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若以今天的眼光来打量,甲玛沟可谓其貌不扬,也名不见经传。这里位于墨竹工卡县城以西10来公里,距离拉萨也才60多公里。却使是走318国道从拉萨到林芝的路途中,往来的游客可能会注意到那标有“藏王故里“或“松赞干布出生地”字样的标语及甲玛景区藏式大门,却鲜有人会真正深入到景区内游览参观,一睹沟肉的景观及所蕴含的风华烟云。  相似文献   
桑耶原野的两翼向着天际伸展 依偎着绵延不绝的雅鲁藏布江 像一只硕大的鹏鸟滑翔着空气 静悄悄,只有色彩,无有声息  相似文献   
无论你是学生.是白领.是背包客,还是设计师,企业家;无论你用单反,用胶片,还是用手机。只要你来到西藏.按动快门,留下记忆。就请加入我们的“光影客栈”,和我们分享您拍摄时的心情。上传有趣的照片到西藏人文地理豆瓣小站http:flsite.doubancom/164343或@西藏人文地理官方微博:秽weibocom/xzrwdl  相似文献   
今年9月是西藏自治区成立50周年,作为一名在西藏工作过的老同志,对这个日子具有一种特殊的情感。我们既为西藏50年来取得的辉煌成就感到高兴,同时也不由想起党中央、国务院有关领导同志在政治上和工作上给予我们这些“老西藏”的关心支持,以及与我们结下的深厚革命情谊。  相似文献   
西藏铜币是指旧西藏地方政府发行的在藏区流通的铜质货币,是藏银币的辅币。西藏铜币始铸于公元1909年,1953年停铸。笔者有幸得到一批(共十一枚)品相较为精美的藏铜币,按发行年代分为1927年版“雪冈”、1936年版“新雪冈”和1949年版“雪阿”三个版别。为了解铜币的保存现状、成份组成和制造工艺,分别采用X射线衍射仪、X射线荧光光谱仪和金相显微镜作表面锈蚀产物、表面成分和显微金相分析。1实验部分:1·1样品介绍:样品分1927年版(五枚)“雪冈”、1936年版(五枚)的“新雪冈”和1949年版的“雪阿”(一枚)共三个版别。取四枚样品,记作ZB-1(1…  相似文献   
陈桥 《中国钱币》2006,(1):52-53
近年来,随着钱币收藏与研究的不断扩大、深入,作为现金兑换券的银行存单、支票、汇票等被视为人民币系列收藏品,越来越受到广大收藏爱好者的青睐和重视,且不时也有一些珍品浮出水面。今年6月初,我在贵州觅得一套60年代初中国人民银行西藏分行“部队专用定活两便定额存单”,由于未曾见到相关报道,现结合史料对该套存单及有关情况谈谈个人的认识。一、存单的种类、形制该套存单共5枚,为5圆、10圆、20圆、50圆、100圆五种面额,均为竖式三色印刷,无水印。每种存单上的存单号和“部队专用”文字同为红色印刷;每张存单的颜色和大小都有差别:伍元券…  相似文献   
When guests came to visit Diya people in Ngari,the hosts would ask the young girl in the family to toast them with songs. Holding a wine cup, the girl would stand in front of the guests in turn, and after singing one song, would invite the guest to drink one cup of wine; each guest was serenaded with a different song, although all centered on blessing. From many different people, I have received details of the different songs that now fill my notebook. One song goes like this: In the azure a…  相似文献   
PhariPhari Town stands at an elevation of 4, 360 met ers. Befo re Na gqu and Shiquanhe grew into towns, Phari was already known as the highest town in the world. Nowadays,it is the largest of its kind in Tibet. The houses of Tibetan residents, each wide and flat-roofed, are decorated with colorful vignettes. The town is surrounded by the towering peaks of the Himalayas. The most beautiful Chomolari Peak looks delicate and lovely in the sunshine. "It was busy with many businessmen from Bh…  相似文献   
In April, while Lhasa enjoyed sunshine, the border county of Cona, hundreds of km away saw heavy snow.Meidog?s Carding Machine About two years ago, Meidog, 47, came to the county seat. She carded wool into balls with carding machine bought at some 80,000 Yuan. Several years ago, she was a herdswoman. There are only four people in her family. Her husband worked as a projectionist, her son grazed the cattle and her daughter-in-law managed household chores. Therefore, they had to hire others …  相似文献   
The construction of the Nyingchi Airport started in October 2003. It received collective investmentof 780 million Yuan from the State Development Reform Commission and General Administration of Civil Aviation of China as one of the major projects in the Tibetan Autonomous Region. It is designed to handle 120,000 passengers a year as a feeder tourist airport. Nyingchi is located in southeast Tibet, neighboring India and Myanmar, and lies at an average altitude of 3,100 meters. The mount…  相似文献   
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