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李晓璇 《神州》2014,(9):208-208
西藏高原历史悠久,藏族人民在艰苦的自然环境下创造了辉煌的文化和艺术。西藏绘画艺术历史久远,且具有浓郁的民族风格和鲜明的民族特色。自佛教传入西藏后,绘画艺术在西藏蓬勃发展,一直延续到今天,留下了无数令人叹为观止的惊世绝作。西藏绘画艺术具有其他绘画艺术所不具备的特殊性,对当代绘画艺术有巨大影响力。  相似文献   
丁穹拉康石窟群地处西藏最西北部的阿里地区日土县境内,调查发现共计4座石窟,1号窟为礼拜窟,2~4号窟为禅修窟,组合完整。1号窟壁画内容丰富,主要包括三组曼荼罗、一组地方护法神、两位护法金刚和尸林修行、地狱变、供养人物等。该石窟群时代为10~12世纪,是西藏西部后弘初期最重要的石窟群之一。  相似文献   
New Year in Tibetan calendar is a traditional grand festival for Tibetans. This year, the Wood-horseTibetan New Year of the 17th Rabjung, is on March 2nd, 2014. Traditionally, when it is Decemberaccording to the Tibetan calendar, Tibetans start to prepare for their big festival. Of course, one of themost important things to do is New Year's shopping. The New Year shopping market is actually an enhancedembodiment of Tibetan's daily lives.  相似文献   
If you examine historicalrecords from before thefounding of the People'sRepublic of China, you willdiscover that there was neither aChinese-version nor a Tibetan-version of newspaper in DechenPrefeeture of Yunnan Provincebecause the distribution ofinformation relied on messengerspassing through post offices.The rise of New China broughtabout the founding of the DechenTibetan Autonomous Prefecture.On October 1st, 1988, the DechenDaily launched a pilot program.Accompanied by the gradualenforcement of a Tibetan newsmedia by the local governmentof Dechen Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture, newspaper in Tibetanwas published and Tibetan channelwas also broadcast gradually.On May 5th 2013, along withthe founding of the Shangri-LaWebsite in Tibetan, the social,political, economic and culturaldevelopment of Dechen Prefecturebegan to be widely spread aroundthe world.  相似文献   
In the past, a letter sent from Tibet to inland China often took almost half a year to arrive. In Tibet, people had to walk a long way, and then waited in a long queue for access to a fixed phone. Because of the poor state of telecommunications in Tibet in those early days, people in Tibet heard and saw little of the wonderful world outside. This in turn created an even greater apparent distance between Tibet and that outside world.  相似文献   
<正>When something or someplace reverberates in one’s mind and lingers for a long time,then you know it must be something special-and so it was when I took my th...  相似文献   
News in Brief     
Tibet First Select Regional Art and Craft Masters
The government of TAR selected 25 art and craft masters on the regional level for the first time on April 18, 2014 to further promote the inheritance and development of traditional Tibetan arts and crafts. The 25 masters are as follow:  相似文献   
There is a small lane in thewestern part of the BarkorSouth Street. It is probablythe most bustling place in the area.In this lane, you can find variousstores related to daily life such asrestaurants, vegetable stalls, shoe-repair stores and other small shopsMany people are hurrying to thisstreet to buy a variety of dailynecessities. You can find a taste of lifehere.  相似文献   
In Changtang Prairie, thenomadic natures of wild, unrulyand doughty are always inpeople's blood vessels. However, withthe intrusion of modern civilization,the wildness and unruliness mostlystay in elder people's memories.Every single wrinkle on the foreheadof a weather-beaten old man is arecord of an unforgettable history.Every old man would speak proudlyto his offspring about the tribe hebelongs, the history of its "bonefamily" and great achievements ofhis tribe leaders. The elders still takedelight in talking about the legendsof their bone family ancestors.  相似文献   
西藏人说的"高原红",是指因紫外线光照强烈,在年轻姑娘脸颊上留驻的"胭脂",在西藏生活久了,不管是藏族汉族,脸蛋上都容易有一些难以去除的"红颜"。但是,近年来,西藏的"高原红"却悄然变少了。曾经,一提到西藏,人们就会想到当地人红扑扑的脸蛋。慢慢地,高原红开始承载越来越多的寓意,成了藏家姑娘纯洁无暇、美丽动人的符号。除了高原红葡萄酒、高原红歌手组合,有"九寨歌王"之称的藏族歌手容中尔甲专门唱了一首激情如火的《高原红》,令人如痴如醉的歌声也把高原红的藏族印记传遍了海内外。  相似文献   
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