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随着成都市社会经济的快速发展,近郊县市的旅游发展也愈演愈热,在激烈的竞争中,如何脱颖而出成了各旅游目的地最关心的问题。本文通过对四川阿坝州水磨古镇灾后旅游发展现状和问题进行分析,以"4Ps"营销理论为理论依据,来探讨其旅游发展中的问题与不足,为其未来的目标市场营销做一定参考。  相似文献   
中国西南藏羌民族有修造碉楼建筑的传统,主要集中在四川阿坝、甘孜,少数位于西藏、云南和青海。碉楼的文献记载最早见于《后汉书·南蛮西南夷列传》:“冉(贱)夷者,武帝所开,元鼎六年,以为汶山郡。……皆依山而居止,累石为室,高者至十余丈,为邛笼。”  相似文献   
The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   
初雪之后 阿坝藏族羌族自治州位于四川西北部,与青海、甘肃毗邻,因为资源丰富,被世界旅游专家称为“世界生态旅游最佳目的地”。阿坝州的西北属青藏高原,山峦起伏,风光迤逦;同时阿坝州也是四川第二大藏区,藏寺林立,民居自成一派,民族风情浓厚。  相似文献   
他们从四面八方而来,带着爱心和理想,遇到的却是一地鸡毛巨石如硕大的泪珠砸向岷江,阻断了进入山区小镇映秀的生命之路。这里是阿坝州的南大门,也是从成都通往九寨沟的必经  相似文献   
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岷江上游位于四川西北部的阿坝藏族羌族自治州,属于青藏高原东部边缘地带。这一地区不但是西南地区石棺葬发现最早的地区,也是目前西南地区发现的石棺葬分布最为密集、数量最多的地区。如果要对西南地区的石棺葬进行深入研  相似文献   
“很多陌生的人都认为我是印度人”,江根·忠登朗嘉老人开玩笑地说。老人头上或白或黑稀稀疏疏的头发,的确有这种感觉。他的话不多,表情中自然带着一个老人应有的慈祥和稳重,会时不时对着你微笑一下,让人立刻感觉到那厚重的温情。老人的汉语说的不是很好,他用藏语牧区话和我聊天,从他的口音中,我猜想他是四川阿坝的,  相似文献   
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