world. This paper discusses ships that are of international significance today not least because they were of similar importance in their own time.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
"黑石号"沉船出水了大量中国唐代中晚期的瓷器和一些金属器等,为海上丝绸之路的重要物证。通过对长沙窑瓷器、越窑青瓷、白瓷、绿彩瓷器、金银器、铜镜的造型、装饰及图案等的解读,阐述了中国唐中晚期外销瓷器的总体情况和所包含的文化交流内涵,分析了外销对中国部分窑口瓷业生产的影响。对采集到的两件白瓷标本进行了X射线荧光光谱元素组成分析,探讨了外销白瓷可能的产地。论文也就沉船可能的出发港和目的港进行了讨论。  相似文献   
In 1749, the house of commons appointed a committee of enquiry into the lands and trade of Hudson's Bay. This was the climax to nearly 20 years' work by the Ulsterman, Arthur Dobbs, which focused first on renewed search for a northwest passage and later widened to attempt to expand trade and settlement by challenging the monopoly of the Hudson's Bay Company. Dobbs's Irish patriotism, linked by support for union with Britain with his remarkably expansive vision of British empire, became concentrated on this campaign with a zeal and tenacity which overrode contrary evidence based on experience. Propaganda pamphlets, mobilisation of compatriots, merchant and political contacts, briefs for MPs, marshalling of evidence and witnesses for parliamentary committees, 30 petitions from a variety of places, organised by Liverpool and Bristol merchants who took the lead in the final campaign: all were used to attempt to influence parliament. This was an impressive mid-century effort to promote British commerce and manufactures, actively supported by the parliamentary opposition which was reviving under Leicester House leadership. Yet, while this campaign could shape the report of the committee of enquiry, the House itself was not so easily moved, especially when public expenditure was likely to be involved. A motion arising from the report was decisively defeated. The impressive campaign came to nought. While it indeed reveals powerful visions of commercial and imperial expansion in the mid 18th century, the outcome suggests that realism and scepticism prevailed at the heart of the state.  相似文献   
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