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韦巧云 《世界》2012,(11):164-169
在这个金三角山区部落的一个星期,没有一张像样的床,没有结实的屋顶,每晚躺在逼仄的草屋里,随时都在担心头顶那一方草棚会掉下来。可是,城市霓虹灯的刺眼同样绝迹于此,取而代之的是璀璨的星空、闪烁的繁星。  相似文献   
徐莉 《文史月刊》2012,(1):25-25
朱德到德国留学时,已经36岁了。初到德国,朱德遇到的最大障碍是语言不通,既不能直接同德国人会话,又无法阅读德文书籍,而当地所能见到的马克思等人的著作多是德文版的。因此,在初到柏林的半年时间里,朱德把主要精力放在学习德文上。这对已经36岁的他来说,是需要有很不寻常的决心和毅力的。  相似文献   
徐春昕  冯帆 《旅游》2010,(7):26-29
名字听着陌生吗?打开地图,朝欧洲的正中心看,你就能看到它。这个五百多平方公里的大湖被德国、瑞士和奥地利这三个国家环绕着,而这三个国家刚好都说德语(博登湖里的鱼很可能说德语),因此博登湖也被称为是德语区最大的淡水湖。在这里度假的以欧洲本地人为主,是个安静、干净、开阔,而且空气里带点微微甜味的地方。  相似文献   
The events we will be dwelling upon and which are known from the cuneiform sources unearthed at Bogazkoey date directly to the time of Hattusili I or later, and provide information about the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom which took place in the cities that were closely linked to or directly occurring in the capital city, Hattusa, or elsewhere. It is not possible to put campaigns, conquests and the events in exact chronological order within the foundation period of the Hittite kingdom. However, it can be said that while the early part of the reign of Hattusili I was mostly a period when the borders were expanded by military campaigns and conquests, the later part of this king‘s reign was most probably when internal turmoil arose.  相似文献   
A hymn that praises the Sun god belongs to the earliest literature work of Mesopotamian civilization and it expressed a hearty praise of the absolute being, the Sun, the god of brightness of the ancient Akkadian people of 3^rd millennium. It is one of the earliest religious and literature heritages written in Semitic language (2600-2500 B.C) by the Akkadian people, the Semitics in the early Mesopotamia, who began to borrow the Sumerian cuneiforms to write their own speeches. The two exemplars of the hymn were excavated from two distant places: one came during 1963-65 from Tell Abu-Salabikh, the ruin of an unknown ancient city, 12 miles from the northwest ofNippur. A photograph of the main but damaged text, OIP 99 - IAS, no 326, without a handwritten copy, and a hand copy of a fragment of the hymn, OIP 99 no 342, were published by American scholar R. Biggs in 1974I. The language of Abu-Salabikh is the earliest Semitic (c. 2500 B.C), possibly related to the later Old Akkadian (2300-2100 B.C). In 1974-1975, a generally complete text of this hymn but rewritten by the local Semitic scribes in Ebla dialect was discovered in the ancient city Ebla (Tell Mardikh)2 in Syria by an Italian archaeologist team. German scholar D. O. Edzard hand-copied the original text in 1984 as The Archiv Reali di Ebla Testi V, no 6 and did an initiative transliteration3. In 1989,  相似文献   
2010年1月8~9日,中国首届DSD(Deutsches Sprach-Diplom:德语语言证书)学校校长论坛在上海举行。本次论坛由德国德中协会常务理事和文化经济交流办公室倡议和组织、德国国外学校教育司主办,杭州腾马文化传播有限公司协办。应德中协会邀请,本刊记者应邀到会专访。  相似文献   
英国|林肯救命鹦鹉家住英国林肯62岁的芭芭拉患有"睡眠呼吸暂停症",睡觉时会突然呼吸暂停,严重时会窒息死亡。幸运的是,她养了一只名叫多米尼克的非洲灰鹦鹉,每次只要她睡着后呼吸暂停,鹦鹉就会用翅膀和喙拼命扑打和啄咬,把她叫醒。多米尼克今年7岁,十分聪明,会说英语和德语。起初,因为多米尼克常遭家  相似文献   
郑静 《旅游纵览》2013,(4):194-195
随着经济的发展和全球化进程的加快,我国越来越多的高校开设了以培养专业应用型人才的德语专业。本文分析了此类高校在应用型人才培养过程中存在的主要问题,也对这些问题提出了一些改进方法。  相似文献   
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