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李梁 《黑龙江史志》2013,(21):36-36
河东作为中国历史上著名的三河地区之一,无论其在地理区位上,还是政治经济方面,都曾发挥过重要作用。隋唐时期河东解盐的生产技术有了很大的发展,尤其是"垦畦浇晒"技术的发明推广和普及。由此,河东池盐的历史翻开了新的一页。  相似文献   
1958 年的"大跃进",使全国各行各业都进入一种"急功近利"的状态,高等教育于极短的时间里,在各地建设了一大批"高等学府",招生制度也向"左"转,只求数量,不管质量。这样做的结果,必然导致正常教育秩序紊乱,教育质量下降。"左"风盛行,为患多多。欲知详情,请阅《"大跃进"中的高校招生》一文。  相似文献   
解放后,湄潭茶场经过几年的恢复和发展,逐渐显露生机。但由于解放前贵州茶叶遭受长期抛荒,不仅茶园面积缩小,而且茶树衰老又零星分散,产量非常低下。光靠这些老茶园来提高茶叶产量和质量,潜力是非常有限的。解放后,我国茶叶出口逐渐增加,国内消费也有所增长,茶叶需求出现上升趋势。发展茶叶生产,扩大新茶园,在全国各茶区全面展开。  相似文献   
张懋镕 《文博》2013,(2):19-26
本文首先分析了新见到的3件铜器:黼鼎、26年佣叔壶与28年肮簋,论证它们都是穆王时期的铜器。并以此为基点,讨论了两件年代有争议的铜器:24年枷簋和30年吴盔,推定这两件铜器也是穆王时期的铜器,而且是标准器。然后将这几件标准器与以往所知的穆王时期标;住器联系在一起,其得穆王标;住器13件。据此第一次提出一个王世有“标;住器群”的概念,认为这将有助于进一步完善西周铜器断代研究的理论与方法,对重新认识穆王时期铜器的面貌,对于西周册命制度的研究,对于西周全文历谱的研究,也均具有重要意义。  相似文献   
At 9 am, May 17th, 2013, we set out through heavy snow from the County of Honvuan forthe Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm in Western Ruoergai. Along the way, we saw few humans but there were groups of yaks grazing with a quiet, masterful air on the snowcovered prairie. The road was uneven and our young driver, Tashi, seemed to like playing "dodgem cars" in this playground while trying his best to avoid every puddle along the way. Our SUVjolted up and down, splashing muddy water on the still falling white snow. In Secretary Norbu's car, and warmed by the heater, we arrived at tfhe Goat Husbandry Farm at ten thirty. Due to a power cut, that big farmyard was deserted but Tashi heated instant noodles for his breakfast in a pressure cooker on a wood stove. We were about 3500 meters above sea level so water boiled at only 80 degrees Centigrade. Half an hour later, a man rushed into the room, bringing the cold air with him from the outside wind and snow. He immediately extended his hand to us. "Welcome You are from the Southwest University for Nationalities Last year, President Wang helped us with monitoring and earmarking. We appreciated it very much." The "President Wang" just mentioned by Secretary Song Dingbin of the Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm, was Wang Yong, Vice President of the Southwest University for Nationalities and Director of the Institute for Qinghai Tibet Plateau. He is tutor for the graduate students majoring in "Animal Genetic Breeding andPropagation", an expert who has made outstanding contributions in Sichuan. Privately, people would call him "Goat Wang". Jianzhou Big Ear Goat Actually, the name "Goat Wang" is not unique to Wang Yong. There is another "Goat Wang" in the school,Prof Wang Jie. Both "Wangs" study goats with considerable achievements, so both are given this excellent name. The difference is their respective ages. Professor Wang Jie has retired, so it is natural that Wang Yong is "Junior Goat Wang". For quite some time, our country has imported breeding goats from overseas. Secretary Song Dingbin said that in 1958 the state purchased some Merino sheep from Australia and New Zealand with gold, and established the Xiaman Goat Breeding Farm to produce high quality wool. As for meat production, the Boer goat has long dominated the market. Wang Yong, a Doctor in"Animal Genetic Breeding and Propagation", determined to change it. In 1998, supported by the Jianyang government, Doctor Wang Yong and his research team started to breed and cultivate the new "Jianzhou Big Ear Goat". They used the foreign Nubian goat to crossbreed with the local Jianyang goat. So a new population was produced and improved by crossbreeding and selection for the next generation by way of open herd breeding. The team employed a strict and complicated standard to select breeding goats. If any detail, no matter if it was appearance,  相似文献   
斯巴鲁作为具有强烈社会责任感的汽车生产厂商,在致力追求汽车技术发展和生产节能环保的高性能汽车产品的同时,一直积极关注和支持中国的自然生态保护事业。  相似文献   
选择流传有绪的清宫旧藏器和青海瞿昙寺旧藏器,比较其无损检测数据,并结合传统的鉴定手段,为故宫宣铜器的研究开辟新方法。同时,在此基础上建立起来的数据库,也为研究者提供了一个可靠的参照。  相似文献   
刘静 《黑龙江史志》2013,(13):126-126
<正>企业档案是企业在各项活动中形成的,企业活动是指企业生产、经营、行政、科研、基建、设备管理等各种职能部门,企业档案工作是企业研发、生产、经营、管理活动的基础性管理工作,应以满足企业各项活动在证据、责任和信息等方面的需求为导向,实现企业基本目标的活动。因此,企业档案是企业各种因素相互作用的产物,是各种内容和载体档案的总和。如何做好企业档案管理工作,我认为应该以下几个问题:  相似文献   
黄成松 《神州》2013,(36):12-13
《蛮洞竹枝词一百首》是贵州西部地区著名地方志《大定府志》收录的反映水西地区少数民族风俗文化的诗歌,作者是清乾隆年间举人、黔西学政余上泗,其内容大多是记载当地少数民族如彝族、苗族、仡佬、仲家等的生产生活和民族风情。这些诗歌优美生动,至今毕节地区还有传唱,是研究古代水西地区少数民族民情、文化的宝贵资料。  相似文献   
从建构主义视角提出"新建古镇"的概念,在经济效益的基础上强调文化价值与社会效益.总结四种本真化模式,对接空间生产三元组,搭建"本真化—空间生产"分析框架,以古北水镇为例,分析新建古镇的文化活态呈现,结论如下:①被感知空间由决定型物质构建模式主导,从感官层面凸显物质空间的历史感;②概念化空间是历史文化呈现的结果,体现话语...  相似文献   
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