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“烧太阳”成为阿里新时尚“就是做梦也想不到太阳不仅能晒,还能点、能烧,而且比点酥油灯、烧牛粪干净,照你们城里人的说法,这是环保哩。”牧民次旺仁青一边用太阳能灶做饭,一边得意地说。太阳能灯点亮了夜晚的草原,年长的老人们看着电视或在灯光下做着羊毛活计,孩子们则在一旁温习功课。南伊珞巴儿童入学率达10088年成立的南伊珞巴民族乡在国家的扶持下,经济、教育等方面都发生巨大变化。目前,全乡适龄儿童入学率达100%,97%的青壮年脱盲。西藏旅游业总收入十年增4倍西藏副主席洛桑江村介绍,自1990年至2002年,西藏旅游业总收入占全区GD…  相似文献   
In early November 2004, the TAR Federation of Trade Unions and its female workers committee cited female workers in the forefront of track-laying with the China Railway No. 11 Bureau Group. It was the first time for me to come to Amdo to interview this group of women who toil at an altitude of nearly 5,000 meters in disregard of freezing cold nights.  相似文献   
About 50 years ago, people going into and out of Tibet could only rely on their own backs and pack-horses to transport something. Then,it would take more than 100 days to go to the hinterland from Lhasa, and a round trip would take about a year. The QinghaiTibet Railway will tell the world that the only region without a railway in China will soon lose this title. This is obviously an exciting and great event!  相似文献   
青藏铁路曾因为给野生动物迁徙带来影响而饱受争议,现在有证据表明藏羚羊等野生动物已经逐渐适应青藏铁路了。  相似文献   
王郢 《旅游》2008,(10)
深藏在藏南一隅的萨迦,即便是青藏铁路开通引起的旅行热,也只是有部分游人从珠峰或是阿里归来顺路转个弯到萨迦寺转上一圈然后匆匆返回。  相似文献   
8月16日9时,K9821次列车满.载着第一批乘客,由拉萨西行,在山峦间、云雾下、绿色上、谷中行进2个小时后抵达日喀则。这条被誉为"天路"的青藏铁路,已经向珠穆朗玛峰方向延伸了251千米,结束了藏西南地区不通火车的历史。  相似文献   
红色工业遗迹如今,洛桑多吉已过耳顺之年,对自己的一生仍不无感慨。1975年,十八岁的他离开山南曲松县,通过招工进入拉萨水泥厂,一干就是三十八年。坐落在根培乌孜山麓西侧、东嘎山山脚下的拉萨水泥厂,是西藏第一家水泥制造企业。在青藏铁路通车之前,西藏长期交通不便,运送水泥困难,运输成本极高。  相似文献   
In April 2006, cold air reigned in Lhasa. My friend Balsang and I were driving to Yangbajain railway tunnel, the first one after leaving Lhasa Railway Station. The tunnel is surrounded by emerald mountains from north to south. Beside the mountains, flocks and herds were grazing, and more than ten railway workers were walking along the railway line checking its safety. In the distance, the roaring of the machines could be heard from time to time. There were six or seven persons chattering happily while they worked on a flat dam not far away, neatly putting unfired earthen bricks in place.  相似文献   
唐钰 《中国西藏》2006,(3):12-15
当呼啸而来的火车穿越青藏高原时,人们定会由衷地感谢和赞美那些曾经为铺设这条青藏铁路而英勇拼搏、无私奉献的筑路英雄们。但是,人们也许不知道,这条雄跨世界屋脊的铁路,曾经以怎样严峻的态度考验了它的建设们。  相似文献   
人口抽样调查显示西藏常住人口276万,西藏7名僧人获得藏传佛教格西拉让巴学位,中国西藏妇女网正式开通,西藏电话用户数突破百万,“两岸摄影家合拍-西藏24小时”在加尔各答展出,青藏铁路与敦煌铁路将在格尔木接轨,《中国西藏当代绘画展》在悉尼开幕……  相似文献   
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