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If you examine historicalrecords from before thefounding of the People'sRepublic of China, you willdiscover that there was neither aChinese-version nor a Tibetan-version of newspaper in DechenPrefeeture of Yunnan Provincebecause the distribution ofinformation relied on messengerspassing through post offices.The rise of New China broughtabout the founding of the DechenTibetan Autonomous Prefecture.On October 1st, 1988, the DechenDaily launched a pilot program.Accompanied by the gradualenforcement of a Tibetan newsmedia by the local governmentof Dechen Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture, newspaper in Tibetanwas published and Tibetan channelwas also broadcast gradually.On May 5th 2013, along withthe founding of the Shangri-LaWebsite in Tibetan, the social,political, economic and culturaldevelopment of Dechen Prefecturebegan to be widely spread aroundthe world.  相似文献   
There is a small lane in thewestern part of the BarkorSouth Street. It is probablythe most bustling place in the area.In this lane, you can find variousstores related to daily life such asrestaurants, vegetable stalls, shoe-repair stores and other small shopsMany people are hurrying to thisstreet to buy a variety of dailynecessities. You can find a taste of lifehere.  相似文献   
In Changtang Prairie, thenomadic natures of wild, unrulyand doughty are always inpeople's blood vessels. However, withthe intrusion of modern civilization,the wildness and unruliness mostlystay in elder people's memories.Every single wrinkle on the foreheadof a weather-beaten old man is arecord of an unforgettable history.Every old man would speak proudlyto his offspring about the tribe hebelongs, the history of its "bonefamily" and great achievements ofhis tribe leaders. The elders still takedelight in talking about the legendsof their bone family ancestors.  相似文献   
2014TNF100@北京国际越野挑战赛完美落幕 日前,备受众多耐力跑者和户外爱好者期待和关注的TheNorthFace10020141E京国际越野挑战赛在北京海淀凤凰岭完美落幕。2014年,  相似文献   
加拿大国家铁路公司于近日在北京举行记者招待会,正式向中国游客推荐乘火车游加拿大的旅行体验。加拿大国家铁路公司全年为加拿大国内和来自的世界各地旅客提供体验加拿大壮丽、千变万化的旷世美景的机会。无论是在冬季穿过白雪皑皑的落基山脉,  相似文献   
Kurt 《世界》2014,(8):132-139
你会忘却时间,忘却真实,当每天第一缕晨曦投射过来,一场响彻宇宙的诗朗诵便宣告开始。  相似文献   
申易WYY 《世界》2014,(8):140-143
机场里的Lounge是航空公司的脸面,想要抓住乘客的心,就不得不把它打造完美。  相似文献   
深秋的成都,微风拂面,细雨蒙蒙,充盈着一番别样的情趣和诗意。  相似文献   
桑耶原野的两翼向着天际伸展 依偎着绵延不绝的雅鲁藏布江 像一只硕大的鹏鸟滑翔着空气 静悄悄,只有色彩,无有声息  相似文献   
中国国家主席习近平提出“中国梦”,其卓越之处是对中国传统哲学“修身齐家治国平天下”的提炼和升华。中国正迅速崛起成为国内游、出境游、入境游的全球引领者。旅游业与中国梦关系紧密,是实现中国梦的表现力、推动力。本次对话第一次汇聚中澳和其他国际知名专家,共同探讨如何最有效利用旅游业为中国梦做重要贡献。  相似文献   
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